Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 767: Dive

On flat ground, it is not easy to kick someone's chest with both feet at the same time after jumping.

Because this is to counter the effect of gravity.

Of course, in movies, this is still true, and most of them are martial arts movies.

The most famous is the "Foshan Wuyingjiao" in the series "Huang Feihong".

However, in order to achieve such an effect when shooting, it is necessary to rely on Wia wire.

And now, Charlotte didn't have any external equipment hanging from her body, but she successfully kicked the red-faced man's chest. The strength was so powerful that he even claimed to be a "monster" and was so strong that he was really not like a human being, and fell backwards at once.

——This is not because Charlotte's kung fu is higher than Master Huang, but purely the effect of environment and gravity.

After all, the plane they were flying at this time was under the control of Charlotte, flying diagonally downward at an exaggerated inclination, completely looking like it was about to fall.

In this case, Charlotte's kick, in fact, can be said to follow the direction of gravity and get the bonus of his own weight. Naturally, it is very easy to complete, and it is heavy and ruthless.

As for why he controls the plane to fly like this, the reason is actually very simple-

From the time the red-faced man stood up and said he was about to hijack the plane and showed the bomb made of phantoms, Charlotte, in order to avoid being disturbed by unsuspecting people when communicating with the other party afterwards, simply used magic to kill the other people on the plane. Pulled into a dream.

——Including the pilots in the cockpit.

In this regard, although the red-faced man who claims to be a "monster" has the ability to be immune to spells due to the influence of the evil in the cabin, other people are not.

Even though the interference of evil spirits caused Charlotte to consume a lot of mana when casting spells, it is not a problem for Charlotte, who now has a large number of mana sources.

——In other words, from a factual point of view, Charlotte hijacked the plane in advance shortly after the red-faced man announced the hijacking.

——Although almost no one knows.

And this also gave Charlotte the advantage of maneuvering the plane on his own according to his own needs, just like now.

Of course, because the main body had to confront the red-faced man head-on and had to concentrate on it, Charlotte did not personally control the plane——

He will control the pilots controlled by the dream, and then control the work of the aircraft, to Charlize.

——Who allowed Charlize to control a certain amount of mana, and like Charlotte, the owner of the nightmare, and to a certain extent also have the control of Charlotte's creation of dreams?

However, Charlize refused at first--

"Flying a plane!? Don't be kidding!!"

The South African girl yelled at Charlotte in her head once in a while.

——In order to avoid being spotted by the red-faced man, the communication between Charlotte and Charlize was carried out in their minds.

——Also, at the same time Charlotte was talking to the red-faced man.

In this regard, Charlize, who has previous experience, is not difficult to adapt.

However, she still feels embarrassed by Charlotte's proposal to let her control the plane—

"The biggest intersection between my life and airplanes is that I often fly by airplanes. Even if I have "fighted" for you, that's all. That's it-you are sure to let me control the airplane!?"

——Obviously, Charlize felt so stressed about the sudden burden of the life of an airplane person, so much so that he did not hesitate to say anything in his heart, directly exposing the essence of his own dirty girl.

In this regard, Charlotte finds it very interesting.

However, after all, now is not a good time for him to tease his wife. Therefore, he just comforted the flustered Charlize in his heart, and told her that he could wake up the pilots whenever necessary, return control of the plane to them, and catch the ducks on the shelf.

——So, Charlize got the first opportunity in his life to fly a large civil airliner.

And the first operation command the novice pilot received from Charlotte was to dive--

"Dive down at the maximum angle of inclination, and then level up before touching the sea!"

——Do you think this is a roller coaster! ?

Charlize complained about Charlotte in his heart, and was a little dissatisfied with what he said and did the same—

As an eccentric, thorny woman with very dirty and violent bones, although Charlize’s thorns are basically ineffective in the face of Charlotte, who is very thick-skinned and more bizarre, she loves violence and excitement. , But because of the life full of fantasy after meeting Charlotte, he was greatly opened up.

Especially after getting the ghost ship "Ovelia", she even drove it "cross the world".

It's just that the ghost ship has a strong ability to move long distances across space, but because of the characteristics of ghosts, the movement effect is closer to silent.

Therefore, after playing for a long time, Charlize still felt that it was not exciting enough.

So, she had the idea of ​​driving a heavy locomotive again, and was rejected by Charlotte on the grounds that it was not safe enough.

"As a result, today you let me drive a large passenger plane to dive into the sea without training, and then skim the sea to level up, and you are even more prepared..."

For a moment, Charlize felt that he had a deeper understanding of the word "unfair"...


Of course, this does not mean that Charlotte completely handed over the plane to Charlize.

After all, the latter has never experienced professional training, nor has he learned to fly in places like Hawaii...

Even if the plane is now above the Atlantic Ocean, there will be no interference or obstacles except sea level when it dives down, but if Charlize does not operate in time, he drives the plane and crashes into the sea...

Therefore, for safety reasons, Charlotte still plans to wake up the pilots at a critical moment and let them deal with it urgently...


In short, Charlotte's direct kick kicked with the gravity advantage brought about by the sharp descent of the plane this time was completely premeditated.

Moreover, he even took advantage of the opportunity of the red-faced man who couldn't react, and he repeatedly kicked the space between his chest and abdomen several times, just like the real Foshan has no shadows.

——The place between the thorax and abdomen is an important weakness of the human body, that is, the position of the “heart-mouth fossa” that is often referred to—being slammed into this place can easily affect the normal operation of the thoracic-peritoneal septum and damage the internal organs. If you change to a normal person, even if Charlotte does not have as strong foot power and martial arts as Huang Feihong, he will be kicked so many times, I am afraid that he would have fallen to the ground long ago.

But although the red-faced man was kicked and his face was livid and the corners of his mouth were bleeding, he still held on and didn't fall down.

He even endured the pain, grabbed Charlotte by the ankle, flicked it, and pressed Charlotte directly onto the side wall of the cabin.

Then he roared and punched Charlotte.

But at this time Charlotte laughed...

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