Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 668: Send

"So, you arrested these girls and imprisoned them at home, are you going to ask them about the Lord of the Abyss by force?"

In the Winchester Mystery Room, Charlize asked Charlotte with a smile.


Charlotte looked at his wife speechlessly, always feeling that in the other's description, she seemed to be a big badass.

"To them, you are a big villain who is illegally imprisoned!"

Charlize saw Charlotte's thoughts,

"I'm not asking you to treat ghosts and monsters gently-after all, I'm not stupid enough, but whether they really know the information you want to know is a question!"

"This is true!"

Charlotte nodded, he looked at the four mermaids who were trapped in the swimming pool now, and couldn't help laughing.

"Actually, even if you don't say it, I can't lay the hand to torture them. After all, such a beautiful girl..."

"You are kind of pitying and cherishing jade!"

The expression on Charlize’s face still looked like a smile, but Charlotte felt that the meaning of his wife’s expression had completely changed.

"In this case, I think it doesn't matter if you just torture them."

"...Sally, your thoughts are changing so fast!"

"Women are fickle!"

Charlize shrugged.

"What's more, I was thinking from the same woman's point of view just now, but now, I'm thinking from your wife's point of view."


"Speaking of which, among your ghosts, it seems that apart from Rui Fan is male, all the others are female, right?"

Seeing Charlotte being silent, Charlize continued.

"Alexis, Francis Farmer, Sharon Tate and her daughter..."

Charlize as his wife listed them one by one,

"The Baskerville Hound and Ovielia are two inhuman ghosts, don't you think the male to female ratio of your ghosts is seriously out of balance? Especially after adding these four mermaids."

"...Sally, you forgot about the large group of Irish Leprechauns!"

Although knowing that his wife was joking with herself, in order to avoid trouble in the future, Charlotte decided to be more serious.

"If you count them, the proportion of women in our family's ghosts will not be considered prominent."

"But the Irish Leprechaun is also asexual!"

"So among my ghosts, the asexual and non-humanoid groups are the mainstream!"

Charlotte argued for reason,

"What do you think there are more female ghosts? It's just Sally's illusion!"


Charlize had a suspicious expression on his face at first, but he didn't get stretched the next moment--

"just kidding!"

She laughed out loud with a "pouch".

"I just think that since we moved to Winchester Mystery House, our family has become more and more like a ghost house!"

"This was originally a ghost house!"

Charlotte smiled.

"And, you should like it very much, don't you?"

"not bad!"

Charlize nodded.

"However, the most important thing is that Ovelia really likes it here."

"This can be regarded as one of the reasons why I moved my family here..."


Since capturing the ghost ship "Ovelia" in the Caribbean Sea, Charlotte quickly moved his and Charlize residence from Beverly Hills to the Winchester Mystery House.

On the one hand, as he said, this huge and weird group of country houses is indeed the source of many American ghost legends.

——After he set up a magic circle nearby, this place is indeed very suitable for natural mana, and has developed the life of Ovelia in a spiritual state.

In fact, the little girl who likes to wander around in a spirit state likes it very much.

——This is obvious to both Charlotte and Charlize.

On the other hand, living in the Winchester Mystery House is good for Charlotte's ghosts and Charlotte's own spell training.

Apart from other things, at least the space here is larger, plus the name of the haunted house itself, in fact, the ghosts show some signs in it, and outsiders will not find it strange.

——This saves a lot of trouble of covering up traces.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, Charlotte and Charlize still live in Beverly Hills.

They sometimes go to a villa in Santa Monica Beach to live for a while, but they rarely leave Los Angeles except for work reasons.

——This impression is caused by Charlotte's new magic circle after capturing the "Ovelia".


A long time ago, Charlotte had been studying ways to quickly move and communicate between different locations through spells.

——Although the development of modern technology has already made the speed of traffic move faster, and telephone and network communication can instantly connect the world.

But to a certain extent, the current traffic movement still fails to achieve the effect of magic teleport after all, and telephone and network communications that cannot be truly met can never completely replace face-to-face communication.

——Especially when it is necessary to show sincerity or carry out some complicated communication.

What's more, as a Hollywood director who often crosses the Atlantic Ocean and even runs around the world to shoot movies, faster mobile and communication methods are indeed helpful to Charlotte...

Before, he could only use the power of Alexis to deliver some news quickly.

——Miss Valkyrie often serves as his messenger, which is also an important reason why he allows him to serve as his secretary.

After buying the Winchester Mystery and then capturing the ghost ship "Ovelia", Charlotte found a better way——

With the ghost ship that can move quickly through the gap space as the core, he created a Charlotte version of the spell teleportation array.

Currently, through this teleportation array, he connects the Winchester Mystery House with the villa in Beverly Hills and the villa in Santa Monica Beach.

——Although under normal circumstances, ghosts such as ghost ships can only bring ghosts into the interstitial space, but with the assistance of spells and magic circles, it will be different.

——A living person who can produce a spirit body can also move between different teleportation circles with the help of a ghost ship.

In this regard, Charlotte is naturally fine.

And the little girl Ovelia is born with mana, and she has already created her own spirit body, which is also possible.

It's Charlize, if it weren't for Charlotte to help her "special training" in the Winchester Mystery Room, and then directly "instill" a lot of mana into her in a unique way, she might not be able to use it for a while. This ghost ship version of the teleportation array.

However, in any case, now the South African girl has mastered the method to control the scarlet ghost separated from her subconscious, and she has a spirit body...

Therefore, although the family of three is still living in the villa in Beverly Hills, in fact, they often wander between the houses connected by the teleportation array.

This also makes their whereabouts more mysterious in the eyes of reporters...


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