Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 667: Mermaid Legend

"It seems that both of them were deceived by you!"

Rui Fan sighed at the door of the ward.

"Realistic people can actually be tricky sometimes!"

Charlotte nodded.

"Especially, in this era, science is prevalent. As long as you give a plausible explanation, the other party will believe that-eliminating the "impossible", such as the fact that there are ghosts in the world, the rest is naturally "the truth." It's—especially, the captain’s wine is indeed fortified."

"This is also in your plan?"

"That's it!"

Charlotte shrugged.

"In addition to adding an explanation, the wine of the respected Mr. Captain can indeed make you more comfortable when you soak in the sea."

"That's true!"

Rui Fan murmured.

"However, if you can predict the appearance of ghosts like mermaids in advance, why not tell me in advance?"

"The problem is, I didn't expect it."

Charlotte smiled bitterly.

"I'm just guessing that the influence of the poor **** may not disappear so easily-after all, we think the accidents we made may not be considered accidents. And -"

"And what?"

Seeing Mr. Director hesitating to say something, Rui Fan asked hurriedly.

"--And the poor **** on Depp's own path is not normal!"

Charlotte explained,

"I specifically asked Alexis to take Sharon Tate mother and son to investigate Roman Polanski, the great director, who has certain traces of magic."

"In other words, the poor **** was transferred from his body to Depp's body under the interference of some people?"


Charlotte nodded.

"Furthermore, this kind of interference has made the poor god's power stronger--so, I worry that my previous plan of artificially creating "accidents" cannot be used as a price for "transit"."

"And the most suitable time for real accidents to happen is when we artificially create "accidents"?"

"I guess so."

Charlotte shrugged.

"Facts have also proved that my guess is correct."

"So you added a spell to the gold coin pendant that Jenny was wearing, just in case?"

Rui Fan understood a bit.

"But, looking at you, I seem to be very happy to catch those four mermaids?"

"Of course. This is also a windfall!"

Charlotte smiled.

"After all, with the exception of Ovelia, there weren't any ghosts under my team who were particularly good at underwater areas."


——So, you are happy to have achieved more ghost collection achievements! ?

Regarding his own director, Rui Fan is also speechless.


However, no matter what the horror of the conversation between Rui Fan and Charlotte, Jenny and the manager in the ward did not find them.

In fact, just a short while after they were standing at the door of Jenny's ward, several nurses passed by, but no one spotted them.

"My spell made them automatically ignore us!"

Charlotte explained to Rui Fan,

"Speaking of it, according to your opinion, this time Depp finally no longer deliberately closes his own memory, so you can also reminisce about the old with your good friends, right?"


Rui Fan sighed.

"Actually, to a certain extent, I think the Iqab Karan he played in "Dropped Head" is indeed very similar to his character."

"Are you timid?"

"It's obviously timid, but deliberately pretends to be courageous!"


Charlotte laughed.

However, because of his spells, the people around still did not find him.


In fact, there are some things Charlotte didn't tell Ruifan everything.

——He is really happy to catch four mermaids.

However, it wasn't just that the ghosts under his men had increased again.

More importantly, it was because he learned the uniqueness of this ghost like a mermaid based on the new knowledge he gained from Jack the Ripper.

The mermaid as a ghost is not powerful in terms of combat effectiveness.

However, to a certain extent, they are a kind of ghosts that already existed in the ancient times when mankind just came into contact with the sea.

This is completely contrary to the law that many ghosts and monsters have gradually formed with the development of human history.

Moreover, there are legends about mermaid in both the East and the West.

To a certain extent, they are the same as the legends of the existence of **** and the devastating flood, and they are common points in many civilization myths and legends in the world.

After learning about the existence of hell, it was probably the result of the lord of **** spending thousands of years spreading among different civilizations in the world, Charlotte realized that the other common points in those myths might also be hidden behind them. The secret.

Jack the Ripper, as a ghost transformed from a human, has similar speculations.

Furthermore, the Ripper further suspected that the mermaid clan might have something to do with the mysterious lord of the abyss.

Charlotte also agrees with this inference.

After all, according to the news that the Lord of Hell told him, the Lord of the Abyss has other names such as "Poseidon", "Gaia", and "Dragon King".

Among them, two represent Poseidon.

And mermaids are naturally the people under the seat of Poseidon...

Of course, the previous series of inferences are completely lacking in evidence ~ ~ can only be said to be unreliable conjectures.

But for Charlotte, as long as there is a direction, all that is left is to try to prove it.

In fact, even though Charlotte did not predict the real accident that Rui Fan and the others might encounter when they were making "accidents", he also guessed that the possibility of being related to ghosts is still very high.

——This is actually the resistance of the poor **** to the spell of "transportation" that forcibly expel it.

After all, it is relatively easy for ghosts to attract ghosts.

And in the sea, what is the easiest ghost to appear?

Of course, in the final analysis, Charlotte can only be said to be trying her luck with complete preparation.

But it turns out that his luck is really good.

——The mermaid did appear.

After catching the four mermaids, Charlotte felt that Jack the Ripper's inference was more likely.

Because these four mermaids are ghosts, their strength is too low.

Although they have a charming singing voice, but other than that, they don't have too much fighting power.

Even the strength of the soul is very average.

This is completely different from all the ghosts that Charlotte has ever seen, even the very incompetent Irish Leprechaun.

This is enough to show that these mermaids are definitely not ghosts that form normally.

Then, the possibility of inferences that they have a relationship with the Lord of the Abyss increases.

Later, if you want to get more useful information, I am afraid you need to torture a confession.

However, Charlotte did not expect that he encountered an unexpected obstacle...

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