Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 665: Mermaid

The scenes that appeared afterwards proved that although Jenny drank, she did not hear hallucinations.

It's just that the picture the young girl saw made her wonder if she was still visualizing--

Those are four triangular fins that quickly divide the water on the surface of the sea.

Jenny was a little panicked at first, worried that it was a shark, but when the other person came out of the water, she realized that they were four beautiful girls with long hair.

No, that's not a girl—

"Is this a mermaid!?"

Johnny Depp on one side told Jenny what she had in mind.

After all, the fish tail and fins behind the opponent are still very obvious.

The other party's swimming speed is also far higher than that of normal humans, and they are almost comparable to speedboats.

"So, have we really entered the fantasy world of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" script now?"

Rarely, Depp was still joking at this time, which made Jenny not know whether to admire his nerves.


However, Depp's heart was actually panicked at this time.

After all, let alone the sunken ship, the one who appeared in front of him now was a mermaid! !

Mermaid! ! !

Except for Andersen's fairy tales, the mermaids in other stories play the role of monsters who lure sailors to die in the sea.

Especially, during the recent period, director Charlotte often tells you all kinds of ghost stories-mermaids have naturally appeared in the stories.

As for the mermaid in ghost stories, you naturally can't expect any kind of existence.

——Although Depp has always been dismissive on the surface, in fact he is somewhat scared.

You know, although he is a bit careless and informal in life like Captain Jack, he is not a bold existence.

In fact, Depp felt that there was nothing wrong with being timid after filming "Dale of the Dead."

——The critical moment is to follow the inner choice.

Before the shipwreck, he was not afraid. On the one hand, he really felt that nothing big would happen. On the other hand, he had faith in the mysterious director Charlotte.

But this kind of confidence obviously does not include the surreal situation of encountering a mermaid.

In fact, when he saw the triangular fins of the mermaid not long ago, Depp felt like he was about to pee for an instant.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, a familiar voice rang in his mind,

"Don't worry, they won't hurt us!"

--This is! ?

"Rui Fan!?"

The memory that was deliberately dusted by the subconscious before finally opened under the stimulation of the mermaid——

Depp finally remembered the dreams he had experienced when he had a guest appearance on the crew of Hell Detective, and also wanted to understand some of the hints that the director Charlotte had given him.

"So, Rui Fan, are you still alive!?"

"The term "alive" is not accurate."

In Depp’s mind, the voice of "Rui Fan" smiled.

"However, I do still exist in this world, in another form."

"A ghost?"

"more or less!"

There was a bit of ridicule in the words of "Rui Fan",

"Speaking of which, you have been playing against me recently, haven't you found it?"

"Always on the scene!?"

Depp was taken aback.

"Have you become that little girl named Jenny!?"


Rui Fan suddenly felt that marriage is not a good thing for men.

——No, Depp, who was originally a shrewd man, has become a fool after marrying Winona.

"I'm Phoenix Ryton!"

Rui Fan had to explain it more clearly.

"Phoenix Return (PhoenixReturn)!?"

Depp finally understood.

"Revan Phoenix is ​​back-does that mean? I just understand it now, I'm such a fool!"

——I am not going to deny this.

Rui Fan complained about his friend in his heart.

However, this cannot be said. He was just comforting Depp. The situation that is happening now is actually an expected situation. He and the more mysterious director Charlotte have already planned...

"Then these mermaids are also in your plan!?"

Although recalling the dusty memories because he was more sincere, Depp now trusts Rui Fan very much, but the scene in front of him still makes him feel a little skeptical.

Fortunately, Rui Fan gave an affirmative answer——

"Of course it is in the plan!"


——That's strange!

Rui Fan murmured at himself silently in his heart.

In particular, seeing Depp beginning to feel confident about the scenes of various waves because of his own answers, he even more doubted whether the lies he told him to prevent Depp from panicking was necessary.

"Especially, the more nervous this guy is, the more he likes to show off this problem in front of beautiful girls. It still hasn't changed!"

Rui Fan sighed, feeling helpless about Depp's act of pretending to be in front of Jenny.

In fact, the accidental sinking of the ship was indeed in Charlotte's plan.

Not only Rui Fan knows this, but several high-level crews and even Jenny and Depp's agents actually know it.

Of course, to most people’s explanations, the sinking of the ship was for the purpose of propaganda——

The crew of "Pirates of the Caribbean" has not only taken complete guarantee measures long ago, but also bought a lot of insurance for the sunken ship.

——To put it simply, this shipwreck accident is a long-planned insurance fraud to the plan, the crew will not only have no cost loss, but also can easily make a small amount of insurance money. By the way, complete your own slightly shocking propaganda.

It is precisely because of this that Philip Bierman raised his hands high when negotiating with Depp and Jenny's agents.

——That part of the remuneration is said to be prepaid mental damage and insurance premiums.

As for why you only tell the agents and not the actors, it's purely afraid that the actors will leak.

——After all, this plan is not very legal. Compared with most actors, the agents' mouths are still much tighter.

What's more, everyone has also signed a confidentiality agreement. If anyone leaks it out, he will have to pay a huge amount of compensation...

In short, the "Pirates of the Caribbean" crew used various methods—specifically, money—to get the actors’ agents to agree to the crew’s somewhat whimsical plan.

However, this is actually just a superficial article.

In fact, as one of the executors of the plan, Rui Fan is very clear that the biggest reason Charlotte must do this is to completely eliminate the influence of Depp's poor god.

——Creating an accident is already the minimum cost required for "transportation".

Therefore, Rui Fan had been very calm before.

However, he did not expect that the "accident" in this plan was really an accident——

"Where did these mermaids come from!!!"


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