Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 664: Shipwreck

"Why did I appear in this ghost place!!?"

Soaking in the sea, Jenny couldn't help screaming while watching the mermaid swimming around.

Things have to be traced back to half an hour ago-

Although Rosarito’s huge water tank is available, most of the water boat scenes of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" crew will be shot in the water tank, and then combined with computer special effects technology to synthesize a complete seascape.

However, some scenes on the shore and islands will be easier to shoot in real-life after all.

Therefore, from time to time, the crew will take some filming outside Rosarito.

——Although the movie is called "Pirates of the Caribbean", the sea outside Rosarito is actually the Pacific Ocean.

These shootings don't take much time, but they are very troublesome.

Every time, the people involved in the filming had to go out to sea by boat, spending a lot of time on seasickness and vomiting.

Although Jenny is not seasick, the shooting itself is still very energy intensive.

Therefore, the young girl often closes her eyes and rests when she is in the boat, and she often falls asleep unknowingly due to the shaking of the ship's body during the voyage.

In this case, everyone will not bother her.

After arriving at the destination, people around her are usually shaken to wake her up.

However, this time, after Jenny was shaken awake, she saw not the scenery of the destination island, but the surrounding sea and the anxious face of Phoenix Ryton.

"Jenny, our boat hit the rocks!"


Just opened her eyes, the dazed Jenny quickly put on her life jacket with Phoenix's help before she could react. A few minutes later, she was soaked in the Pacific Ocean.

And not far in front of her, the ship that carried her before was sinking slowly.

"So, you have to soak in the sea when you get to Rosarito, right?"

It was Johnny Depp, who was also wearing a life jacket, floating not far away.

This time, the three leading actors of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" crew took the same ferry, and then they also enjoyed the experience of "Ice Sea Shipwreck" together.

——Well, considering the latitude of Rosarito, Mexico, the "Ice Sea" is too much, but considering the current season, the sea is definitely not warm at this time.

Although it is not up to the point where people can freeze to death in five minutes in "Titanic", the heat lost can kill them if they are soaked for half a day.

"So, should we scream for help now?"

Jenny, who finally figured out the status quo, was also a little flustered—after all, it was the first time she had encountered such a shipwreck when she grew so big.

Although she didn't panic completely, she couldn't help but want to do something.

On the other hand, Depp is still there,

"Don't worry, Jenny!"

He smiled in the tone of Captain Jack.

"We are not the only ship going to sea this time. They found something wrong and will find it soon-I guess we only need to soak in the sea for an hour at most."

"That will make us catch a cold at best!"

Phoenix Ryton on one side also said.

Seeing that the two men were so calm and composed, Jenny gradually felt relieved.

However, it was the words of Mr. Captain who finally jumped off the sinking ship to let the young girl put her heart in her stomach—

"I have sent the news of the accident and our coordinates to Mr. Charlotte, and he said they will come soon, about half an hour!"

——Now, not only Jenny, but Depp on one side is completely relieved.

"Captain Jack" even raised his right hand, holding a wine bottle impressively inside.

"I just grabbed half a bottle of rum before jumping off the boat. Who of you wants to drink?"


——Don't really think of yourself as Jack Sparrow! !

Although she was so complaining in her heart, in order to keep warm in the slightly cold sea water, Jenny couldn't help but swim over, took the wine bottle from Depp's hand, and took a sip for herself.

Although, she also knows that, scientifically speaking, drinking alcohol can't really keep warm, it's actually just that alcohol makes the body's feeling of cold dull.

But, soaking in the cold sea water, who cares about the scientists?

Anyway, Jenny's body warmed up with the alcohol.

On one side, Phoenix Ryton and Mr. Captain also drank rum.

As for Depp himself, he drank happily.

"It would be great if I could add some cheese or something to the wine!"

"Captain Jack" still has some regrets.

"...We are not soaking in hot springs!"

Phoenix Ryton on one side was also completely speechless.


In short, after learning that the rescue was imminent, the four people soaked in the sea relaxed.

Especially, the seas around here are still calm, and no dangerous creatures such as sharks have been seen for the time being...

Anyway, even if they knew that they weren't actually running the hot spring, a few people quickly drank up half of Depp's rum.

Among them, Depp drank the most, and Jenny also drank a lot.

In addition, young girls usually don't drink much juice in order to keep in shape, not to mention alcohol.

Therefore, even though she was still conscious at this time, she felt a little sullen.

Jenny leaned against Phoenix Ryton, listening to Depp talking nonsense with Mr. Captain——

"I now understand why Kate Winslet had to gain weight when James Cameron filmed "Titanic"-when soaked in cold water ~ ~ fat is indeed a good thing ."

Naturally Depp said this.

Mr. Captain on one side nodded.

"There is fat in the human body, of course it is not useless. However, in this era, people don't like fat, especially fat on their own body, don't they?"

"That's natural."

Depp smiled.

"This is especially true in Hollywood-including male stars like me, who will try to reduce their body fat and make themselves look more handsome on the big screen. But now I regret it a bit."

"Is it because of the cold?"

Mr. Captain laughed, and by the way, in a backstroke posture, he showed off his bulging belly.

"This is a rare advantage for us fat people, so you guys and beauties are envious!"


In the face of this "fat man's counterattack", both Depp and Jenny were speechless for a while.

Especially for Jenny, a girl who has been on a diet for a long time, she feels a little hungry.

At this moment, she vaguely heard a beautiful singing.

"Did I have auditory hallucinations?"

Jenny looked at Phoenix, who had been silent beside her.

"I seem to hear someone singing!"

"You should have heard it wrong!"

Phoenix Ryton, who was very calm even after the shipwreck, was a little nervous at this time...(https:)

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