Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 604: Acquisition of Fengyun

"I'm not touting Charlotte Booth. As a director, he has various shortcomings."

Roger Albert turned his pen to write,

"Whether it is Spielberg or Francis Coppola, or Stanley Kubrick who has just passed away, these film masters have a lot more than Charlotte Booth, but, in turn, Charlotte also has an ability, I think it’s the strongest director I’ve seen—"

"That's his narrative ability!"

"——In simple terms, the general director needs ten minutes of footage to tell the content. He often only needs five minutes, or even three minutes, to tell clearly."

"This is very obvious in "The Detective Sherlock Holmes."

"You know, as a detective film, this film with a lot of reasoning elements should have caused a lot of headaches for many audiences, but under the use of Charlotte Booth's lens, even if my reaction speed The slower old man can also understand it very easily."

"This has made some niche movies with complex stories become popular."

"It can be said that this powerful narrative ability is a very important ability for commercial film directors—"

"Having this ability means that they can use less camera time to tell more complex, interesting and self-consistent film stories, and to create more full-blown characters, while leaving enough time for those hot ones. Scenes and special effects shots."

"It is precisely because of this narrative ability that Charlotte Booth's movies are always successful."

"Because of all the movies with good stories, his movie special effects and scenes are the best; among all the blockbuster movies with big scenes and massive special effects, his movies have the best storytelling."

"Therefore, leaving aside the field of art films, if you want to make a film like Charlotte Booth in the field of commercial films, you must have a narrative ability that rivals him."

"If you can't do this, then I advise you directors and producers not to follow the themes of Charlotte Booth's films easily—"

"Without enough narrative ability, you can only get the result of the imbalance between storytelling and special effects scenes."

"——What Charlotte Booth can do, you may not be able to do it!"


Roger Albert’s film review does not have much to say about "The Detective Sherlock Holmes", on the contrary, it is quite a good example of Charlotte's own abilities.

However, not many people in Hollywood scoff at this.

Because many people have indeed realized or thought they realized the secret of Charlotte's success after the points raised in this film review.

Powerful narrative ability!

This makes many Hollywood industry insiders who have been puzzled by Charlotte's long-term success suddenly realized.

This film review by Roger Albert seems to have opened a window for them.

Many senior directors also agree with this view.

Some young directors even thought about how to improve their narrative skills.

And film company executives or producers like Robert Iger further confirmed Charlotte's ability and confidence in its future.

So, for a time Charlotte became hot in Hollywood.

A large number of scripts and film appointments flew to his office, but this was somewhat troubled by Alexis, who was serving as his secretary again.

As for Charlotte, he has already taken Charlize to New Zealand to explore the cast of the "Lord of the Rings" crew...


"The Lord of the Rings" project was won by Charlotte during the filming of "The Detective Sherlock Holmes".

Although it was a little unhappy with the new line, this project was still won, and the related copyright issue was resolved some time ago after Mr. Westwood's rush.

Thus, the first "Lord of the Rings" filming was launched in New Zealand.

——The shooting location in New Zealand is highly recommended by Peter Jackson. However, considering the original time and space, the "Lord of the Rings" series was also filmed here. As a producer, Charlotte did not object.

However, Charlotte rejected Peter Jackson's proposal to outsource the special effects production of the "Lord of the Rings" series to the Weta studio he co-organized with a friend.

——The Ghost Party Studio itself is good at post-production special effects, how can it be possible to outsource special effects to other companies?

Doesn't the fertilizer flow into outsiders' fields?

Especially, strictly speaking, this behavior of Peter Jackson can be regarded as sucking blood in Charlotte's investment, and he naturally cannot allow it.

However, Charlotte did not sternly reject the other party. On the contrary, he used a rather absolute solution——

He directly acquired Peter Jackson's Weta Studio.

——This is not purely to stop Peter Jackson's mouth, more importantly, the Ghost Party studio itself needs to be expanded.

At the same time, more and more film and television projects are being produced in the Ghost Party Studio, and at the same time, Charlotte has also opened the game branch. Now, the original manpower has been stretched.

In this case, in addition to hiring people slowly, directly acquiring other studios is a faster way.

In particular, if you acquire Weta Studio, you can directly use it as a branch and take advantage of its proximity to the filming location of "Lord of the Rings" to immediately support the production of the This is comparable to working in the Ghost Party The office’s headquarters in Los Angeles provides remote technical support much more efficiently.

Moreover, unlike Charlotte's original time and space, Weta Studio, which became famous after the success of the "Lord of the Rings" series, was not well-known at this time, and the acquisition fee was very cheap.

——In general, this can be regarded as a very cost-effective acquisition.

Of course, the completion of the acquisition does not mean that the integration is completed.

I really want to integrate the Weta Studio and the Ghost Party Studio, some work still has to be done.

Regardless of the transfer of personnel between each other-in simple terms, mixing sand, or the unification of work processes, or the integration of administration and management, it is indispensable.

But even so, this integration process still takes a certain amount of time.

In fact, stockholders such as Peter Jackson or studio executives are not a problem.

After all, part of Charlotte's acquisition was realized by exchanging shareholdings-in simple terms, although Peter Jackson lost Weta Studios, he received a small amount of shares in the Ghost Party Studios.

From this perspective, he is already his own at the Ghost Party Studio.

On the contrary, it is the ordinary employees of Weta Studio. How to turn them into the people of the Ghost Party Studio is a problem.

After all, this involves spiritual matters such as corporate culture and cannot be accomplished overnight.

At least, Charlotte can see the difference between the two on Redmine, the task schedule sharing management tool inside the Ghost Party Studio.

And Charlotte's trip to New Zealand this time also has the opportunity to further integrate the acquired Weta Studio.

Especially, he also prepared some special methods...

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