Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 603: Hymn

You know, so far, the animated TV version of "Harry Potter" for the work of the Ghost Party is still broadcast on Disney's ABC TV network.

As a senior from ABC to Disney headquarters, Robert Iger knows this better.

——It is one of Iger's close associates who operates the TV animated version of "Harry Potter".

Therefore, Robert Iger is very clear that the distance between the Harry Potter series and Disney was actually as close as Warner.

As a film and television company that focuses on the youth market, Disney, to some extent, actually has an advantage over Warner.

However, because of the strategic direction of the Disney Group at the time, the attention to the Harry Potter series was not enough.

——Michael Eisner wants to improve in the field of live-action movies, and at the same time, he is also planning to acquire Jobs' Pixar studio.

Although Disney has suffered setbacks in both directions, these plans have made Mickey Mouse's funds insufficient and unable to compete with Warner Pictures, which is backed by Time Warner Group and rich in wealth.

As a result, they eventually lost the "Harry Potter" series.

From this perspective, Robert Iger feels that this is the fault of Michael Eisner at all.

Of course, as a mature professional, Robert Iger knows that saying "I've said..." to his boss has no practical meaning except to cause trouble for himself.

Therefore, he ignored the dissatisfaction in his heart and directly talked about his "poaching" plan to Michael Eisner——

"I have studied Charlotte Booth's filming rules. He is a director who makes movies very fast-it usually takes only a year or so from the start of the film project to the completion."

"For Hollywood movie projects that are going to last for two or three years at any time, this is already a flying speed-especially, the quality of the movies he shot is still very good."

"That's why I think he is a god-like figure to the film company-after all, in addition to the profitability, the ability to quickly return funds is actually very beneficial."

"Like "Titanic", tying all the company's large liquidity funds to a project for several years is actually not a good thing."

"However, Charlotte Booth's ability to shoot quickly has also caused an unexpected problem-that is, the film company he works with often can't keep up with his rhythm."

At this point, Robert Egger paused.

He saw Michael Eisner sitting in front of him, his eyes lit up, and he realized that the other party understood what he meant, and then continued.

"Like Disney, the capital turnover rate of most Hollywood film and television companies often lasts two to three years-as fast as Charlotte Booth, it means that if he only cooperates with one company, this The rate of return of funds from this company may not be able to keep up with the speed of his filming."

"After all, it is impossible for companies like the Big Seven in Hollywood to shoot only one movie at the same time. For other movies, it is difficult to complete the entire process from planning to screening within a year."

"In this case, when Charlotte Booth finishes a film and starts preparing for the next film, the company he is cooperating with may not be able to raise enough funds. So—"

"——Charlotte Booth needs to choose a new collaborator!"

Michael Eisner fully understood what Robert Iger meant.

"But, taking Warner as an example, they can also choose to cut other projects and cooperate with Charlotte Booth with all their strength! This way they can pool enough funds to keep up with the other party's rhythm, right?"

"Say so..."

Robert Iger smiled.

"But, Michael, for you, would you choose to tie most of the company's cash flow to a director?"

"of course not."

Michael Eisner nodded.

As a businessman, everyone will make two-handed preparations whenever possible, and tie the company's future to one person, and it is still necessary to avoid it as much as possible.

"So, the flow of funds from Warner will soon fail to keep up with Charlotte Booth's filming speed?"

Michael Eisner asked.

Robert Egger nodded.

"Although the box office of "Detective Sherlock Holmes" has exploded and made a lot of profits, it will take more than half a year for the return of the proceeds to the capital. Coupled with Warner’s other plans, I think Charlotte Booth will plan again this year. For blockbuster films, Warner may not be able to support sufficient capital flow."

"At that time is our chance!?"


"Well then, I'll leave this to you, Bob!"

Michael Eisner patted Robert Iger on the shoulder.


In fact, Robert Iger tends to try to work with Charlotte for more than just what he said.

You know, although Hollywood's capital is the same as other places, it is chasing ups and downs, and likes to gather around the winners.

However, everyone also understands a truth-no one can succeed forever.

Especially for commercial blockbusters, to a certain extent, the success rate of this gadget is similar to that of gambling.

Success in the past does not mean anything.

Even super directors like Steven Spielberg have gradually entered the low point of creation after "Saving Private Ryan".

What about Charlotte Booth?

Robert Iger, who originally thought that the other party would definitely have a creative trough, changed his opinion after watching a film review by Roger Albert

It was this film review that made Robert Iger determined to try to cooperate with Charlotte——

"For the director Charlotte Booth, who focuses on commercial films and does not have a strong pursuit of art, I actually don't like it-of course, this may also be my old man who is a little out of date!"

At the beginning of the film review, Roger Albert made a mockery of himself.

"However, when I watch Charlotte movies, I am often happy. This is different from what I feel when I watch other commercial blockbusters. I can understand the selling points of those movies, and I can judge whether it counts. It's a good commercial film, but I don't necessarily feel happy instinctively."

"This has nothing to do with the quality of those movies. Just as an old man, I value the story and artistry of the film more. This often conflicts with some elements valued by commercial films."

"It's like looking to the left while looking to the right. This is a problem for all Hollywood directors."

"Whether to choose story and artistry, or to choose hot scenes and special effects, this is a difficult choice."

"However, in the film directed by Charlotte, I don't see the difficulty of this choice."

"Aside from the artistry, he can always create popular scenes and special effects that meet the standards of commercial blockbusters under the premise of ensuring the story."

"This made me think that it is not impossible to achieve both, but most of our directors are not working hard enough."

"However, after watching "Sherlock Holmes" three times, I changed my mind--"

"It's not that other commercial film directors don't work hard enough, but that they are really not Charlotte Booth..."

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