Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 310: Damn one

Cole was naturally detained for insulting the teacher.

When Dr. Malcolm came to see him, he was still very angry, and the doctor used coins to perform a magic trick on him.

Although the magic was very lame, and even was seen through by Cole at once, Cole laughed.

But the doctor himself quickly couldn't laugh anymore--

When he returned home, he found a video of their previous wedding being shown on the TV.

——It is a very good memory.

But why is his wife so indifferent to him now?

The doctor was puzzled.

And seeing a bottle of antidepressant medicine in the medicine cabinet made him even more puzzled.


"Probably his wife also wants to save this marriage, so I want to use these videotapes to awaken my feelings for the doctor!"

As someone who came by, watching Bruce Willis' performance on the big screen, Richard Manson wondered.

Now, he is no longer entangled in evaluating acting skills.

The slightly suspenseful atmosphere in "Sixth Sense" and the feeling like real life deeply attracted him.

Especially the genius performance of Sam Phil, who played Cole, made Richard amazed even more.

——He feels that for this movie, he no longer has to worry about acting.

——Just understand this story first!

"Especially the kid Cole, what kind of secrets does he hide?"

Richard pondered from the standpoint of an ordinary fan.


Cole on the big screen is naturally impossible to know things outside the big screen.

He is attending a party.

At the party, he tried to perform the magic that Malcolm had performed for him before.

However, the little friend said it was very boring.

This makes Cole a little depressed.

In fact, according to Cole's mother, he hasn't attended a party for more than a year.

Therefore, it is a good start to come to the party this time.

However, a good beginning does not mean a good end.

Because no one played with him, and the idle and bored Cole was attracted by a red balloon and walked upstairs. A strange noise came from a small room upstairs.

The other children who came to the party saw Cole's strange appearance, so they made mischievous ideas.

They got Cole into the small room and locked it up.

Cole's hysterical cry came from the room. Cole's mother heard the sound and hurried over.

But the door to the small room couldn't be opened.

This caused Cole's mother to fall apart abnormally. When the door opened, Cole inside had fainted.


"This prank is not funny at all!"

Seeing this, Sheldon said dryly.

Leonard on the side also nodded.

As nerds, they all experienced being bullied by bad boys in school and locked up in a dark room, and they felt more empathetic to Cole's experience.

——Even Sheldon.

And seeing the scene behind the movie, they were even more helpless--

"Your child has no heart problems. He can be discharged from the hospital as long as he has another check."

Having said that, the emergency doctor who checked for Cole pondered for a moment.

"But, your son has some bruises and scars..."

"You think I caused it!?"

Being stared at with suspicion by the doctor, Cole's mother suddenly became excited.

She asked angrily what was going on with her child, and Dr. Malcolm, who followed her to the hospital, walked to Cole’s bed—


He greeted the little boy, and then tried to talk to the little boy by telling a bedtime story.

The result was despised.

——No way, he has no children and rarely tells bedtime stories. The story is really terrible.

After helpless, Dr. Malcolm had to change the story, and finally, under Cole’s questioning, talked about his own affairs——

He talked about his glorious past, and also talked about Vincent.

He said that he could not forget the dead Vincent, he thought it was his fault.

This thought of self-blame made him no longer himself, and his wife was indifferent because of her relationship with him.

However, he met Cole.

Cole's symptoms are so similar to Vincent that year, which makes Dr. Malcolm feel that as long as he can save Cole, he can make up for his mistakes.

Cole was touched by these frank words, and the little boy finally confided his secret in front of Dr. Malcolm for the first time.

"Iseedeadpeople (I can see dead people)!"

Cole's words not only stunned Dr. Malcolm, but also everyone who was watching the movie.

And Cole’s explanation continues,

"They don't know that they are dead, nor can they see each other, they can only see what they want to see..."


"So it is!"

Diana understood it all at once.

"This is the reason why Cole knew the history teacher's nickname when he was in school. It was the dead man, or the ghost told him!?"

"It should be so!"

Andrew on one side nodded.

"In this way, many of the previous things are explained clearly. And—"

"This is a horror movie!"

Elsewhere in the screening room, Emily said what Mr. Andrew said.

Although this "Sixth Sense" seems to empathize with a little girl who also belongs to a single-parent family, it is undeniable that she originally watched this movie for the purpose of watching a horror movie.

And now, the feeling of "Sixth Sense" as a horror movie has finally become apparent.


"Finally it can start!"

In the Night Owl Cinema, Charlotte looked at the map of the Los Angeles area in her hand and sighed.

This time, the premiere of "Sixth Sense" was not in the Yexiao Cinema.

——The scale of this cinema is really small, not suitable for a more grand premiere.

However, it has become one of the movie theaters that simultaneously premiered "Sixth Sense".

——Just like those orphanages, nursing homes and mental hospitals where you can watch this movie for free.

And Charlotte was not sitting in the screening room of the Night Owl Cinema at this time.

Where he is now is still the utility room behind the projection hall.

——This is where he and Charlize sealed the evil **** at the premiere of "Happy Death".

At this time, he was facing a map of the Los Angeles area, drawing a magic circle on the wall of the large screen in the auditorium on the other side.

By his side, Rui Fan and Alexis.

It's just that now Miss Valkyrie already exists as a separate entity, rather than attached to Charlize.

And in the movie, the little boy Cole said "Iseedeadpeople (I can see the dead)!", the magic circle on the wall gradually lit up——

That is a magic circle pattern similar to a star map.

And the outline of the pattern is a dragon!

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