Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 309: history class

In the movie, Dr. Malcolm is very disappointed after being treated like "when he does not exist" by his wife.

While he was on the way to accompany Cole to school, he discovered that the little boy seemed to think he was a freak.

This made him a little excited.

He couldn't help but think of the night when he was shot by the patient Vincent more than a year ago--

As a successful psychologist, he is more concerned about the pain of injury than he is not able to help Vincent.

Vincent said he was a freak and eventually committed suicide.

Cole’s words reminded Dr. Malcolm of his failure again. He told Cole with some excitement,

"You are not a freak!"

"Don't believe what other people say to you, it's all shit!"

"Don't believe that, okay?"

Seeing Cole nodded, Dr. Malcolm breathed a sigh of relief.


"This is an empathy!"

In the auditorium, Kenneth Turan commented on Dr. Malcolm’s performance on the big screen.

"However, because of this, Cole's favorability for him seems to have risen a lot."

Seeing now, Kenneth Turan is no longer entangled in the propaganda behavior of "Sixth Sense" whether it is a moral kidnapping of film critics like them.

He thinks the movie "Sixth Sense" is very good.

The actors performed sincerely, and there seemed to be some suspense hidden in the story.

Especially, obviously so far, except for the shooting at the beginning, the rest are daily stories, but Kenneth has felt a kind of anxiety and suspense that pervades the surroundings.

"Charlotte Booth's ability to control rhythm and scenes has improved a lot!"

The film critic admired the progress of the film director, and couldn't help but look forward to the next plot more in his heart.


In the following plot, the suspense further unfolds——

When Cole's mother was cleaning the room, she found that Cole's photos had mysterious apertures.

At the same time, when Dr. Malcolm was chatting with Cole, he asked if he had tried free association writing.

——That is to write indiscriminately after emptying the brain, so that there may be some hidden thoughts in it.

Cole said he tried.

"What did you write?"

The doctor asked.

"Disturbing content."

Cole did not answer the doctor's questions further. But on the other hand, when Cole's mother cleaned the room, she found what Cole had written before--

"I will kill you if I don't let the baby be quiet!"

Cole's mother was frightened.

The doctor did not know this scene.

"Let's set a goal!"

The doctor explained to Cole,

"Regarding our conversation, what kind of result do you want? If you can change your life, what do you want to change?"

"I want to stop being afraid!"

Cole's answer left Dr. Malcolm silent.

"This is what the Vincent said before!"

In front of the big screen, relying on his outstanding memory, Sheldon immediately remembered the source of this sentence.

As a person with extraordinary IQ but not much understanding of emotions, although he did not understand the reason for the doctor's silence, this did not prevent him from spoiling Leonard who was sitting next to him.

Leonard didn't bother him.

Unlike Sheldon, who is not very good at feeling emotions, he can experience Cole's feeling of loneliness.

As a nerd who is good at learning but not good at interpersonal communication and sports, Leonard's elementary and middle school life is also full of similar loneliness, which gives him a sense of substitution for Cole.

At this time, he was immersed in this sense of substitution, and had no time to pay attention to Sheldon's harassment.

On the other hand, Howard and Rajesh have similar feelings.

The four of them were not really interested in the film "Sixth Sense". After all, this is not the endless looping story of "Happy Death", and it does not attract them so much.

They will come to the premiere entirely because of Emily's invitation.

Although later, because of her father, Emily couldn't watch this movie with them. But once the tickets are bought, they will not waste it...

However, they did not expect that this movie could arouse so much emotional resonance with them.

Now, except for Shelton, who is still a little confused, the other three have been immersed in the feeling of filming.

But because of being immersed in it, what happened to Cole at school afterwards made the three of them feel even more angry.

That is a history lesson.

The teacher explained the history of the United States.

——Because of its short history, the history of the United States will pay more attention to the history of the city or region where the school is located. Teachers will enrich textbooks with insufficient content by telling more details.

And in this class, the history teacher asked a question——

"Do you know what this school was for more than a hundred years ago?"

The children in the class looked at each other and no one spoke.

At this moment, Cole shook his head from side to side, then raised his hand tremblingly.

"This used to be the place where people were hanged."

The teacher was taken aback, and the students all looked at Cole with unusual eyes.

"This used to be a court!"

The teacher corrected,

"I don't know who told you about hanging people, but they just want to scare you!"

After that, the teacher looked at Cole with a gaze mixed with sympathy and dissatisfaction, but this completely angered him——

"You are stammering Stanley!"

Cole angrily accused the teacher,

"You still stammered when you were in high school. You should know that you shouldn't look at others like that, it will make them uncomfortable!"

Cole's words stunned the teacher.

He slowly approached Cole and wanted to ask where Cole heard the nickname.

But Cole was afraid of the approaching teacher. He covered his eyes and kept yelling "Stanley".

The teacher's emotions became agitated, and then he really stammered.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!"

The teacher slammed a punch on Cole’s desk,

"You, you, you, weird, weird, weird!"


"As a teacher, he really shouldn't say such things!"

In front of the big screen Andrew Spark, who is also a teacher, is a bit dissatisfied with his colleagues in the movie.

"If he does this, it will cause a serious blow to the child's psychology!"

"It might be because Cole's words really hit his pain points!"

Diana, who was sitting next to Andrew, was a little sympathetic to the history teacher.

"Besides, if something like this has happened, I am afraid it will be difficult for him to raise his head in front of the students in the future!"

"You are right!"

Thinking of the bear kids he had taught, Andrew also nodded.

"But, who told Cole's history teacher that he was stuttering before?"

Diana asked.

"And the school used to be a court, and you hanged someone?"

For this question, Andrew also has no answer.

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