Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 175: nightmare

"So, you mean that Noni and I were entangled by an unknown ghost, and you just saved me!?"

Depp looked at Charlotte with a suspicion that he was still dreaming.

He felt that he seemed to be listening to the story in "One Thousand and One Nights", which was fantastic, weird, and so unreal.

"Charlotte, this joke is not funny!"

"Really? Then let's say something funny!"

Charlotte shrugged, but Depp was shocked by the words he uttered the next moment—

"He is Freddy!"

"That's your face!"

"The face of Edward Scissorhands!!"

"time to go!"

--It's him!

Depp finally reacted,

"The mysterious voice in my dream just now was you!?"


Charlotte nodded.

"A little bit believe now, right?"


Depp opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

Originally it was a strange nightmare, but Charlotte can now tell the content of that nightmare, can it be said...

Depp was skeptical, but he continued to ask:

"According to you, you caused the light and rain in my dream?"

"What light rain? That's salt!"

Charlotte smiled, and pointed to the white crystal that still didn't fall from Depp.

"Salt has a weak exorcism effect. I used a special method to sprinkle salt on you so that this exorcism effect penetrates into your dreams and turns into a shower of light."

"Guangyu turned out to be salt?"

Depp felt more and more incredible. But in the dream, the light rain fell on his lips, and the saltiness it brought made him begin to believe that Charlotte's words were true.

"Actually, the light rain is of little use."

Charlotte continued,

"It can only contain ghosts and let me wake you up by the way. It can't save others at all."

"other people!"

Depp reacted suddenly,

"By the way, Noni! Noni is still in that terrible dream! And Gwyneth!"

He turned his head anxiously, but found that Winona was still lying motionless on the bed like a sleeping beauty, and Gwyneth, who was sitting in the corner of the ward, did not seem to wake up.

"Don't worry! Although the dream is terrible, they are not in danger yet!"

Charlotte said,

"Gwyneth is just being hit, I will try to rescue her in a while, and Winona..."

——Winona Reid can't escape that nightmare!

Charlotte wondered.

Depp's nightmare made him see a lot of things clearly.

That was not Charlotte’s plan--

His original plan was to construct a fake nightmare for Depp by himself, and then try to attract the unknown ghost to appear.

However, as soon as Depp fell asleep, he was immediately drawn into that strange dream.

According to previous speculations, Depp and Winona sometimes share dreams under the influence of the ghost, which also means--

That strange dream is actually Winona's dream!

Winona Reid is not actually in a coma in the physical sense, but trapped in an unstoppable nightmare.

"This is difficult!"

Afterwards, although Charlotte rushed over and broke into Depp and Winona's dream by forcibly using magic techniques, all he could do was to look at the situation and then awaken Depp.

For Winona, he could do nothing for the time being.

But with this, he finally figured out the real body of the unknown ghost.

——That's a nightmare!

A ghost that will bring nightmares to mankind and feed on the fear generated in the dream!

At the moment before Depp escaped from the nightmare, the opponent finally showed his true shape because of Charlotte's various interferences——

That weird black horse burning with black flames!

That is the form given to the nightmare in Western legends.

Unlike the several ghosts that Charlotte encountered before, although the nightmare exists in the legends of the East and the West at the same time, there are very few records of it in the East.

It is precisely because of this that Charlotte, who is more familiar with Eastern methods and ghosts, has never recognized it before!

Until it reveals its original shape!

This is a more westernized ghost!

As far as Charlotte knows, the power of Nightmare is actually not strong, but it is very difficult to deal with.

Because it is parasitic in human dreams.

Dreaming is an attribute of human beings.

The dream world, because of the uncontrollable imagination of mankind, has become eccentric and ever-changing.

Correspondingly, the nightmare parasitic in it will also change and be elusive.

As for why the nightmare is parasitic on Depp and Winona at the same time-

"Because of the resonance between lovers!"

Charlotte continued to explain to Depp,

"Couples who are suffering from gains and losses are easily entangled in various dreams and nightmares. They are the favorites of nightmares. Besides, there will be resonance among some lovers who have a good heart."


"Spiritual resonance!"

Charlotte pointed to Winona, who was still in a coma, and said to Depp,

"There is this kind of resonance between you and Winona. Nightmare can use this kind of resonance to construct a common dream for you, and then stay in it and draw strength."

——Because of this, it was so difficult to find its trace before.

Unlike the ghosts that lodge on a single individual, the parasitic method of Nightmare, as long as Depp and Winona are not close, their abnormal reactions will be extremely weak.

This is the biggest headache for people like Charlotte who deal with ghosts.

However, Nightmare would choose this parasitic method, not because it was protecting against exorcists or something.

Like Charlotte said to Charlize, most ghosts don't have that brain!

The reason why it adopts this strange parasitic method is only because it is most beneficial to it——

Just like when sound waves resonate, they will be greatly strengthened. The emotional resonance between lovers, especially the resonance in the nightmare, will also greatly enhance the power of the nightmare.

"But even so, the nightmare you mentioned should only make us have nightmares!"

After listening to Charlotte’s explanation, Depp still didn’t understand.

"But why is Noni unconscious?"

"Because this is what she wants!"

Charlotte gave a wry smile.

"If it just makes people have nightmares, nightmares are actually not terrible, at least in ghosts. What's really scary about it is that it strengthens people's self-destructive tendency!"

"Tendency to self-destruct?"

Depp's face changed.


Charlotte nodded.

"Just like standing on the top of a tall building and looking down, there is always an urge to jump down. People's self-destructive tendencies are innate. Simple ones, such as—"

He glanced at Depp and made a gesture similar to smoking.

"Obviously knowing that it's Many people still go ahead, don't they? Some people get pleasure from hurting themselves, right?"


Depp nodded with a wry smile.

As a well-known young talent in Hollywood, he certainly understands what Charlotte means.

In fact, if it were not for the lesson of the death of his friend Ruifan Phoenix, he might still be galloping on the broad road of death...

Charlotte ignored the thoughts in Depp's mind and continued:

"Nightmare can continuously increase mental pressure through nightmares. And this pressure can only be vented through self-destructive behavior."

With that, he stretched out his finger and gave a few examples,

"Such as drug use, such as racing, self-harm, such as theft... and Winona specifically—"

Charlotte glanced at the girl who was lying unconscious on the hospital bed, her face was a bit abnormal.

"I don't know how she usually vents this kind of pressure, but now, Nightmare obviously amplifies this kind of pressure to a very large extent, which makes her finally choose to escape the entire real world."

"You mean—"

"As I said, nightmares are after all a part of people's dream world. And dreams use a strange way to realize the desires in people's hearts that they don't even dare to think of."

Charlotte gave Winona a wry smile.

"Now, Nightmare traps Winona in her own dream, allowing her to escape reality forever!"

PS1: There are several movies with the name "Nightmare", but they are all not well-known. They are basically thriller and horror, so I won't recommend it to everyone; PS2: Nightmare, in many games, they are all mounts, dark horses, yes Bar? But it does exist in the image of a dark horse in Western legends;

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