Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 174: Shadow

Johnny Depp wondered if he was taking the drug again--

It should have been not long ago that he was still reading the script for Winona, but now, together with the latter, he is being chased by a terrifying shadow with two-handed claws.

——Why does this dark shadow look so familiar?

Depp always felt that the answer was on his lips, he was ready to come out, but he couldn't say it.

He can only hold Winona and keep running away.

Escape in a vast space where things are completely dark, but you can see things.

Winona, her eyes were a little red, she looked very scared, she was like a panicked little rabbit, and Depp couldn't help but want to comfort her.

——Huh, wait, Winona! ?

Depp suddenly felt that it was strange to see Winona running with herself.

But why?

He was puzzled again.

Gradually, the dark shadow moved away from them.

"Nori, he should not be able to catch up with us for a while!"

Depp comforted his ex-girlfriend, but Winona was still trembling.

"He will catch up soon! Always, always like this!"


Depp was a little dazed--

How long hasn't that dark shadow just appeared? What does Noni mean by "always like this"?

However, at this time, his mind was a little confused, and he couldn't figure out the order at all.

At this time, he heard other voices--

"Help! Help!"

Subconsciously, Depra took Winona towards the direction of the call for help, but he was taken aback by what he saw—

A girl with blonde hair was kneeling on the ground, but her body was wrapped in three huge poisonous snakes.

The venomous snakes were spitting scarlet cores, and they were flaunting each other. The girl was trapped in the middle, crying without tears.

"Gwyneth, how could it be you?"

——Didn’t she read the script with herself and Winona before? What now...

Depp felt his mind was more confused.

Winona didn't think so much, she wanted to go up to help her friends, but faced the three huge poisonous snakes, she couldn't rely on it at all.

At this time, there was a sound of "stomping" footsteps, and Depp looked back, but it was the black figure with claws in both hands.

The black shadow stretched his arms and walked slowly towards them.

The closer you get, the taller the black shadow, and the longer the arms stretched out.

Gradually, Sombra's hands reached the ground, and his sharp claws rubbed against the dark ground, making a sound as if gold and iron cried.

-Will be killed!

Such a thought naturally flashed through Depp's mind.

He wanted to escape, but Gwyneth was still trapped by a poisonous snake, unable to move.

He and Winona couldn't put down their friends and run away.

If you don't run away--

Looking at the sharp claws of the shadow, he really couldn't raise the courage to resist.

Moreover, he always felt that this black shadow was actually a guy he knew very well, but he just couldn't remember the other party's name——

"He is Freddy!"

A somewhat familiar voice suddenly echoed in the space.


--Yes! It's Freddie! !

——This is the Freddy who can kill in his dream in his first movie "Most Ghost Street"! ! !

Under the reminder of the voice, Depp finally realized the identity of Sombra.

At the same time, the darkness in Sombra gradually faded away——

That's Freddie indeed!


——Why does his face look so familiar?

-That's not Freddy's face!

"That's your face!"

That mysterious voice sounded in the space again,

"The face of Edward Scissorhands!!"

--"Edward Scissorhands"! ?

Depp remembered again the movie that made him fall in love with Winona.


——Shadow’s face, Edward’s face, my face! !

Depp finally realized that the black shadow in front of him was a monster that combined Edward Scissorhands and Murder King Freddy!

——But why is it so?

——How did Edward and Freddie become one?

——Why does he chase us down! ?

Depp became more confused.

At this moment, a burst of light suddenly lit up in the dark sky.

The next moment, a rain of golden light fell thinly, illuminating Depp's eyes, and also illuminating the terrible monster.

"His hiss—"

The monster roared strangely, like a poisonous snake, or a war horse neighing.

He seemed to be a little afraid of light rain, and when he was hit by light rain, he showed a reaction like being stabbed by a needle.

——No, it is not fear, but irritability.

——It's like a lot of ants crawling on the body, itching and irritability!

Perhaps because the monster's face was the same as his own, Depp understood the monster's expression.

However, this did not bring him a trace of comfort.

Although the monster is no longer pressing for the time being because of the harassment of Guangyu, Depp can't take Winona to escape too far.

Besides, Gwyneth, trapped by three venomous snakes, was there waiting for rescue.

--What should I do?

Bathed in light and rain, Depp was helpless until--

He subconsciously licked his lips that were soaked by the rain of light.


At the next moment, the mysterious voice came again:

"time to go!"


--How to go! ?

Depp was strange, but he felt his body lightened and he floated straight up.

He hurriedly grabbed Winona's hand, trying to drag her away together. But at this moment, the monster with the same face as him suddenly roared again--

"His hiss—"

In the next moment, the monster turned into a cloud of black smoke, rushing through the rain and rushing directly in front of him and Winona.

He subconsciously grasped Winona's hand tightly.

"Nori, hurry up!"


The black smoke swept away Winona mercilessly!

At the last moment, Depp saw that black smoke is not black smoke. It was a pitch-black beast——

It seems to be a black panther, and more like a dark Its four hooves are as white as bones, but its eyes are dim and yellow like a python.

It was not black smoke, but black flames like smoke.

With its tail like a poisonous snake, it suddenly swept away the girl who made him worry about Depp...


Johnny Depp yelled and opened his eyes.

In front of him, Winona Reid was still lying quietly on the hospital bed, motionless, like a sleeping beauty, waiting for the prince's kiss.

"How is this going?"

He stretched out his hand to touch the girl's face, but suddenly realized that there seemed to be some fine white particles stuck to his hand.

"This is--"

He retracted his hand before his eyes, took a look, then subconsciously licked.


"That's salt! Isn't it salty!?"

A voice next to him said grimly.

This made Depp horrified. He looked back, but it was Charlotte who had just visited Winona not long ago.

"Charlotte, what's going on!?"

"what happened?"

Charlotte laughed.

"False story or truth, which one do you want to hear?"

As he said, before Depp could react, he said directly,

"The lie is very simple, you just had a dream. As for the truth--"

Charlotte looked at Depp with a scrutiny eye, reminding him of his math teacher in high school.

"Johnny, do you want to know what the truth of the world is like?"

Depp nodded subconsciously.

PS: "Dark Shadow" is a movie starring Depp and Eva Green in 2012. It is said to be a vampire story, but it was not well shot. If you are a fan of two people, you can take a look;

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