Can You Love Me?

Chapter 462 Sister, I’m here to see you

Jian Zechuan had been worried before, because Xin Huan...if he said it badly, he would definitely die.

It is already a miracle that she can maintain her life until now.

Fang Ziheng told Jian Zechuan that even if Xin Huan was in a vegetative state, he wouldn't last long!

I probably won't make it through this month.

Not only is her heart failing, but many organs are failing. Her kidneys and lungs have all failed in ways different from those in Chengdu. Xin Huan will soon die if the ventilator is unplugged.

Even if a healthy heart could be sent here now, it would be of no use.

Because her body was extremely weak and could not withstand a major heart transplant operation.

It is estimated that he could not even get off the operating table and his breathing would stop.

This is why Jian Zechuan has never dared to take Xin Ai to meet Xin Huan!

Also, the reason why Xin Huan has been able to survive until now is really because her wish has not been fulfilled.

When he rescued her, while she was still conscious, Jian Zechuan told her not to die, but to wait and hold on, her sister would come to see her soon...

That's why Xin Huan worked hard to hold on until now, because she saw Xin Ai again.

Jian Zechuan was worried that when Xin Huan met Xin Ai, the wish that supported her survival would be fulfilled, and she would no longer be willing to persist.

The two sisters miss each other the most and worry about each other the most.

Xin Huan once told Jian Zechuan: The most uneasy thing in her life is Xin Ai. If she sees her well, she will never feel at ease if she cannot see her happy.

However, if Xin Huan really couldn't survive this month, if she really didn't see Xin Ai before she died, then she would leave with regrets.

If Xin Ai knew one day that he had prevented the sisters from meeting, she would probably... hate him to death.

Jian Zechuan's heart was very complicated and he never knew how to make this decision.

But until I heard Xin Ai say just now, it would be nice to see Xin Huan again.

Jian Zechuan, who had always been conflicted in his heart, suddenly made a decision.

Xin Ai should be taken to see Xin Huan, and the two of them should not have regrets in their hearts forever.

No matter what the outcome was, he would get through it with her!

The car was driving at high speed on the road, and Xin Ai's body was shaking all the time. She still couldn't believe that she just heard Jian Zechuan say that he wanted to take her to see... to see Xin Huan...

Xin Ai always thought that Xin Huan must be dead at this time.

But she didn't expect that Jian Zechuan would tell her that Xin Huan was still alive and she was still there.

Xin Ai didn't dare to ask Jian Zechuan, for fear that she was dreaming, and if she insisted on pursuing the truth, she would wake up from this dream.

If it is really a dream, Xin Ai wants to keep doing this.

The sun is shining brightly outside, the heat is scorching the earth, and there are few pedestrians on the road.

Jian Zechuan drove from the cemetery in the suburbs all the way back to the city.

Passing a familiar road, Xin Ai didn't know where Jian Zechuan would take her.

However, she felt that this time, she should believe him, he would not lie to her.

The car is parked in the hospital. This is Fang Ziheng's hospital. Xin Ai has been here countless times.

Xin Ai instantly understood that if her sister was still alive, the place where Jian Zechuan could place her must be Fang Ziheng's place.

Not only because Fang Ziheng likes her sister, but also because her sister's health must be very bad now, and she needs very good treatment.

After getting off the car, Xin Ai's hands and feet were cold and she didn't know which foot to step.

Jian Zechuan stretched out his hand: Come, follow me, I will take you to see your sister.

In the sunshine, Jian Zechuan's tall figure, like a towering tree, stood in front of her, blocking everything for her.

Xin Ai's nervous body was trembling all the time, and she put her hand on Jian Zechuan's palm.

Jian Zechuan held Xin Ai's hand tightly and led her forward in large strides.

People in the hospital were already familiar with Jian Zechuan and Xin Ai. They greeted them and directly told them where their director was.

Jian Zechuan did not go to Fang Ziheng. He took Xin Ai directly to the most special ward of this hospital.

There is only one ward on the entire floor, and no one usually comes here.

However, many medical staff in the hospital know that there is a very special patient, and their director personally takes care of him whenever he has time.

Jian Zechuan took Xin Ai outside the ward. He took a breath and then opened the door.

The moment the door was opened, Xin Ai saw the hospital bed and a person lying on the bed.

Jian Zechuan let go of Xin Ai's hand, she raised her heavy steps and walked in slowly little by little.

Xin Ai's steps were very slow at first, and then faster and faster. Finally, when the person on the hospital bed completely appeared in her eyes, she almost rushed over and threw herself beside the bed.

Fang Ziheng, the caregiver in the ward, personally found a sister-in-law in her forties who was very dedicated. When Fang Ziheng was away, she was the one who watched over Xin Huan and took good care of her.

Seeing Xin Ai rushing towards her, the nursing sister was startled. She wanted to stop her but was stopped by Jian Zechuan's eyes.

Jian Zechuan pointed outside and asked the nursing sister to leave first.

He used to come here often, so the sister-in-law recognized him, nodded, and hurried out.

The person lying on the hospital bed was Xin Huan. She was unconscious, with tubes inserted into her mouth and nose. The people looking at the various instruments on the bedside were a little scared. Those instruments monitored various vital signs of people, no matter what. If any one of them goes wrong, something big will happen.

Xin Huan was on the hospital bed because her kidneys were beginning to fail. Her whole body was swollen and she looked very fat. Xin Ai held her hand tremblingly and squeezed it slightly, leaving a pit on the back of her hand.

Xin Ai's lips kept trembling, and she opened them for a long time before squeezing out a few words from her throat, Sister...I'm here to see you...

Three years...

Three years ago on April 30th, Xin Huan was always there, and today... such a long time has passed!

Xin Ai has had many dreams, in which Xin Huan is still alive.

She was still a little girl who relied on her sister to survive.

Every time she wakes up from a dream, the cruel reality tells Xin Ai that Xin Huan is gone and she will never see her sister again in this life.

Xin Ai regarded revenge as his entire motivation.

She couldn't save Xin Huan, the only thing she could do was to help her get revenge!

Xin Ai never dreamed that she would have a chance to see Xin Huan again.

After meeting Xin Huan, Xin Ai seemed to have turned into the shy and introverted little girl again. She grabbed Xin Huan's hand and cried: Sister, I am Xin Ai. I came to see you. I'm sorry. …I didn’t come until now…Are you blaming me?”

Sister, I know, you have been thinking about me, so...can you open your eyes and look at me...I miss you so much...

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