Can You Love Me?

Chapter 461 Okay, I’ll take you to see her

The professor interrupted her: That's enough. Maybe you think whatever I tell you is useless. You don't think about how difficult it is for others. It's your nature to be selfish, but today you have to Know one thing, it is everyone’s right to live, not just yours. The moment you deprive others of their right to live, it is destined that one day, your right to live will also be deprived of you.”

Also, no boy in this world will like a woman like you, ever!

This is probably the meanest thing the professor has ever said.

She tried to reverse Xu Lanqiao's twisted psychology, but it was useless, her psychology was already deeply ingrained.

Xu Lanqiao shook his head: He likes me. If I live well and if all this is not exposed, he will definitely like me...

She firmly believed that if Lu Jincheng had not seen the live broadcast, if he had not known what she had done, he would have fallen in love with her, he would have.

The professor sneered: It's a pity, it's exposed, isn't it? He saw your ugliest face and knew how terrible you are. There are no ifs in this world. All ifs are facts that have already happened, and all Facts are irreversible!”

After she finished speaking, Shen Ce pushed them away and asked, How is Professor Hu?

The professor nodded: It's ready for interrogation.

Xu Lanqiao is completely awake, but her psychology is twisted!

Communicating with someone like her is very tiring.

For a person like this, Professor Hu believes that it is better to let the law try her properly. If she really goes crazy and escapes the sanction of the law, it would be a bit scary...

Professor Hu leaves.

Shen Ce sat down, with a policeman in charge of recording beside him.

However, Xu Lanqiao was very uncooperative and refused to answer any questions.

Shen Ce was not in a hurry and stood up without asking, and said: You can say nothing. Anyway, your brother Xu Lanshan has already confessed everything, including her testimony and what you said during the live broadcast that day. That’s enough, we can convict him with zero confession.”

When Xu Lanshan was mentioned, Xu Lanqiao hated her. She always felt that everything was Xu Lanshan's fault. If he hadn't stumbled in the end, she would have succeeded now.

Shen Ce stood up and left. After a week, no one came to ask about Xu Lanqiao.

But something happened in the past few days. Xu Lanqiao tried to commit suicide, but luckily, the nurse found her in time and stopped her.

In the words of the nurse who rescued her: This kind of person should be judged by the whole people. She should be nailed to the gallows of humiliation and be cast aside by others. It would be too easy for her to commit suicide.

A week later, the doctor said that Xu Lanqiao was almost ready to be hospitalized, and the rest was just a matter of changing the dressing on time.

As a result, Xu Lanqiao was taken away by the police!

The day after Xu Lanshan and Xu Lanqiao were caught by the police, Xin Ai went to Xin Huan's cemetery, and Jian Zechuan took her there.

Xin Ai put down the sunflower, squatted in front of Xin Huan's tombstone, raised his hand and gently wiped the photo.

She tried her best to raise the corners of her lips and smiled at the photo: Sister, the person who killed you has finally been caught. You can rest in peace.

But when he opened his mouth, tears still flowed down uncontrollably.

It’s been three years since I disappeared until now...

In the past three years, Xin Ai has been alive, but every day has been torture for her.

Her initial motivation was to find Xin Huan, and later her motivation was to avenge Xin Huan...

Now that everything is coming to an end, Xin Ai's heart seems to be hollowed out in an instant. She doesn't know what else can support her to continue to persist in this world.

Xin Ai's sobs hurt Jian Zechuan's heart.

He really didn't want to see her cry or shed tears!

Seeing her cry, Jian Zechuan felt that every drop of her tears was like a thorn in his heart, causing the blood to flow...

The sun was strong today and the temperature was very hot. Jian Zechuan knelt down, put his arms around Xin Ai's shoulders, and hugged her into his arms.

Xin Ai didn't struggle or resist this time. She seemed to have found support and lay in Jian Zechuan's arms, crying.

This is the first time Xin Ai has vented all his emotions since the car accident.

Before, she didn't even dare to cry, for fear that crying would make her weak, unable to recover, and lose the courage to take revenge.

Now, everything has settled.

The Xu family brothers and sisters were arrested, and everyone's revenge was finally avenged.

She could finally cry freely.

However, she really missed Xin Huan and her...

Listening to Xin Ai's cries, Jian Zechuan frowned. He had been hesitating whether to tell Xin Ai or not.


The situation there is really very good. If Xin Ai really regains her hope after seeing it, and then loses it, wouldn't it be another huge blow to her?

I don't know if she can hold on.

However, if you don't say...

Jian Zechuan didn't want to lie to Xin Ai anymore. In fact, every time he saw her, he wanted to tell Xin Ai... your sister is not dead yet.

Yes, Xin Huan is not dead yet.

Still alive, it should be said that she still has breath.

Two years ago, after he learned about Xin Ai's death, he had been monitoring the Xu family. Later, he found the Xu family's nursing home and found Xin Huan who was not dead there...

So, Jian Zechuan had someone set a fire, stole Xin Huan out, got a dead body, cut off one hand and one foot, and disguised it as Xin Huan's body.

Anyway, you can't see anything burnt, and the Xu brothers and sisters probably didn't expect it to be fake.

After stealing Xin Huan out, Jian Zechuan has been taking good care of her, finding many experts and using the best medicine.

However, the heart that Xin Huan is using now is Xu Lanqiao's bad heart. Except for two years ago, he could still wake up briefly every day. Now, he is almost in a vegetative state. He is in a state of resuscitation all the time and will die at any time. .

Jian Zechuan didn't dare let Xin Ai see Xin Huan like this.

Xin Ai was tired, so Jian Zechuan picked her up and returned to the car.

She seemed to have lost all her strength and sat motionless in the passenger seat.

Jian Zechuan buckled her seat belt, Let's go home first...

He hasn't yet decided whether to tell Xin Ai.

The car had just started and had not yet driven out, when Jian Zechuan heard Xin Ai murmur: I want to take a look at her... just one look... just one look...

This sentence made Jian Zechuan's heart feel as if someone had squeezed it into a ball with great force, squeezing it so hard that it ached endlessly.

He couldn't help it anymore and turned to Xin Ai: Okay, I'll take you to see her!

Xin Ai looked at him blankly: What did you say?

Jian Zechuan raised his hand and touched Xin Ai's face: I will take you to see her!

He doesn't care, he doesn't want to worry about that anymore!

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