Can You Love Me?

Chapter 444 Bah, it’s just a drowned phoenix

The small clinic was very dilapidated and old, and the lighting was not good. It had rained a few days ago and the walls were leaking. The room had a musty smell, was damp and dark, and Xu Lanqiao felt very uncomfortable as soon as he entered.

It feels like the people living here are rats living in the sewers.

Seeing this scene, Xu Lanqiao became more determined, determined to dig out Xu Lanshan's heart for her use.

She wants to climb up, she wants to climb better, not only to get money, but also to get fame, and also to get love.

She wanted to live a life of superiority to others, to be the woman that everyone envied. She never wanted to live a life like this, not even for a single day.

This...this is not...

Dr. Wang rubbed his hands. He was short, bald, with a beer belly, and short and fat, like a fat carrot.

When he followed the Xu family, Xu Lanshan would never give him less money in order to win over him.

The money he got from the Xu family must be worth 30 to 40 million.

This money could have allowed him to live in luxury and prosperity for the rest of his life, but unfortunately... he has a very bad habit, which is gambling, and he is addicted to it.

In gambling, no matter how much money you have, it is not enough to lose.

The more you lose, the more you want to make a comeback. You always feel that the god of luck will favor you next time, and you will definitely win back everything you lost before, and win more money.

Therefore, all the money given by the Xu family was quickly thrown into the casino by Dr. Wang. Otherwise, he would not have opened a black clinic in such a shabby place.

Xu Lanqiao raised his hand and stopped Dr. Wang's explanation arrogantly: Okay, I don't care what you used the money for. I just need to know that you are very poor now.

She looked down on Dr. Wang and didn't even look at him.

Doctor Wang's eyes lit up when he heard this. There was something interesting in these words. He quickly asked: Is Miss Lanqiao here...

Xu Lanqiao nodded: Yes, I'm just here to give you money. It's a lot of money. I just don't know if Dr. Wang wants to do it or dares to do it.

Dr. Wang immediately said: Think about it, dare, dare, what else can I not do now? Miss Lanqiao said, as long as I can get money, I will do anything, but I don't know... this money... …”

He now particularly misses the days when he was with the Xu family and was never short of money.

Even if he has a gambling debt, he can just tell Xu Lanshan and someone will help him pay it back immediately.

Don't take it too easy.

However, now Dr. Wang has not only squandered tens of millions of dollars, but also owes a lot of loan sharks.

Yesterday, someone from the mortgage company came to his house to collect the debt and told him that if he didn't pay back the money this week, his life would be taken. He was almost worried to death.

Dr. Wang is ready to run away if he no longer has money and still has debts. He has bought the ticket and it will be 2 o'clock in the morning tonight.

Unexpectedly, there is no end to the road, and now that Xu Lanqiao has come, it just solves his urgent need!

Seeing the unconcealed joy on Dr. Wang's face, Xu Lanqiao knew that he had come at the right time.

This time, Xu Lanqiao felt even more confident. She raised her lips and said, It seems that Dr. Wang really, really needs money now. It doesn't matter. I'm here today just to give you money. As long as you Do one thing for me and I will give you 1 million... How about it, do you want to do it?

Despite Xu Lanqiao's heroic words, she didn't have a million at all.

But, with red lips and white teeth, who can’t tell!

Dr. Wang's eyes lit up when he heard 1 million, Really?

Xu Lanqiao nodded: Yes...and if you do well, I will give you another 500,000 as a reward afterwards. With so much money, does Dr. Wang have the guts to ask for it?

Dr. Wang didn't even think about it and nodded immediately: Yes, yes, as long as you give me money, I will do anything.

What else does he care about now? All he has in mind is money, money, money...

If it weren't for the fact that his own kidney was not in good condition, he would have wanted to sell one on the black market.

For people like Dr. Wang who have no medical ethics or even any moral values, nothing is more important than money.

He asked: Then... I wonder what Miss Lanqiao wants me to do?

Xu Lanqiao didn't speak. She was hesitating whether to talk now or let Dr. Wang follow her to the place she had arranged.

Finally, for the sake of safety, Xu Lanqiao said: You don't need to worry about it now, just grab your surgical tools and follow me!

Ms. Lanqiao, do you want me to do the surgery? Then... I need to ask first what kind of surgery it is. If it's just a simple surgery, then I can just bring my toolbox, but... if it's a complicated surgery, , then you have to bring a lot of things. Although my place is relatively simple, I at least have a relatively complete set of medical equipment.

Dr. Wang was not a waste either. He immediately guessed that Xu Lanqiao definitely wanted him to undergo surgery.

He thought in his mind that he should first find out what kind of surgery it was. Judging from the price of 1.5 million yuan that the other party was willing to pay, it was definitely not a simple minor surgery.

If you can catch the opponent's handle, then this will be a long-term cash cow!

Xu Lanqiao sneered, Of course I know what Dr. Wang is thinking, but you don't need to worry about it. You just need to follow me... If Dr. Wang has any concerns, just let me If you don’t come today, I can go find someone else.”

Xu Lanqiao has known Dr. Wang for more than a day or two, and he knows exactly what he is thinking.

This person is a complete greedy and lecherous person. You must be on guard against him.

Things have progressed so far that Xu Lanqiao has to guard against him, but she is not afraid because she believes that Dr. Wang will never let go of this opportunity to get so much money.

Because he is too short of money.

Sure enough, when Xu Lanqiao said this, Dr. Wang immediately said: No, no, no, no worries, no worries. It was me who was talking nonsense just now. I hope Miss Lanqiao will never be like me. I...that I am really very worried about now. I need this money, Miss Lanqiao, please give me this opportunity?

Xu Lanqiao nodded: Okay, I can give it to you, so Dr. Wang just needs to follow my instructions. Do what I say, and don't do anything I don't let you do. Don't do anything you shouldn't see. Look, otherwise... I will immediately terminate the cooperation with Dr. Wang. After all, as long as you have money, who can you find?

Dr. Wang used to work for the Xu family, so Xu Lanqiao always acted aloof in front of him.

Doctor Wang lowered his head and curled his lips in disdain, really thinking that he was the former eldest daughter of the Xu family.

Bah, it's just a phoenix falling into the water.

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