Can You Love Me?

Chapter 443 Take you to heaven

Xu Lanqiao opened a bottle of water that he had prepared long ago, took out a straw and put it in, then brought it to Xu Lanshan's mouth and asked him to drink it.

Xu Lanshan shook his head: No, I'm not thirsty.

Xu Lanqiao used his last patience to persuade him: Brother, you should drink some... You are weak. The doctor said you need to add more water. I added glucose in this, which is good for you.

Xu Lanshan looked at her straightly. Finally, when Xu Lanqiao was almost unable to bear the gaze, Xu Lanshan opened his mouth.

Seeing the water in the straw being sucked up, Xu Lanshan drank it into his mouth. Xu Lanqiao breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she finally drank it. She added sleeping pills to the water.

In order to prevent Xu Lanshan from asking questions that she couldn't answer later, Xu Lanqiao thought that she might as well let him sleep directly.

How could Xu Lanshan not guess her plan? He also knew that there must be something wrong with the bottle of water.

Xu Lanshan just took a sip, and a small part went into his throat. He turned his head and the rest of the water slowly flowed down from the corner of his mouth and seeped into the pillow.

Xu Lanqiao didn't notice his little move.

After a while, Xu Lanshan closed his eyes in anticipation of Xu Lanqiao.

elder brother……

Seeing Xu Lanshan close his eyes, Xu Lanqiao called out softly, wanting to see if he really fell asleep.

After calling out and getting no response, Xu Lanqiao's voice became louder: Brother...

After calling out again, there was still no response. Xu Lanqiao stretched out his hand and pushed Xu Lanshan.

As a result, there was still no response. Now Xu Lanqiao was sure that Xu Lanshan must have fallen asleep.

She put down her hand, and a vicious sneer flashed across her face: Brother, don't worry, I will take you to heaven. Don't worry, I just said that you will never have pain from now on, but I will Do what you say...

Xu Lanqiao thought that Xu Lanshan could not hear her words, but in fact, they all stopped in Xu Lanshan's ears.

Since he agreed to be discharged from the hospital with Xu Lanqiao, he was always somewhat prepared.

Is it possible that Xu Lanqiao wants him to die and expects him to cooperate and die with her obediently?

Since she doesn't have any relationship between brother and sister, there is no need for him to regard her as his sister anymore.

Anyway, he is already like this, even if he really dies in the end, he must avenge this!

Xu Lanqiao thought everything was going according to her plan, and she was full of joy and expectation.

She asked the van to drive to the place she had designated earlier, and after paying the money, she asked the driver to help lift Xu Lanshan into the back seat.

The driver was pretty good, but when he saw that he was struggling like this, Xu Lanshan didn't even wake up, so he couldn't help but ask: Miss, this gentleman seems to be in very bad condition. Should he be sent to the hospital?

Xu Lanqiao said coldly: We just came out of the hospital. Don't you know that my brother hates hospitals the most? He said that even if he dies, he will die at home and will never go to the hospital. You took your money , hurry up and leave, this is our family matter, what does it have to do with you, why do you care so much? Do you still want to ask for money for another trip?

The driver was scolded, his face darkened, he took the money and left directly.

Even if he asks kindly, he is not the kind of person who is nosy. Since he is not allowed to ask, he can only leave.

Xu Lanqiao drove into his rented car and went directly to the doctor who performed Xin Huan's heart transplant surgery last time.

The doctor was 50 years old and his surname was Wang. He had previously worked in the Xu family's own nursing home, the same hospital that Jian Zechuan set on fire.

Later, the nursing home disappeared and the Xu family collapsed again. Because he had a serious medical accident before going to the Xu family, his medical ethics was also very poor. Although his medical skills were not bad, no hospital was willing to hire him, so he I had no choice but to secretly open a black clinic in my alley.

The sign outside said it was a name-testing clinic, but everyone nearby knew it was a clinic.

People who usually come to him for medical treatment are either suffering from minor injuries due to bruises or accidental pregnancies. They don’t have the money to go to a big hospital and dare not perform abortions on girls whose families know about them. Or, they are just treating gangsters with injuries. People bandage and heal wounds.

In short, life was very difficult, and it was definitely not as good as before when he was raised by the Xu family.

He holds the handle of the Xu family. Didn't he think of threatening Xu Lanshan? It's a pity that the Xu family is like this. Even if he threatens, what can he get?

It's definitely not possible to get even a penny.

Moreover, the police are keeping a close eye on the Xu family. If he goes and is caught by the police, he will definitely be involved. After all... he participated in the beginning and he is also an accessory. Once the police find out, , he couldn't run away at all.

Therefore, he secretly opened a black clinic and lived his life day by day.

Hearing someone knocking on the door, he thought it was a patient coming to deliver money, so he quickly turned off the male-female action movie playing on his phone, got up and opened the door.

As a result, I opened the door and saw a woman wearing a hat and a mask, wrapped up tightly in summer.

He didn't recognize who it was at first, thinking it was the women who came for abortions but were afraid of being seen.

So he closed the door and asked directly: How many months has it been?

But the woman didn't speak.

Why are you still embarrassed?

Dr. Wang picked up the oil-stained white coat and put it on, I see a lot of women like you. You just sleep with men and get pregnant unexpectedly. What's wrong with you? Besides, what happened when you slept with those men? Don’t feel embarrassed, is it too late to be shy now?”

As a result, after he finished speaking, the other party did not move or speak.

Hey, I'm talking about you, how many months have you been here? If you don't tell me how I can do it for you, do you know my price? 800 without counter-offer. If you want to do it, just do it. If you don't want to do it, leave. Don't do it. Delay my time!

The woman standing opposite him took off her mask: Take a good look at who I am.

The doctor was really shocked when he saw the other person's face. He dropped the phone in his hand and looked like he had seen a ghost! Lanqiao...what, why is it you?

Xu Lanqiao raised his chin arrogantly, Dr. Wang, long time no see. Yes, it's rare that you still remember me. I thought you were too forgetful!

No...Miss Lanqiao, you...why did you come to my place? Do you have something else to do?

Doctor Wang's heart skipped a beat when he saw Xu Lanqiao, because when he saw her, he immediately remembered all the things he had done before. Each and every one of them would be sentenced to death according to the law.

After he reacted, he subconsciously locked the door from the inside.

Xu Lanqiao didn't answer him, and wandered back and forth in his small clinic: Why is Dr. Wang so miserable now? Didn't he give you a lot of money before? Has all that money been spent?

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