Can You Love Me?

Chapter 328 He believes that she is still alive

At this time, Jian Zechuan was cutting out the two latest photos of Xin Ai that had been developed, and putting them into the frame.

Fang Ziheng looked at the photos of Xin Ai in the room, and felt more and more that Jian Zechuan was crazy enough to be possessed.

He couldn't help but said: Third brother, it's been two and a half years, if I could come back, I would have come back a long time ago...

Fang Ziheng felt that Xin Ai would not be able to come back. It had been more than two years. If he could come back, how could he have waited so long!

After a year of recuperation, Fang Ziheng has come out of his grief.

Now, he has found something more motivating to do.

It's just that when he saw that the room was densely packed with Xin Ai's photos, he really felt that the third brother was crazy. In comparison, it seemed that his feelings for Xin Huan seemed very pale and weightless...

Third brother, you were not like this before, why don't you take your eyes off Xin Ai for a while? You still have a lot to do?

Have you forgotten how you enlightened me? Third brother...

From the beginning to the end, Jian Zechuan didn't reply him a word, just picked him up rudely and threw him out.

The door slammed shut, Fang Ziheng sighed anxiously, helpless.


In the room, Jian Zechuan looked at Xin Ai's photo and narrowed his eyes.

No matter what others say, Jian Zechuan will always believe in his own judgment.

He believed that Xin Ai was alive, and he believed that one day, Xin Ai would definitely come back.

Brother and sister Xu Lanshan are still alive and well, why did Xin Ai miss this opportunity?

In the past, Jian Zechuan was never a person who would believe in miracles, but now, he believed that miracles existed in this world, and he believed that, Xin Ai reluctantly died like this.

Obviously, Jian Zechuan's judgment is very correct.

At this time, Xin Ai is looking forward to returning to China as soon as possible.

Because of her unremitting efforts, her body was finally able to stand on two legs and walk.

It's just that she can't run fast and can't jump like other normal people. Apart from that, Xin Ai looks no different from ordinary people.

The doctor said that when she was sent, all the doctors felt that if she survived, the best result would be a vegetable.

But who would have thought that not only did she survive, but instead of becoming a vegetable, she could stand up completely and return to a normal life.

However, now Xin Ai's domestic identity has been erased, and now she has a foreign identity.

If I want to go back to my country, there are still many miscellaneous things to do.

And Jian Mingyuan told Xin Ai that if he wanted to go back to China, tell him that he would take her back.

A few days ago, she talked to Jian Mingyuan and told her to wait a few more days. The departure date is set for today. If he can't come by then, he will ask someone else to pick up Xin Ai.

But after waiting for a whole day, Jian Mingyuan hasn't come yet, and Xin Ai is worried that he won't be able to go back.

But fortunately, in the end, although Jian Mingyuan didn't come, his people still came.

After explaining the situation to her, he took her directly to the airport.

On the way, Jian Mingyuan called Xin Ai and asked her, Are you sure you want to go back to Mingdu now?

Xin Ai nodded vigorously: I want to, I really want to.

She is very sure that two and a half years, she has waited a long time.

She didn't want the brothers and sisters of the Xu family to live any longer.

Jian Mingyuan just asked her one last question, since she had already said so, he didn't ask anything else, he said: It's just right, I should also go back to Mingdu, and take you back by the way... You don't have to worry about this journey!

Xin Ai's voice was trembling with excitement: Mr. Jian really thank you, thank you so much...

At this moment, Xin Ai felt that Jian Mingyuan was really sent by God to save her.

In Xin Ai's eyes, the image of Jian Mingyuan was instantly tall and dazzling.

Regardless of whether Jian Mingyuan really has other purposes, but at this moment, he can help Xin Ai to this extent, and to her, he is her greatest benefactor...

Going back to the Ming Dynasty is definitely not that easy. Although the Xu family has had frequent accidents over the past year, the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse.

Although Xin Ai's identity has changed, her face is still the same.

It is not so easy to go back to the Xu family for revenge.

On the way back, Xin Ai was in an extremely excited mood. She waited until she got on the plane, and when the plane took off, at that moment... Xin Ai was in a very excited mood.

Going back this time, no matter what, no matter what method she uses, she will let the Xu family suffer.

What Xu Lanshan brothers and sisters did, she will pay back twice as much.

In the past two and a half years, she worked hard to rebuild and survive, in order for this day to come.

What's more, in the long two and a half years, she didn't just rebuild, and she didn't have any other preparations.

She has her own preparations.

She has been thinking about it for more than a year, and she already has a detailed plan.

After more than ten hours of long-distance flight, Xin Ai was not sleepy at all. She knew that as time passed, the distance between her and Mingdu would be getting closer.

When the flight attendant announced that the plane was about to land at Mingdu International Airport, Xin Ai's hands were shaking.

She is finally back.

After more than two years and hundreds of days and nights, Xin Ai was looking forward to this day almost every night.

Back to Mingdu, revenge, revenge, revenge!

It is this belief that keeps supporting her, allowing her to survive on the operating table again and again, and allowing her to get up after falling down again and again!

It's dark!

Xin Ai turned her head and looked out the window. It was already late at night, and the plane was gradually lowering its altitude. Looking down from the sky, the night view of Mingdu was as beautiful as when she left, and even more beautiful.

The night of Mingdu will never be darkened because of anyone's departure.


Xin Ai's return this time will make some people's lives gloomy.

She will make those evildoers regret what they have done...

She was forced to leave this place for more than two years, and today, she finally came back.

The plane stopped, and Xin Ai stood up.

The person sent by Jian Mingyuan to follow Xin Ai along the way came and took off Xin Ai's luggage: Miss Zhen, let's go, the person arranged by Mr. is waiting for us outside.

Yes, Xin Ai's surname is Zhen now, and her first name is Zhen Xin.

Zhen Xin (Xin) is the real Xin Ai.

Xin Ai stood up, smiled at the man, and said with one head: Okay, thank you.

To this day, Xin Ai does not know who Jian Mingyuan is, but this is not important anymore.

No matter who the other party is, even if it is a vicious murderer, Xin Ai will choose to believe him at this time.

Jian Mingyuan saved her life, he gave her a new identity, and he brought her back to the country...

Although Xin Ai felt that Jian Mingyuan had other purposes from the beginning, but these are irrelevant.

The important thing is that she set foot on the land of Mingdu again.

Importantly, she came back.

The important thing is that the happy days of the Xu family brothers and sisters will never be seen again...

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