Can You Love Me?

Chapter 327 Infinite Possibilities Only Alive

Xin Ai lowered his head sadly and said: life was bought by a friend of mine. I can't just give up on myself just because I was injured, can I have the face to meet him...

Jian Mingyuan said softly: That's right, no wonder, it seems that you have a very good friend.

Xin Ai nodded: It's...a very good friend...

Mingming and Li Anhe haven't known each other for a long time, and she didn't do anything for him, but he could go through life and death for her. Every time Xin Ai thought of what Li Anhe said before pushing her down, she could bear it. I can't help but want to cry.

——There are infinite possibilities only when people are alive!

Only by living better can we have better revenge.

Jian Mingyuan glanced at the watch on his wrist, and said: I should go, if you really want to go back so much, then when you can walk freely, I can help you go back, but... Before you can move freely, You'd better do your recovery here!

Xin Ai was overjoyed and wanted to stand up, but was stopped by Jian Mingyuan.

She looked at Jian Mingyuan eagerly, and said, Thank you...then I...what can I do for you?

Jian Mingyuan smiled: I don't know now! But maybe one day I will know in the future.

What he said made Xin Ai feel a little flustered.

Jian Mingyuan left, and Xin Ai couldn't see him again after a long time. At most, he could make a phone call now and then...


In such a state, the Xu family spent a year of turmoil.

One year passed, Xu Lanshan couldn't stand up, his legs were not healing well, and he didn't know what happened. The inexplicable wound was infected, and it was very serious. The hospital wasted a lot of energy in the end. One of his limbs was amputated, and only one was left. The other leg was also severely necrotic, and keeping it was just for display. After that, he could only sit in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, and it was impossible to stand up. Chance to get up.

This sudden change caused Xu Lanshan's personality to change drastically.

It's getting more and more cloudy and cloudy, and the people who serve him are often beaten to the ground by him. As time goes on, it's hard for their family to find someone who is willing to take care of him.

In addition, Xu Lanshan made several wrong decisions one after another, causing the company to lose a lot of money, and the pressure on Xu Lanshan from the board of directors was also increasing.

The overall situation of the Xu family is also very bad, and accidents happen every now and then, making people panic.

This has been going on for a year, and it's impossible to say that no one is behind it.

However, Xu Lanshan spent a lot of effort to investigate, but he couldn't find out who did it.

The Xu family's influence in Mingdu has been shrinking this year, and the industries all over the country have suffered serious losses.

Xu Lanshan suspected Jian Zechuan once, but when he met Jian Zechuan once, he was still the same as before. When he saw him, he spoke rudely and found fault, but it was not the feeling of deep hatred.

The entire Xu family fell into anxiety, but Xu Lanqiao seemed to be still in good shape.

However, only she knows that it is becoming more and more difficult for her to walk now.

I had talked about a good play, but was suddenly told that the producer had changed roles.

The ad that was negotiated was about to be shot, and the other party changed the endorsement.

Many netizens complained about it on the Internet, why has Xu Yinghou's vision for acting become worse and worse after recovering from her arm injury?

Only she knows, it's because she will soon have nothing to choose.

In the past, those big-production, big-investment, high-quality dramas no longer look for her. Even if they look for her, they will be replaced before shooting.

Well, Xu Lanqiao's agent said that she must have offended some important person, and they are trying to punish her!

The Xu family's influence is not as good as it used to be, not to mention that they are not afraid of her family at all, so it is getting more and more difficult for her to get along in the entertainment industry relying on her background.

Xu Lanqiao, who used to be so beautiful, a good character in the entertainment industry, and a good play, now has to be like other actresses with no background. She has to go to accompany the director, eat with the producer, and be touched Touch your legs and eat tofu.

No matter how much Xu Lanqiao hates her, she has to grit her teeth and hold on.

I don't know if it's because of drinking too many times, alcohol hurts the body, Xu Lanqiao's body gradually started to go wrong.

She began to get sick at every turn, her body was swollen, she couldn't sleep at night, felt anxious and uncomfortable, and sometimes her chest hurt.

The doctor told her that it was a rejection of the transplanted organ.

This frightened Xu Lanqiao, she has been using Xin Huan's heart for almost two years, why did she only repel it now?

The doctor said that it is normal to have a rejection reaction after one or two years.

But if the situation gets out of control and the rejection gets worse, then she is in danger.

Xu Lanqiao was very scared, and hurried to find Xu Lanshan, but Xu Lanshan was very busy at that time.

Xu's company suffered a lot of losses this year. When the construction site collapsed, people were killed and paid a lot of compensation.

Xu Lanshan has been tired of coping with tearing down the east wall to make up the west wall this year.

Seeing Xu Lanshan frowning when entering the door, Xu Lanqiao asked, Brother, what's the matter? Did something happen?

Xu Lanshan replied casually: Business matters... don't worry.

Xu Lanqiao saw sunflowers in a vase in Xu Lanshan's office, so he clenched his hands.

She really didn't expect that her brother would fall in love with that trash Xin Huan.

At first, it was said that her heart was taken out and her body was disposed of.

However, his brother disagreed, saying that it was not easy to obtain such a perfect vessel, and it was better to keep her than to let her die.

Thus, Xu Lanqiao's heart and Xin Huan's heart switched.

Xin Huan is not dead, but she is not considered alive, because she has become a vegetable.

Fortunately, she died in that fire later, otherwise, every time Xu Lanqiao thought of her, she would feel horrified, for fear that her brother would be overwhelmed that day and choose that trash before her and Xin Huan.

Xin Huan dies as soon as he dies, there is no pity... The only pity for Xu Lanqiao is that it would have been nice if Xin Ai hadn't died in that car accident back then...

What did you come to see me for?

Xu Lanqiao sniffed, his eyes were red, and said: Brother... I have been sick recently. The doctor said that her body and the transplanted heart have rejected... If this continues this afternoon, I may die ...

Xu Lanqiao is very scared now, she will die!

Having tasted the taste of health, Xu Lanqiao never wanted to go back to the time when he was sick all day long.

What's more, if the rejection is serious, it will kill her.

When Xu Lanshan heard it, his eyes softened, and he comforted him: Of course not, I won't let you die.

Xu Lanqiao cried: It would be great if Xin Ai didn't die...

If she is not dead, her heart can be taken.

People with scarce blood types are hard to find, and it is really difficult to match the heart.

The brothers and sisters of the Xu family fell into deep thought.

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