Can You Love Me?

Chapter 309 She left quietly

Before coming to see Shen Ce, Xu Chaomu thought that he would definitely agree, because the deceased Li Anhe was Shen Ce's old boss and also a good friend, it was because of this that Xu Chaomu dared to come to him.

Unexpectedly, Shen Ce just told him lightly that it was an accident.

Xu Chaomu did not believe that an experienced criminal policeman like Shen Ce would not be able to see that this car accident was not simple.

Not far away, Jian Si's face was bloodless, and Xu Chaomu's words were all in his ears, Xin Ai...dead...

He felt that he might have an auditory hallucination, and he got up in a hurry, but hit the table, and the coffee on the table fell, with a bang, the cup broke, and the coffee spilled all over the floor.

Shen Ce and Xu Chaomu looked over at the same time and saw Jian Si.

Shen Ce was taken aback, didn't he leave?

Judging by Jian Si's expression, he should have heard everything he should have heard.

Shen Ce frowned, obviously he didn't like Jian Si hearing the conversation between him and Xu Chaomu, but since he heard it all, it couldn't be undone.

He said gloomyly: Assistant Jane...why are you still here?

The shock on Jian Si's face has not dissipated, he felt that what he heard just now was too horrifying, and he couldn't believe it at all.

Xin Ai, her life is very tough.

How could she die? Wasn't she fine the last time we met...

It's just that the last time we met...was...a year ago.

Jian Si asked Shen Ce: you just it true?

Shen Ce looked at Jian Si and said calmly: As you heard, Xin Ai is dead. He died on the night of September 30 last year. It rained heavily that night. The car she was riding in collided with a fuel tank truck, and the car was destroyed. Death.

This is the most official answer, concise and clear, without any emotion.

Xu Chaomu didn't speak, but looked at Jian Si silently.

Jane opened her mouth and did not speak for a long time.

Xin Ai September last could she die? How could she die?

Jian Si kept repeating this sentence in his mouth.

He shook his head: I don't believe...

Shen Ce didn't look at him: It's up to you, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not, anyway, everyone is dead.

Jian Si rushed to the side, Why don't we have any news?

When a person dies, how can it be... There is no movement at all, not even news reports!

No, it's not that they didn't, they didn't see it at all.

On the night of Xin Ai's death, he went to Europe with the third master before dawn, and stayed there for more than half a month. After returning to China, how could he see the report of the car accident that night?

Car accidents happen every day across the country, and few people pay attention to it.

The news couldn't stir up even a little splash, so they naturally couldn't see it.

And...he stayed with the third master, deliberately forgetting Xin Ai, deliberately not contacting...and even more ignorant of her situation.

Shen Ce said indifferently: You are not Xin Ai's family, and it doesn't matter, our police will naturally not notify you, it's just... you seem to be very sad now, but she has been dead for almost a year. I don't know, why, haven't you contacted her for so long?

Jian Si shook his head: I'm not... I contacted, but I can't get in touch...

Shen Ce sarcastically said: Yeah, I can't get in touch, so you don't ask any more, and you don't think that if the phone fails, what will happen? Right?


Jian Si had nothing to say, Shen Ce's words seemed to be a slap in the face.

He thought... he thought that the third master had met Xin Ai just after the Spring Festival, and he thought that Xin Ai was doing well at that time, so he... he didn't think much about it.

Jian Zechuan always said that Xin Ai would kill herself sooner or later, but... when she really died.

Only then did Jian Si realize that he was very sad. He was a person who never cried, his eyes were reddened, and his heart seemed to be pressed by a big stone.

He blamed himself very much. Fang Ziheng said that when he couldn't find someone, he should have found it himself. He should have gone to the school, to the school leader, to the police station...

But he didn't, he didn't do anything.

He even almost forgot about the girl Xin Ai.

Jian Si's lips trembled, he wanted to speak very much, but he couldn't make a sound.

Seeing his appearance, Shen Ce sneered sarcastically, stood up and said to Xu Chaomu: Prosecutor Xu, I can't help you, this case is not our criminal police's responsibility, it's the traffic police's.

He was about to leave, and Jian Si immediately chased him after recovering.

Captain Shen, please wait, I want to know... where is Xin Ai buried?

When people are alive, they don't care. What's the matter? After death, do you still want to mourn?

After Shen Ce satirized him, he still told Jian Si where Xin Ai's grave was.

Driving away, Shen Ce looked coldly at Jian Si who was standing by the side of the road, and sneered. He didn't know what expression Jian Zechuan would have when he heard of Xin Ai's death, but he actually looked forward to it.

Jian Si did not go back for a blind date. When the woman came, he was already in the car and was driving to the cemetery.

Arriving at the cemetery, standing in front of the tombstone, Jian Si had no choice but to believe that Xin Ai was dead... The photo of her on the tombstone was provided by Su Xiaoling, with a bright smile and happy eyes.

After Jian Si met Xin Ai, he had never seen such a smile.

He covered his eyes and said, Xin Ai is sorry, I just found out now...

He knew it too late, and he didn't know she was gone until almost a year after she passed away.

Jian Si put down his hands, his eyes were red and bloodshot.

He accidentally saw the tombstone on the right side of Xin Ai, which read... Xin Huan!

Jian Si was surprised, Xin Huan... Xin Ai's sister, she died too?

Looking at the time when the monument was erected, then... Isn't that just two days after she and the third master separated?

Jian Si's figure was shaking, no wonder... No wonder he found out that she was not in a good condition when he went to see Xin Ai, but he didn't think much about it at the time.

And at that time, Xin Ai suffered such a huge blow, how painful should it be?

Jian Si regretted that at the beginning, if only he could care more about Xin Ai?

It's a pity... Regret has always been the most useless thing.


After Jian Si returned from the cemetery, he had been immersed in self-blame and guilt, regretting that he had been too big for so long, and he didn't know about such a big matter until now.

On the day of work, Jian Si was still in a daze, making mistakes all the time at work.

Even Jian Zechuan couldn't stand it anymore and asked him what happened.

Looking at Jian Zechuan, Jian Si didn't know whether to tell him or not.

He has always felt that the third master has Xin Ai in his heart, but he doesn't understand, he doesn't know what liking is. In terms of feelings, the third master is a child.

If you let him know that Xin Ai is dead, he will only suffer more.

Jian Zechuan tapped his fingers on the table, Jian Si, what's wrong with you? Are you bewitched?

Jian Si regained consciousness and shook her head again and again: No, Third Master...I...

Jian Zechuan was a little impatient: Say.


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