Can You Love Me?

Chapter 308 Sudden news of death

Jian Si thought that Jian Zechuan and Xin Ai had met each other before, so he didn't look for anyone else.

By mistake, he missed the opportunity to learn about Xin Ai's death.

So that later, when Jian Si knew about it, he regretted it.


In May, Jian Si had a rare weekend break, and his parents arranged for him to go on a blind date at a coffee shop. As soon as he arrived, he unexpectedly met Shen Ce.

Jian Si was taken aback, and then greeted: What a coincidence, Captain Shen.

Shen Ce nodded: Assistant Jane.

Jian Si didn't know if it was because he hadn't seen Shen Ce for a long time, but he actually felt that he... seemed to be a lot gloomy, and when he looked at people, his eyes were a lot colder, a little different from before, and he also lost a lot of weight. It sounds like a lot of vicissitudes.

This made Jian Si a little surprised, oh my god, what has this criminal police captain experienced in this year? Could it be that he was hit hard by something?

Shen Ce obviously had no intention of talking to Jian Siduo, so he walked to the back seat.

Jian Si couldn't help but look at him twice more, but just as he was about to leave, he also saw another person coming in, and that person was also familiar.

It's called Xu...what is Xu, Jian Si forgot, anyway, it's the senior who liked Xin Ai.

I haven't seen him for a year. The kid who just came out of school seems to have grown up a lot this year. He looks very mature and steady. He no longer has the school spirit on his body, and there is even a ruthlessness on his face.

Jian Si thought to himself, hey, what day is it today.

But what surprised Jian Si even more was that Xu Chaomu actually walked up to Shen Ce and sat down.

He was secretly surprised, when did these two get together?

Oh, by the way, he remembered that the senior who likes Xin Ai is called Xu Chaomu, who studied law and went to practice in the court after graduation, maybe he came to discuss the case with Shen Ce.

Jian Si also chose a position close to them out of gossip, but it was not easy for them to see it.

Jian Si could vaguely hear the conversation between the two, but as he listened, the blood on Jian Si's face became less and less.

Shen Ce said indifferently: Prosecutor Xu, Xin Ai's case has already been investigated. It was an accident. You have seen the case files. It was raining heavily that day and the road was slippery. Li Anhe drove too fast, and the petrol on the other side The tank trucks collided with each other to avoid a vehicle traveling in the opposite direction out of control...

Shen Ce's voice was very mechanical, as if he had repeated this statement many times.

Xu Chaomu shook his head: I don't believe it, I've checked. On the night of the accident, witnesses saw that the car she was riding in was chased and blocked by several cars...

The expression on Shen Ce's face was a little numb, and he said, Even though they chased and intercepted her, they didn't directly kill Xin Ai, did they?

Jian Si's body swayed, Xin Ai could it be...

Xu Chaomu gritted his teeth and said angrily: Shen Ce, you are a policeman, you are the captain of the criminal police team, your duty is to bring every criminal to justice, find out the truth of every case, and you must be worthy of the national emblem on your head. This car accident, There must be other secrets. I don’t believe that Xin Ai’s death was accidental. Before she died, she had been investigating his sister’s case. I checked, and Xin Huan’s case is suspicious. Your police identified Chen Ming as the murderer of Xin Huan, but, Is he a real murderer, or is he helping others? You should know in your heart. Otherwise, why did Chen Ming die suddenly in the detention center for no reason? There are so many suspicious cases. As a policeman, you are so indifferent. You are worthy of death. person?

Xu Chaomu gritted his teeth, his face tensed, and he almost uttered these words in a low growl.

This is already a very depressed state for him, he can hardly bear it anymore, Xin Ai is dead, almost crushing her.

After leaving Mingdu last year, he has been working hard to adapt to the life without Xin Ai, working hard, and finally he survived the most difficult months.

He didn't call Xin Ai, didn't contact her, he thought he could miss her by doing so.

Indeed, Xu Zhaomu really survived like this.

Xu Chaomu knew about Xin Ai's case a month ago. He left Mingdu last year and went to the prefecture-level city below. He also went from the court to the procuratorate. Because of his outstanding performance, he went abroad for further studies.

By chance, I met Su Xiaoling.

I met my alumni in a foreign country, and the two had known each other before, so they were a little excited about each other, and went out to have a meal together.

The bond between Xu Chaomu and Su Xiaoling is Xin Ai. When they meet, it is impossible not to mention Xin Ai.

But Su Xiaoling never said anything about Xin Ai's situation, so Xu Chaomu couldn't help but asked.

At that time, he asked: Did you go abroad alone? Xin she okay now?

After asking, Su Xiaoling remained silent for a long time. Holding the knife and fork, she cut the steak in front of her in a haphazard way, and the plates creaked.

Xu Zhaomu noticed that Su Xiaoling was in a bad mood and asked her, What's wrong? Did something happen to you and Xin Ai?

Then, Su Xiaoling suddenly started crying.

When she raised her tear-stained face, she told Xu Chaomu: Xin Ai is dead.

At that time, Xu Zhaomu couldn't believe it at all. The first thing he said after being extremely shocked was: Impossible...

It took Xu Chaomu half a month to believe that Xin Ai was dead.

He gave up his studies, went back to China, went back to Mingdu, looked up information about Xin Ai's car accident, went to the scene, and even went to... the cemetery.

I saw Xin Ai's tombstone and her sister Xin Huan's tombstone side by side, and they were next to each other.

In front of Xin Ai's grave, Xu Chaomu cried silently. He regretted, regretted going to other places, regretted leaving Xin Ai, regretted why he was so cowardly.

If he hadn't left at the beginning, if he could have cared more about Xin Ai, if he had been guarding her, the car accident would not have happened...

Xu Chaomu blamed himself, Xin Ai's death crushed him so much that he couldn't breathe.

The only thing he can do is to find out the truth of Xin Ai's death. He stayed in the court and went to the procuratorate. When he saw Xin Ai's file, he felt that it was not like an accidental car accident.

So, he went to the scene, and then tried to restore Xin Ai's driving route at that time.

This made him discover a lot of things. Xin Ai's original destination was the police station, but why did they go to Linhe Road, which is farther away from the police station?

The driver was Li Anhe, a private detective hired by Xin Ai, a very qualified and experienced former criminal policeman, and also a very capable detective.

Such a person, doesn't he know not to drive at high speed on a slippery road, otherwise it is easy to get into a car accident?

Obviously, there was a reason why he was driving so fast, for example, a car was chasing him.

Xu Chaomu found Shen Ce and wanted him to investigate with him. He hoped that the two would join forces, and he hoped to do something for the girl he had always liked.

He couldn't save her life, but he could catch her murderer.

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