The first time I saw a young girl was when she was about to leave.

It was about eleven o'clock at night.

I had completed the two movements of interception and blocking a thousand times, and the gauze on my hands was soaked with blood.

After taking a bath in the stream and returning to the house, the Four Eyes Heavenly Master gave me a bottle of ointment to apply on my hands.

The ointment worked well. The redness and swelling had subsided on the second day, and the broken blisters were healing.

But it was not going to get better. The third day's practice was still to chop, stab, intercept, block, cut, and wipe with an iron knife.

With the second day's practice as a prelude, the six movements were completed on the third night.

The Four-eyed Taoist priest was very satisfied with this, so on the fourth day, he changed my practice method.

He asked me to chop wood with an iron knife.

After a while, the Taoist priest Liang Hu came with a cart of wood. My hands started to hurt just by looking at it.

Chopping wood with a knife is not as good as with an axe. It took several minutes to split a wooden stake.

And there was another cart.

As a result, by the evening, there was still a small part left to chop, and my arms were so sore that I couldn't lift them.

I looked at the moon and gritted my teeth and tied the knife to my right hand with gauze.

The two Hus were dumbfounded: "Oh my god, Ah Si, do you have to work so hard?"

"It's just that little bit left. You can get up earlier tomorrow. Why do you have to do this?"

"Besides, chopping wood is useless. You have to practice it slowly. Don't rush it."

I picked up a wooden stake and put it on the table:

"I don't want to always be close to death. I've almost died several times. Now I'm close to death even when practicing. I'm really sorry for my life."

The two Taoist priests smacked their lips and shook their heads, and then found the four-eyed Taoist priest next to them to chat: "Is his practice useful?"

Four-eyed Taoist priests were very direct and decisive: "It's useless. Skills can't be acquired quickly. You can only master them in a short time. You can only keep grinding with the skills. One day you will suddenly find that the skills have been integrated into your body."

"Useless? Then why don't you call him? His arm just happened to go to Jiangxi. If he practices like this, he's really not afraid of breaking his hand."

Four-eyed Taoist priests said in a daze: "Sometimes swinging a knife is not just for practicing, just like people get married not just for reproduction and making do."


I don't know when I finished chopping the wood. I only know that on the fifth day, my hand was almost unable to lift up.

On this day, the Four Eyes Celestial Master did not ask me to chop anything or swing the knife.

Instead, I was asked to imagine myself swinging the knife in my mind.

Imagine? It was very elusive, but it was also a chance to rest.

I meditated like him, but it was not easy to imagine. After a while, my thoughts went to other directions, or I was drowsy.

This day was more like practicing concentration than practicing the knife.

On the sixth day, the Four Eyes Celestial Master did not let me touch the knife or practice concentration. I just rested and waited until noon.

An amateur walked into the forest with rhythmic steps.

The three-petal lotus birthmark was still so obvious, and there were more bloodshot eyes.

What caught my attention most was the red sandalwood and golden nanmu box behind the Three Flowers Celestial Master.

The box was more than one meter long and narrower than a human head. It was straight behind the Three Flowers Celestial Master.

I quickly poured a cup of tea and handed it to him: "Thank you for your hard work, Celestial Master."

Sanhua Tianshi glanced at me calmly, took the tea and drank it slowly, which was very different from my eager expectation. After drinking the tea, she reached behind her back and knocked on the box. I heard a pleasant sound of mechanism linkage. A light green bronze knife slid out from the side of the box like a cardigan. Sanhua Tianshi stretched her right hand to the side in advance so that the handle of the knife fell into her palm. The bronze knife drew a beautiful arc with her hand, and there was a faint sound of the knife. She held the knife in reverse and handed it to me, saying, "The knife you want." I took the knife with both hands, and the first feeling I had was that it was heavy. It was heavier than the knife I usually practiced with. The second feeling was that it was straight. The knife was as straight as an upright sword, about 80 cm long, and full of domineering! The blade had a ridge near the blade, making the shape similar to a ruler. This method of making is called cutting knife. The overall material is mostly evil copper, and after being integrated into other materials, the color turns light green. There are talismans with complicated patterns on the blade.

If you look closely at the blade, you can also see some white bones of wronged souls.

When I touched the blade with my fingers, the cold and bloody feeling was immediately transmitted to my fingers.

This kind of cold

It is very popular. When the finger passes over the blade, blood naturally oozes out.

I praised: "The craftsmanship is exquisite and the blade is extremely sharp."

"But Master, what is the use of the talisman pattern on it?"

Sanhua Master said frankly: "It looks good."

Well... a perfect explanation.

Sanhua Master took off the box on his back and introduced:

"This box is also made of extraordinary materials. There is a mechanism on the side of the box. If you press it with your hand, the box will automatically open and let the knife slide out. You can also open the box manually to take it out."

"It is best to put the knife in the box to warm it up. In addition, you have a lot of Yin energy, so this knife will only become more and more extraordinary."

I fumbled for a few times and touched a buckle on the side. The side of the box opened. After putting the knife in, I felt relieved to put the box on my back.

The importance attached to the sword is naturally a respect for Sanhua, and her face is less cold:

"The two Hus have slipped out yesterday. If you want to stay for a few more days, it's fine, as long as you don't show up in front of the disciples."

I smiled and refused: "No, I have stayed for a week, and the purpose has been achieved. I will not cause trouble to the heavenly masters."

"I will go down the mountain as soon as possible. After all, I still have a lot of things to do."

Sanhua nodded in agreement.

Regarding Maqing's death, I don't want others to intervene, even if it is Fulong Mountain.

First, it will bring others into danger.

Second, this is what I owe to Maqing, and the consequences of my mistakes should be borne by me.

I deserve to die. How can I have the nerve to ask someone to deal with Maqing while I am still alive?

Maqing's death can only be overcome by myself.

If I can't even get through this death calamity, how can I talk about looking for my sister and mother?

After saying goodbye to the Four-eyed Taoist priest, I went down the mountain with my sword on my back. The Three-flowered Taoist priest had already prepared for the security check.

When I left, she handed me a Fulongshan Taoist priest certificate, which had my photo and information on it.

In addition, there was a row of registered magic weapons, which had the information of the sword, length, width, style, etc.

With this certificate, you can take the sword out of the security check, of course, you can only take one.

This is the privilege of the Fulongshan Taoist priests, and this certificate is issued by the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau.

With this certificate, I swaggered through the security check, of course, it only works at the train station near Fulongshan.

There are often Taoist priests here who use this certificate. If you change places, you need to take the certificate to find the little leader at the train station.

After a few days of travel, I returned to Dachang City,

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