After spending a day with Si Tong Tianshi, I couldn't sit still. I couldn't walk far and could only wander in the bamboo forest. If I was seen by the disciples, San Hua Tianshi would definitely not let me go. In the morning, Si Tong Tianshi saw that I was bored and took the initiative to say, "Do you want me to teach you a few tricks?" I looked over in surprise: "Didn't Tianshi say that I can't practice Taoism?" Si Tong shook his head and pulled out a bamboo from the bamboo fence: "I don't want to teach you Taoism, but the skills of swinging a knife." "You commissioned San Hua to make a horizontal knife, but you should be half-knowledgeable about knives, and mastering the skills will also make it easier for you to use it." I thanked him with surprise: "If it's possible, I'll trouble you, Master."

"I didn't expect that Master Tian also knows swordsmanship?".

Si Tong: "It's not a swordsmanship, it's just an ordinary sword-wielding technique. If you keep honing ordinary skills to the extreme, that's the swordsmanship that suits you best."

"There are still five days before Sanhua is made, which is almost enough."

"Go find a bamboo."

I looked around the bamboo fence and finally found an old yellow bamboo, not too long or too short.

Si Tong brought the bamboo to an open space, holding it tightly with his delicate hands.

Even though he was blind, he could accurately place the bamboo between his eyebrows and eyes, and his hands were clasped without any deviation.

I put all my energy into it, and even opened my double pupils to record Master Tian's movements.

The four-eyed Taoist priest inhaled the morning air in a trance.

He held the bamboo with both hands and slowly raised it up. He kept the bamboo in the middle of his eyebrows while moving.

His hands were higher than his chest and eyebrows. Just when people thought he would continue to raise it, he waved it.

It fell straight down calmly, and the bamboo drew a precise physical line, like a straight green line.

The bamboo shadow flashed by.

Huh..., the tip of the bamboo landed gently.

Everything did not seem flustered or hurried, and people felt that it was a natural flow.

"This is chopping."

The four-eyed Taoist priest said suddenly, and then he changed his posture and thrust out like a spear.

"This is stabbing...".

After that, the four-eyed Taoist priest made a few more movements. His movements were not complicated.

Even children could understand them, and perhaps children would laugh when they saw them.

Ordinary, very ordinary movements,

Chop! Stab! Intercept! Block! Cut! Wipe!

Six extremely basic movements.

I even thought that the Four-eyed Heavenly Master had other moves behind him,

but he said that there were only these six movements, and he would only teach these six movements,

and I would only learn these six movements.

The Four-eyed Heavenly Master put down the bamboo in his hand: "These six movements are enough for you to use for a lifetime, if you can hone them to the extreme"

"In fact, any sword technique is nothing more than the further evolution of basic movements. They mix the basic movements with their own understanding and experience into a new thing."

"What they do is to turn A into AB, AC, etc. AB is a sword technique, and AC is also a sword technique. With A as a continuation, countless sword techniques can be differentiated. How many can you practice?"

"But if you master the basic A perfectly, whether it is AB or AC, you can do it as long as you want to do it"

"Times are developing, and basic things are always crucial."

I couldn't help rubbing my head while carrying the bamboo: "Why do I feel like the math teacher said this?"

"But I understand, the basics are the most important."

Si Tong said comfortingly: "You are a teachable boy. Let's start. Chop a thousand times first."


Although I was a little surprised, I still did it.

Holding the bamboo with both hands, I chopped it like Si Tong Tianshi before. I just chopped it two or three times.

Si Tong Tianshi reminded me: "It's crooked."

After adjusting, I continued to chop. After less than ten times,

Si Tong Tianshi shouted again: "Left shoulder straight, right foot back a little."

Chopping seems to be a simple action, but it is a big problem to keep stable and even force during continuous chopping.

The most common phenomenon is that the chopping is messy.

These thousand times were completed with Si Tong Tianshi's constant reminders.

This is also a very strange thing. Si Tong Tianshi can't see it, but he can clearly know where I am wrong. He can even know if my feet are not standing correctly.

I asked him, and he said that he relied on listening to the sound to judge the action. I don't dare to believe it.

After chopping a thousand times, before he could even take a breath,

The Four-eyed Celestial Master said: "Stab,

One thousand times".

I ran over to drink a cup of tea with my shoulders slumped, and then returned to my original position and started to do it.

The first time I thrust, I was pointed out for my shortcomings

"The angle is off, you should also use the muscles of your waist and spine, not just your hands".

I learned from experience, and recalled the action memory of the Four-eyed Heavenly Master's thrust in my mind, the detailed body reaction during the action, the twisting arc of the waist,

I sank my lower body, held the bamboo with both hands, and the waist, back, and thigh muscles worked together to push the bamboo out perfectly.

The Four-eyed Heavenly Master did not allow any comments and asked me to continue thrusting.

I practiced basic movements almost all day,

Chopping, stabbing, intercepting, blocking, chopping, and wiping, each of the six actions, one thousand times, still need to ensure the posture and angle , complete the action when the strength is sufficient.

It was already night when I finished, and my clothes were completely wet.

Fortunately, there was a small pond not far behind the courtyard of the Four Eyes Heavenly Master. I borrowed clothes from the Four Eyes Heavenly Master and went to take a shower.

So when I got up the next day, my shoulders and arms were also very sore. I got out of bed and simply warmed up my lower body, which was better.

After breakfast,

I picked up the bamboo and prepared to continue practicing basic movements,

but the Four Eyes Heavenly Master stopped me.

I was wondering, and I saw him go back to the house and get a real iron knife for me.

He squinted and said, "Practice with this, and it's also a thousand times."

When I caught the iron knife, the weight of the falling made me smile bitterly.

Bamboo The bamboo can't be compared with a real sword. Maybe swinging a bamboo for a day will only make your arms sore the next day, but swinging an iron sword for a day will make your arms sore the next day.

The four-eyed Taoist priest first repeated the basic movements with a real sword, and then let me practice on my own, and he pointed out the shortcomings.

After practicing for a day yesterday, there would be no mistakes when swinging bamboo, but now suddenly swinging an iron sword, all kinds of loopholes appeared again.

What about the tip of the sword is too low, the holding posture is wrong, and the swing range is too small...

It took me a whole morning to finish the 1,000 swings.

After the swing, the whole person sat on the ground with his buttocks, and the iron sword fell from his hand.

Looking down at the palm of my hand, the palm is already The meridians were red and blisters were faintly visible.

The Four-eyed Heavenly Master brought lunch over: "If it doesn't work, switch back to bamboo."

"Practicing with bamboo is enough."

I glanced at the bamboo and shook my head, then picked up the iron knife again.

I held the knife in one hand, pointed the blade at the blisters on my hand and slashed it, and did the same with both hands. As a result, I wrapped my hands with gauze and ate.

The afternoon practice was much faster than the morning practice.

By the evening, the three actions of stabbing, intercepting, and blocking had been completed one thousand times each, and there were only one thousand times left for chopping and wiping.

The Four-eyed Heavenly Master sat in front of the door to admire the moon, pointing out some problems from time to time.

If a blind man admires the moon, others will probably laugh, but according to Four-eyed, he is admiring the moon with his heart.

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