The two Taoist priests were very confused.

I followed the two Hu Taoist priests and asked in confusion: "I heard from Chongming that there is a Heavenly Master in Fulong Mountain?"

"Why did the disciples go down the mountain when the matter became so serious?"

"Why hasn't the Heavenly Master come out yet?"

The two Hu Taoist priests frowned and cursed sadly: "Who knows what's going on with those freaks? Usually, they come out to ask questions for a long time when there is a little movement in Fulong Mountain."

"Four of my junior brothers died, and there are other junior brothers who died in the temple. Those freaks didn't react at all, as if they didn't see anything."

At this time, I remembered that it was Chen Zhenren who said he would notify the Heavenly Master. If Chen Zhenren had been replaced, he would naturally not let the Heavenly Masters show up.

The skin-covered ghost is based on cowardice and caution.

The Taoist priest Liang Hu continued to curse: "If I don't die, I will definitely tear down their Tianshi Cave someday."

As he spoke, the Taoist priest Liang Hu's eyes went dark, and he fell down suddenly without knowing what he bumped into.

He looked up and was about to curse, but he saw the face of Chen Zhenren, which was a stack of skins.

"Little... Chen Zi...".

Chen Zhenren stretched out his hand to grab the Taoist priest Liang Hu,

I twitched the vengeful soul bone and swung it over, but the vengeful soul bone stopped in the air halfway through the swing,

The yellow paper man who came out of nowhere locked my hands,

The paper man was very strong, making it difficult for me to move.

The burning soul flame in my right hand could not touch the body of the paper man, so I was helpless...

Seeing that the two-bearded Taoist priest was caught, a piece of floor suddenly flew up and hit Chen Zhenren,

This piece of floor seemed to be the leader, followed by several pieces of floor flying together, all accurately landing on Chen Zhenren,

Several black shadows flashed by, and I could vaguely see red talismans on the floor.

The two-bearded Taoist priest quickly got up, and I also twitched my fingers burning with soul flames. The soul flames were very sticky,

I flicked my fingers inward and a tiny green flame flew out to ignite the paper man.

My body suddenly relaxed, and I breathed a sigh of relief,

Sure enough, I could flick the soul flame out...

"Donor Zhang! Come here!"

A slightly familiar voice called me,

I turned around and saw that it was Chongming, who was holding a large brush and writing on the floor,

Every time he finished writing a piece of floor, a piece of floor flew out and hit Chen Zhenren.

The Taoist priest Liang Hu had already run towards Chongming, and I ran over too.

Several pieces of floor brushed against my body and flew out along the way, which gave me goose bumps.

Chongming looked very unhappy. Judging from the route he came from, he should have guessed the situation.

When I arrived, Chongming said bluntly: "I can't stop him...".

The Taoist priest Liang Hu's scalp numbed: "No way, aren't you suppressing him now?".

"Master, you think too highly of me", Chongming smiled bitterly,

Dingling Taoist bells rang out of thin air, and the flying pieces of floor seemed to suddenly lose power and fell to the ground,

Master Chen walked towards us on the floor fragments.

Chongming took out the Bagua plate from his arms and pulled out the wooden stick from his waist.

He said solemnly: "What I'm going to say next concerns the lives of all of us."

"It is also the key to whether we can solve this evil spirit and help the master and uncles to avenge themselves."

"I will stop him later, you go to the Tianshi Cave in the back mountain immediately."

"There is a problem with the Tianshi Cave. I'm afraid that the evil spirit has used something to block the perception between the outside world and the Tianshi Cave, otherwise the Tianshi would not be able to detect the movement here."

"You go to the Tianshi Cave to wake up the Tianshi, otherwise none of us here will be able to resist this evil spirit."

I sighed in my heart. It was indeed a problem with the Tianshi Cave.

This cunning ghost in disguise could not let the Tianshi Cave go.

It is very cautious, otherwise it would not have come up with such a trick to kill so many Taoists.

It also did something to the Tianshi Cave, otherwise the Tianshi would have come out to kill it long ago.

Chongyang's forehead was full of sweat. Facing his former master, he actually had to fight against him. You don't need to think about how he felt.

"Go quickly, this is the only chance!".

I suddenly grabbed Chongming's shoulder and pulled him back, and pushed forward: "I'll stop him"

"You guys go ahead."

"My life is in your hands."

Two Taoist priests, Chongming was stunned: "You'll stop him?"

"Master Zhang, you don't know how to stop this evil spirit, this thing is not as simple as fighting"

"That's right, Zhang Ah Si, you definitely can't stop him."

I rushed forward with the wronged soul bone: "Stop talking nonsense, I can stop it if I say I can"

"Anyway, I am sure that he can't kill me, but you are different."

"Anyway, you should leave quickly. Staying for a second is a waste of an opportunity."

The two Taoist priests looked at me, lowered their heads, and pulled Chongming away.

"Trust him!"

"Don't forget that thing has some origins with him."


I waved the Wrong Soul Bone and hit Chen Zhenren.

My attack was like a fight between children to him. He could easily dodge it or block it with his arms.

Chen Zhenren laughed and said, "Does it make sense?"

I panted and sneered, "Why not? You dare not fight back, which is quite meaningful."

Chen Zhenren's eyes darkened, and he blocked my Wrong Soul Bone with his arms again.

Even if the Wrong Soul Bone was attached with soul flames, it would not cause much damage to him. What I can rely on is that he can't fight back.

I continued to sneer, "You have been avoiding hurting me. Are you afraid of me or someone else coming out?"

Chen Zhenren took a few steps back, trying to distance himself from me: "You are indeed a trouble, and the guy next to you is even more troublesome."

"I don't want to meet her."

"So you stay still!".

Several arm-sized paper figures emerged from under his skin and ran towards me.

I was surprised, could there be things hidden under the skin?

The Wicked Soul Bone swung out a semicircular flame tail with soul flames, hitting those paper figures and burning them in all directions.

Dingling... Dingling... Dingling

Chen Zhenren started to shake the Dao bell again,

The ringing sound poured into his ears, making his brain a mess, and in front of him, it seemed that Chen Zhenren was divided into three hazy eyes,

The spirit was tortured, and the body's reaction was correspondingly slower.

Chen Zhenren released some more paper figures.

I blocked my ears with one hand and bit my tongue to stay awake.

It seems that the sound of the bell does not hurt me, otherwise the ghost wife would have come out long ago.

But this bell is very torturous. If I continue like this, I can't even hit the paper figures.

He also wants to use paper figures to restrict my movements, but this won't work...

It seems that I can only take the last resort.

I dropped the wronged soul bone and reached my right hand to the backpack behind me.

Here is the short knife that Chen Zhenren gave me.

My right hand grabbed the cold and hard object and I swung it towards my neck without hesitation. It seemed like a white light flashed under the moonlight.

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