The two Taoist priests worked hard to shine the Bagua mirror towards me: "Who are you? I remember that it was Zhang Ah Si who pulled it out."

"Where did you take Zhang Ah Si?"

The flesh and blood skeleton in the Bagua mirror reacted the same as me.

The unexpected reality and the extremely shocking scene made my brain stop working.

I asked myself mechanically: "Where is my skin?"


At this time, someone walked out of the temple.

Two figures walked through the night to welcome the moonlight.

Chen Zhenren walked out in a red robe, looking lonely, with so much blood on his face that his expression could not be seen clearly, but his eyes showed that he was in pain.

He held a sword in one hand and supported Zhang A Si with the other hand.


Chen Zhenren supported Zhang A Si,

Then who am I?

I asked myself subconsciously.

My brain suddenly stopped and resumed operation, and many things were loaded into my mind. My brain thought at several times the usual speed.

First, a reminder to myself:

I am real!

And the one in Chen Zhenren's hand is a fake in my skin!

My skin was peeled off, and I hardly noticed it. I only found out when the two Hu Taoist priests questioned me and compared it with the Bagua mirror.

It was amazing. Not only the skin was stripped away, but also the clothes. Perhaps it was because of the red evil box, the backpack was still on the back, and the relics were also there.

And there was no pain, no movement, perhaps that was why the ghost wife did not appear.

Even though I don’t have skin now, I can’t feel the pain of losing skin.

I can determine the time when the skin was lost.

It was before the two Hu Taoist priests pulled me out. At that time, I bumped into many people invisibly, and the skin was gone after I came out.

The more I thought about it, the more terrifying it was. The skinned person did not lose the perception of skin...

At this moment, I suddenly understood why the four old Taoist priests in the basement were so suspicious of each other and distrusted each other.

That’s because you can’t be rational with you, a person wearing your skin!

After Chen Zhenren came out, he also saw me, a flesh and blood skeleton without skin.

Thoughts seemed to stop,

as if thinking about why there was an extra flesh and blood skeleton without skin?

Where did his skin go?

Zhang Asi in Chen Zhenren's hand suddenly moved.

He took out a dagger from his back and attacked like a venomous snake, piercing Chen Zhenren's neck with a cold light.

I was furious with the fake Zhang Asi all the time, and I was extremely alert when he attacked.

I spun a few times and successfully knocked the dagger out of Zhang Asi's hand.

I also rushed over and grabbed his throat with my right hand, and picked up the ghost bone with the other hand.

The fake Zhang Asi's eyes bulged out and he screamed with his last strength: "The real... the real person is evil! He was switched!".

My hands relaxed, and a chilly wind blew from behind my neck.

Master Chen came closer to me with a sullen face.

His eyes were still sad amidst the thick blood stains, but a bloody cut opened from his eyebrows and nose.

The skin was like a zipper opened to reveal the inside, and inside was Chongyang's face.

There was also a cut on Chongyang, and inside the cut was the face of a bald Taoist priest.

Under the skin of the bald Taoist priest was a blind Taoist priest, and under the blind Taoist priest was the face of a fat Taoist priest.......

"You killed someone... Hehe".

When I got closer, I could see from the corner of my eye that the black objects on the ground in the temple were flesh and blood skeletons without skin.

A brand new truth appeared along with the fear. Master Chen had been replaced early in the morning!

Everything was him, everything was the scheme of the ghost in disguise!

From the beginning of tonight, only Chen Zhenren was replaced.

There was no ghost among the four old Taoist priests. When the inner door of the temple was closed, no one was replaced.

It was just that Chen Zhenren killed the bald Taoist priest by surprise and peeled off his skin to create an illusion.

What Chen Zhenren killed his fellow disciples to get rid of the evil spirits, what round-up, what to comfort the disciples and drive them down the mountain,

These are all things that the skin ghost did to eliminate his own threats.

There is no ghost in the basement. The skin ghost has always been by my side. He deliberately controlled me to come here.

I gritted my teeth and spit out word by word: "It's you!"

The wronged soul bone had been prepared and stabbed out instantly, and the white light hit the skin ghost's face.

But he was just beaten back, and he didn't smoke like other evil spirits.

I twisted my body, and my body drove my fist. The fist burning with soul fire passed the green comet and hit his stomach.

Chen Zhenren took several steps back, and the soul flame stayed in his abdomen and wanted to continue burning, but it was difficult to maintain and finally extinguished. I grabbed the fake Zhang A Si on the ground and took this opportunity to escape. The fake Zhang A Si opened his eyelids with difficulty: "Thank you...". "What the hell is that thing? Taoism doesn't work, and even the ghost bone doesn't work?" I cursed inwardly. After I came out, I basically guessed the identity of the skinned ghost, but this guy actually used my skin to play a self-directed and self-acted set. I had no choice but to follow his play, otherwise I couldn't save this fake Zhang A Si. I originally imagined whether I could take this opportunity to seriously injure him, but the ghost bone was ineffective. Ding-ling... Ding-ling... Ding-ling...

The sound of Taoist bells behind me was like ripples of the tide, one wave after another, pouring into my ears crazily,

It messed up the thoughts and ideas in my head. If the bells that Chen Zhenren and the Taoists rang together before were a sea of ​​bells that was about to drown me,

The sound of bells at this moment was like a knife splitting my soul,

As soon as I took a step, my vision turned white, and my mind was blank,

Plop, I fell to the ground, and the fake Zhang Ah Si also fell far away, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

I raised my head and saw a pair of blood-stained cloth shoes in front of me,

Looking up, it was a blood-red Taoist robe, completely stained with blood.

Chen Zhenren smiled faintly, and the Chongyang face in the cut on his face, the face of the bald Taoist priest, and so on were all smiling

"Your stick is for hurting evil spirits, how can it hurt people?"

"Your soul flame is also very weak, maybe I will panic if it burns inside."

"But you are really smart. I was fooled by you at that moment. I thought you were fooled by me, but I didn't expect you to attack me."

"It's really dangerous."

"Shut up!" I shouted angrily.

Master Chen used Chongyang's voice. I felt indescribable anger when I heard this voice.

Looking at his face with a lot of faces, the memories of those people emerged in my mind.

They were Taoist priests from Fulong Mountain, experts in exorcising evil spirits.

But now their faces were used by an evil spirit.

He used the skins of everyone, fat and thin Taoist priests... Chongyang... bald Taoist priests, blind Taoist priests, etc.......

I suddenly jumped up, and the soul bone of the wronged soul was wrapped with soul flames and swung a stick to hit him on the head.

Master Chen was stunned and blood flowed down his head.

He took a step back and put out the fire on his head.

At this time, several yellow talismans flew from somewhere and fell to the ground.

"Clouds disperse!".

The voice of the Taoist priest Liang Hu resounded behind him, and several yellow talismans suddenly burned, and the strong white eyes spread as they burned.

Several yellow talismans burned together and turned the place into a fog in the blink of an eye.

I hesitated and ran to the position of the Taoist priest Liang Hu.

Now I have no possibility of winning a single fight with him. Even if I can hurt him, it will only take a moment for him to kill me.

After walking out of the fog, the Taoist priest Liang Hu was still throwing yellow talismans at the position of Chen Zhenren.

When he saw me, he asked with some difficulty: "You are Zhang Ah Si, right?"

I was surprised: "You recognized him?"

The Taoist priest Liang Hu sighed and said: "You think I am a fool, in this situation, and with that stick, who else can this skinless person be except you."

"Don't say anything, run away quickly"

"Xiao Chenzi was indeed replaced by the evil spirit, even I didn't see it, that thing is too scary."

The Taoist priest Liang Hu threw the last few yellow talismans at once, turned around and ran away,

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