Are you sure your old boy isn't teasing me again? Such weird things can happen.

But let alone Warring States at this time, even Zefa and He, who are also old friends, were shocked after hearing this. At the same time, they never expected that the person who could surpass and defeat Garp in physical skills would be The little girl they saw in the photo before.

At the same time, both the lieutenant generals and Akainu Kizaru, the two generals, were very shocked after receiving such news, because they all knew that Garp was terrible in physical skills.

Garp sighed and said,"Warring States, I have been fighting with her for a long time. That girl, whether it is melee experience or physical strength, if I were younger, I might be able to suppress her, but now I really can't." Opponent, if that girl doesn't know how to be domineering, and I am also very accomplished in domineering, I won't be able to counter-suppress him later."

Although Garp explained, everyone still felt incredible, and even had it in their hearts. It would be better not to listen.

But now they have to admit that their naval hero Vice Admiral Garp, who is best at physical skills, has really been surpassed, and he is still such a scantily clad, handsome and cute girl.

At the same time, they thought of another point, that is, Donghai seemed to have beaten Big Daddy again.

No, to be precise, it was a group of big guys who broke out in the East China Sea who formed the pirate group.

Because among the remaining members of the Fallen Pirates, there are some who are ordinary.

Soon, bypassing such a despairing topic, Garp continued his story, including the fact that Aoki Pheasant was seen in front of him and was slashed by the swordsman named Sid.

After hearing this, before anyone else could wait, Akainu and Kizaru next to him looked directly at him.

"Wow, Kuzan, you were injured. Was it because you were careless, or was the opponent really capable?"Kizaru said suddenly with surprise. This time he was really surprised.

"Is it because your strength has regressed, or is the opponent really strong?"Akainu said with both curiosity and disgust.

"Ahem...that's it…"Although I feel a little embarrassed, after all, it is a shameful thing to say.

But Aokiji still had to talk about the matter immediately. He misjudged the opponent's ability, and at the same time he was indeed careless. He didn't use Armament Haki or Overlord to wrap. The opponent attached a purple-black energy to the sword. , so he was very confident in his ability and used elementalization directly, but he was cut.

"I'm still curious now, is it a special devil fruit ability, or is there already an ability in the sea that can damage elemental forms in addition to armed color Haki and Overlord color entanglement."Qingzhi finally said.

But soon, everyone immediately recognized the first and denied the second. After all, the rules of the sea that have not been broken for thousands of years could be broken by a swordsman.

Even the Warring States Period, Crane They all agreed that it was a Devil Fruit user. After all, they had never seen it in person, so it was difficult to judge.

However , the second possibility was really slim compared to the first, so they also insisted that it was the second one. Regarding this matter, Warring States still emphasized that in the future, he would focus on testing Sid's abilities before making a judgment. In other words, the Navy would collect more information about Sid.

Next, Garp continued to tell, and then finally became the leader.

When everyone heard that Kuruda's fruit was not a black smoke fruit at all, but the ultimate nature devil fruit, the chaos fruit, and its abilities, they were completely shocked again, especially the three who are now nature ability users.

General, except Aokiji who was silent again, even Kizaru and Akainu were shocked and looked ugly, because if they went to fight Kuruda, wouldn't they also be attacked by the opponent's Chaos with their Devil Fruit abilities.

The energy is instantly wiped out

"Instantly decomposing invisible power can also generate ten thousand powers. Is this what he said at the time? You saw it with your own eyes, it's true."Zefa felt like he could hardly wear his sunglasses because he was afraid that his eyes would bulge out and break his sunglasses. But is there really such a terrifying devil fruit?

You know, he has always emphasized physical skills and domineering. The key is that the power of the Devil Fruit does not belong to him after all, it is secondary.

But if it is such a perverted Devil Fruit, he feels that what he has been emphasizing seems to be difficult to work, no, it is still useful. After all, what does domineering and physical skills have to do with this Chaos Fruit ability?

Well, is it really useful? Zefa is already a little unsure.

"Mr. Zefa, it’s true. When your move hit you, it was easily destroyed by the opponent’s energy. The opponent just released a ball of energy, which was not a real fruit ability move. Moreover, he had used ice before, so he should have it too. The ability to derive Wanli."Qing Pheasant said after nodding.

"Can't we just bypass him and attack his body?" Akainu said unwillingly. He had always hoped to destroy all the pirates, but Kuruda's ability, the super destructive magma he was proud of, would not be destroyed instantly, so he immediately thought of whether he could not use chaos energy to attack Kuruda directly.

"Sakaski, don't forget, he is also a natural type, and can also use elementalization. His body has turned into some kind of chaotic energy. If our moves are applied, the result will probably be the same. At present, it seems that only Can use domineering"Kizaru shook his head and expressed his point of view, but after listening, Sakaski suddenly looked ugly again.

Because he knew that although he was considered a strong person in terms of Haki, he was still far behind compared to his Devil Fruit abilities.

If he had to fight Kuruda, to be honest, even as proud as him, he would not be confident at all. At the same time, he would curse in his heart, how could such a powerful Devil Fruit fall into the hands of a pirate!

"It can destroy invisible power, but it can also extend all powers. So, what this Chaos Fruit can extend should be the so-called invisible power. But, what exactly is invisible power? What does invisible power include?"As a wise general in the Warring States Period, he finally expressed his speculations and opinions.

"I think it should be pure energy attacks, fire, ice, light, slashing, these attacks similar to pure energy can basically be annihilated by chaotic energy."He suddenly thought.

But Taotu was shocked after hearing this, and said tremblingly:"Doesn't that mean that even my slashes can't do it?……"

Crane said nothing, but nodded.

Peach rabbit suddenly took a breath of cold air, what kind of perverted devil fruit is this?

"I have a question in mind. Is domineering considered an invisible force?"Kapu suddenly said with wide eyes.

"hiss——"When everyone heard this, they all took a deep breath. They didn't want to believe this possibility, because if it was true, then even Haki wouldn't be able to deal with Kuruda.

"Impossible, impossible. Haki is the energy that bursts out of a person's body, and Haki itself has a somewhat suppressive effect on Devil Fruit users. Zefa shook his head crazily and said

"In short, to deal with Kuruda, at least two strong men of the same level must be sent."Zhan Guo immediately summarized, he didn't want to listen anymore, because what Kuruda showed now was too terrible for them to guess.

But soon, Taotu and Chatun looked at each other after hearing this. They were both backup generals, so they actually talked about it privately before coming back, even though Taotu didn't have a good impression of Chatun. Chatun gestured to Taotu to speak, Taotu didn't care, so she said it immediately

"Marshal, if you think this way, then I think it’s best to treat the other party’s two twin sisters, the Navigator, Lucy Luke, and even the other party’s chef named Allen."

After hearing this, everyone also came and was curious, why, aren't even these three alternate generals simple?

"Is there anything special about them? Or are their Devil Fruits not as simple as we guessed?"Sengoku said with a headache and curiosity.

The headache is naturally because these fallen pirates are not all monsters, right? The curiosity is naturally because how else can this be done?

Momotu quickly continued to explain, what is What are the abilities of the Twin Fruit? The abilities of the two sisters are not the Meteor Fruit and Meteor Fruit at all.

The ability to summon meteors and meteorites comes from weapons, especially when the other party must be killed at the same time, otherwise the other party will not be injured at all, or even die.

Allen is very powerful, and the hammer is specially made, and its grade is no less than the Supreme Tai Kuai Knife.

It is not a natural earth-type fruit ability, but a fantasy beast species that can control the earth element.

What kind of gluttonous fruit is it?���Fang is even very likely to be close to breaking through the general.

After listening to this, many people were immediately dumbfounded. Who are these people? They are all elites, whether they are senior officials or soldiers, right?

"This is truly a terrifying pirate group."Kizaru Porusalino looked really serious this time.

"During the Warring States Period, the navy must go all out to deal with the fallen pirates and face them seriously. Zefa also said with a serious face.

Warring States nodded. After listening to the whole process, he had to think so, because the lineup of the Fallen Pirates is really too Zenith.

"As we said before, Sengoku should place the first bounty on the Fallen Pirates."He said.

Everyone was stunned. It turned out that the Fallen Pirates had not issued a bounty yet, but that was true, otherwise they, the lieutenant generals, would have known about it.

After all, after the Navy's bounty was issued, it would be released worldwide

"According to their strength, they are either candidate admirals or admirals. If we exclude those black-clad soldiers and behemoths, after all, they are just miscellaneous soldiers and pets of the other side, then the bounty for the remaining six people, I think the candidate admiral must be at least 60 million, and the other admirals, including Captain Kuruda, must be at least 100 million."Sengoku said after the analysis.

Everyone nodded, and soon after some discussion, the meeting ended, and the bounty for the six members of the Fallen Pirates was quickly issued.

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