Even Akainu Sakaski didn't know what to say at this time. If it were in the past, with his concept of absolute justice, he would destroy the other party no matter what the reason, as long as he became a pirate.

If it was a normal meeting, he would have scolded him for something like this. In short, in one sentence, if you are a pirate, you should die.

But after listening to Garp explain the other party's philosophy, Akainu couldn't say anything this time.

Because if the people of the Fallen Pirates were really from the bottom of society, their background would be similar to his.

It is precisely because of climbing up from such a position, and when I was a child, I witnessed the tragic death of my family members at the hands of pirates, and some inactions of local officials, so in addition to those damn pirates, those officials who did not act , he also hated it very much and wished he could burn it to ashes with magma.

Since they all climbed up from the bottom, and he has been in the navy for so many years and has been to many places, he also understands that Kuruda just represents the bottom class and expresses the voices of many people. In addition, over the years, he has also expressed his opinions on the bottom class. Feeling dissatisfied with some decisions made by the world government and navy.

That's why he wanted to become a marshal after he abdicated in the Warring States Period in the future, and he might be able to change everything.

But now after holding it in for a long time, he finally said something

"No matter what nonsense reason, as long as he has become a pirate, we should eliminate or arrest him."

After his words came out, he naturally received the support of many navies, especially the hawkish navies who stood on his side.

However, some rational navies were indeed speechless at them. With the opponent's strength, unless the navy tried its best, Unless it is difficult to win, and it is the East China Sea, the navy's jurisdiction is not strong enough.

"Garp, I think if this kid continues to develop, he might become the second dragon."At this time, Navy Chief Instructor Zefa finally spoke.

"hiss——"But after hearing this, the vice admirals below suddenly took a breath of cold air. Long, whose full name should be Monkey D Long, was once promoted to general in the navy. Later, he chose to quit the navy because of different philosophies. He established the revolutionary army that is now causing headaches for governments and navies around the world, and is the most vicious criminal in the world today.

But now Teacher Zefa, whom many people in their navy respected the most, actually made such an evaluation of Kuruda, which really shocked them.

But what shocked them even more was that Garp nodded after hearing this, which surprised them all. Could it be that even Lieutenant General Garp thought that if the Fallen Pirates were allowed to continue to develop, they would really become something like a revolution? Like the military, it is an existence that causes huge headaches for both the navy and the world government.

"Okay, okay, let's go here first, Karp, you continue, I think it's time to fight next."Sengoku finally stood up and let everyone return to the theme. At the same time, he also understood why the other party wanted to become a pirate, and he was an idealist and a realist.

It seems that the navy is destined to have such an enemy in the future. After all, the other party has already made the navy The shame of two failures must be washed away with the blood of the enemy and their victory.

But now is the time to return to the topic.

Garp nodded and continued.

"Then the other party let the three giant beasts attack us.

When we first saw those giant beasts, we thought they only had some melee attacks, which were similar to ordinary beasts, but in fact you should also know , they can also use special energy attacks.

For example, this triceratops called Gomora can launch energy attacks, and that one is called King Airi.

The smooth-skinned dragon can also release an energy attack, as well as lightning.

Attack, and then the little bird can launch fireballs.

These three giant beasts launched such attacks at the same time.

It was really powerful, equivalent to three lieutenant generals attacking with all their strength.

The ones who blocked it were the tea dolphin and the little peach rabbit.


"However, although we resisted, it was still very difficult. The attacks of those giant beasts cannot be underestimated."Taotu, who finally spoke, added

"Indeed, even my earthen wall is a bit difficult to withstand."Cha Dou also spoke. At that time, he and Taotu were the only ones, so they knew very well that the attacks of those giant beasts should not be underestimated, at least those below generals could not.

And I also heard the two alternate generals say this, the following Many lieutenant generals are said to have some knowledge of their strength, but they don't know that the stories of Ghost Spider and Huoshaoshan will make them even more shocked by the giant beasts. Even the three generals who originally seemed calm now It’s the same, including Qing Pheasant who we went with before

"Next is the energy shield and those special gunfire. That special blue photo blocked all the artillery fire of our navy at that time. As for the power of the artillery fire,…"Garp said, but the last words he said.

Qingzhi quickly picked up, after all, he was responsible for resisting the energy cannon.

In a word, even he, as a general, must face such an energy cannon seriously. The threat to him can even be said to be comparable to bullets made of sea floor stone.

When hearing his words, the most shocked ones were naturally Akainu and Kizaru, both generals. As both generals, they naturally have some understanding of each other's strengths. Among them, Aokiji has the strongest control, and the terrifying ability of frozen fruit to freeze ice. The ice ball is also very powerful in Aokiji's moves. But it can still make Qing Zhi face it seriously, so after listening to it, even they became a little serious.

"Hearing what you say, it's really terrifying artillery fire."Kizaru didn't know whether he was joking or saying seriously this time.

"Where did these hateful pirates find such high-tech weapons?"However, Akainu is troubled by the source of these weapons, because these weapons have fallen into the hands of pirates, let alone the fallen pirates, the strongest rookie group today.

"I have told Vegapunk about this matter, and his answer surprised me. He said that it would be difficult for him to make energy cannons and defensive shields like this even if he only knew how to do it. He also said that he could invent these two things. The person who grows weapons is definitely a technological genius."He, as the Navy's general staff, now saw that he finally had a chance to speak, so he immediately said this sentence.

But this sentence once again shocked the navy and took a breath of cold air. Who is Bega Punk? Known as the most genius scientist at sea today, he has created a large number of top-notch magical technologies for the world's governments and navies, and is even protected by them. In particular, they will also focus on strict investigation to prevent Vegapunk's technology from falling into the world. Go outside.

But now, even Vegapunk is surprised by these two technologies, and even praises the people who invented these technologies, which really makes them feel a little unbelievable.

"Cap, do you have any guesses as to why they have this technology?"Sengoku asked Garp next to him.

"It's not clear, but the other party said that they got a big opportunity in the past two years, which may include these."How could Garp know, so he could only speculate on the so-called great opportunity in Kuruda's previous words.

After listening to it, everyone present knew that Garp didn't know either, but such an explanation could not It's reasonable, because this group of people were ordinary two years ago, and their strength increased greatly two years later. They must have gotten some opportunities in the past two years. This explanation is indeed reasonable.

And then Garp continued to tell the story, that is, the Ghost Corps. Finally, I collided with the elite navy soldiers, especially after Kuruda changed the fighting form of the ninjas. I focused on the combat capabilities and fighting methods of ninjas, samurai and big guys in detail. Finally, I focused on the naval soldiers and ghosts. Everyone was very shocked after hearing the proportion of casualties in the corps.

This was definitely a more elite corps than the ordinary navy, but at the same time, they were also curious, what kind of race does this sound like? Like humans, after death they turn into a pile of energy and disperse.

"Looks like I need to find out later." Finally, Sengoku said this and ended the topic. What exactly those black soldiers are, we will have to deal with the Fallen Pirates in the future to know clearly.

"Ghost Spider and Huo Shaoshan went to support the navy. At first, they killed the big guys, ninjas, and samurai one after another. Those soldiers were still far behind the lieutenant generals, but soon, the opponent's giant beasts joined in."

After Garp said this, it was the turn of Ghost Spider and Huo Shaoshan, and by the way, their subsequent battle was also shortened.

Those giant beasts were not only huge in size, but also very dense and heavy. Although the two of them tried their best, after talking for a long time, they only managed to cut some blood marks with a little force. In the end, they were easily defeated and passed out.

Litola's aerial attack was also emphasized. Advantages and the power of fireballs.

After saying this, even the three generals became serious, because they found that if they dealt with these giant beasts, although the opponent's attack power didn't sound very good before, their defense power, They will have to fight for a long time.

Although the bird looks thin, if it can fly so high, it will have a high altitude advantage and is a bit difficult to deal with. However, after hearing this, the three generals still think that the two giant beasts are Billy. Tora's threat was greater.

Then, Garp finally came to the highlight, the collision between the four of them and the six on the opposite side, especially after hearing that Garp really lost to the black man in physical skills. The girl, that is, Ariel, not to mention the shock of the people below, even the three generals next to her, as well as three other old navy men including Seng Guo, were so frightened that they almost stood up

"Cap, are you sure?"Warring States trembled a little and said in disbelief.

As an old comrade, he knew how terrifying Garp's attainments in physical skills were. Although they are all old now, Garp's strength has not been weakened very much. He actually lost to a girl who was not even over 20 years old!

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