Then the remaining ones are Aokiji and Garp. At that time, these two people will definitely ask him, Sid and the new partner to join forces to deal with them.

At the same time, Aokiji's arrival this time can be regarded as an experiment.

The three admirals of the current generation of the navy are all unprecedented monsters, especially they are all top-level, natural devil fruit ability users.

Although in terms of strength, Aokiji may be the weakest among the three, but the point is that the destructive power of ice is indeed not as good as magma and light. On the contrary, in terms of control, even Akainu and Kizaru are inferior.

Kuruda is also a natural devil fruit ability user, so he knows very well that the natural system, especially the top natural devil fruit, after eating it, the ability users are all natural disasters of the walker, and any of the three admirals has the ability to easily set off natural disasters.

Even in the original work, Akainu and Aokiji fought for ten days and ten nights to compete for the position of marshal, and even destroyed the island, turning it into an island of half ice and half fire.

However, natural devil fruit users are not only capable of destroying processes, but also have strong ability to save their lives and survive, as mentioned before, because they have a special ability, elementalization.

They are completely immune to physical damage and most energy damage, and can even move freely and fly for a short time in this state.

Unless it is a special and powerful energy attack, as well as the power of armed color or the entanglement of domineering color, it can completely attack and harm the elemental natural devil fruit user.

In other words, the key is domineering, but Sid can't do it now, but the problem is that he has magic power, maybe he can hurt the elemental ability user. In the previous battle, Kuruda actually tried it intentionally, but the power and characteristics of chaotic energy, he could clearly see that Sid's magic power was annihilated.

So it is completely impossible to try, at least it doesn't work for chaotic energy, but this time Aokiji is here, it's just right to experiment whether Sid's magic power can hurt natural devil fruit users.

If not, then Sid also needs to start practicing domineering according to the super fast three-color domineering practice method.

But now Kuruda is least afraid of the natural devil fruit ability users. At that time, at worst, he can let him deal with Aokiji, and then Sid and the new partner will deal with Garp.

Anyway, according to his requirements, the new partner summoned this time can suppress Garp a little in terms of ability. After all, there are still strong physical masters stronger than Garp in the world. Moreover, he has some other trump cards, such as monsters and energy cannons on the Bole. He is confident that he can fight back the navy's offensive this time.

But the key point is, who is this new second partner?

After all, monsters and energy cannons can only play an interfering role in such a top-level battle.

But for the system, although it is a little unreliable, it can still be trusted.

In other words, he believes in the powerful villain summoned this time.

Thinking of this, Kuruda nodded with satisfaction, so that's it for now.

But at the same time, he really felt a little sleepy in bed, and soon closed his eyes, snoring very rhythmically from his mouth.

Obviously, maybe he was too tired this morning, and Kuruda had fallen asleep.

But he did everything well today. The Fallen Pirates only have a few members now, but their reputation has almost spread to the New World.

So even if he falls asleep, the system is still working.

【Congratulations on getting 250 reputation points from Doflamingo】

【Congratulations on getting 600 reputation points from Red-haired Shanks】

【Congratulations on getting 600 reputation points from Whitebeard】

【Congratulations on getting 550 reputation points from Kaido and Charlotte Lingling.】

【Congratulations on getting 900 reputation points from the three navy generals】

【Congratulations on getting 400 reputation points from the crane】

【Congratulations on getting 600 reputation points from Garp】

【Congratulations on getting 600 reputation points from Warring States】

【Congratulations on your……………】

In this way, because the influence this time is greater than before, it is natural to gain more reputation points brought by emotions.

The reputation points that were originally few in number are constantly rising.

But Kuruda, who was worried about being constantly noisy, had already turned off these messages.

Because even people in the best mood can't stand this.

Soon, in the following time, although Kuruda fell asleep, it was still very lively on the Bole. Alan was cooking, the sound of cooking was coming and going, and the fragrance spread throughout the cabin. , even exposed outside, blowing in the sea breeze.

The two sisters decorated the entire ship deck with ribbons and balloons, and even wrote a banner that said they warmly welcomed Sid Kagano to officially join the Fallen Pirates.

Obviously, the two sisters were very attentive to the arrangements for the banquet.

On the other side, in the cabin on the bedroom level, after setting up his bedroom, Sid also leaned on the bed and took a rest.

To be honest, he had never done such a job before, usually this kind of work was left to his little maids.

Thinking of the Shadow Courtyard on the other side, Sid immediately leaned on the bed and said

"I don’t know what will happen to them after I leave now? But before I left and came here, I left a note saying that I was going out to play for a while, and since there was nothing going on over there, I figured nothing would happen."After Sid thought for a long time, he felt that he was almost done with things over there. There should be no danger there, and he immediately felt relieved.

Time soon came to night, and Kuruda and Sid I also walked out after sleeping for a while. Although it was already night and it was pitch dark, the lights were turned on, and the two sisters brought out some neon lights specially for the banquet. After they were all lit, it was still very bright. Beautiful and warm.

At the same time, the more beautiful natural color has almost a large table of delicious food, and the tempting fragrance fills the air. It is obvious that Allen has already prepared a large table of delicious food. Soon

, the five people sat down around the table, and Kuruda directly picked up the wine glass and said:"First of all, welcome Sid, my old friend, to successfully join our pirate group. , serving as the swordsman on the ship. At the same time, everyone has worked hard these days. Let’s have a good meal today. Come on, as the captain, I will take the lead in setting an example. Cheers"

"Cheers +4."Allen, Lucy, Luce, and Sid also picked up the wine glasses one after another and said with a smile.

Then the banquet was successfully held.

Everyone enjoyed the food and drank delicious wine or juice.

"Brother Ku, don’t the ghost ninjas need to eat?"But at this time, seeing the ninja soldiers still guarding the navy on the two navy warships, Lu Ke suddenly asked curiously.

"Don't worry, they don't need to eat. Shadow creatures are not normal creatures in the first place and don't need to eat normally like us."Kuluda said with a smile.

"That's really a magical creature."Alan said in surprise while eating a piece of steak.

"Does that mean it's a creature made of shadow? What fun."Sid also smiled, because his attributes in the original world seemed to be biased toward dark attributes, and he also had shadow abilities.

So now he naturally became a little interested in the Ghost Corps.

Everyone continued to eat while chatting..

As for the current two naval warships, the naval prisoners on board are almost ready to die, especially Huo Shaoshan and Ghost Spider. Watching Kuruda and the others enjoy the delicious food on the ship makes one feel angry..

It is a great shame that a dignified naval officer and a soldier of the navy were actually captured by pirates, and they were still in the East China Sea.

Because of this, many people directly clamored to let me go if they had the guts. One time or something.

But what was waiting for them was the sticks of the ghost army. They were taken prisoner and they were yelling. Do you have the consciousness to be a prisoner?

Almost another two hours passed and it was almost late at night. , it was almost nine o'clock, and the banquet was over. Originally, Allen, the two sisters, and even Sid wanted to help clean up, but they were all stopped by Kuruda, who then looked at them dumbfounded and cleaned up the mess. All tasks such as washing dishes and the like were taken over by some ninja soldiers who came over from the navy warship.

"It turns out that they can not only fight, but also do these trivial things."Lucy Cherry said with her mouth open, a little stunned.

Of course, the other three were not much better. They never thought that the Ghost Corps could do this.

But in fact, this is normal. In The Adventures of Jackie Chan , Xiaoyu took care of his daily life with the Ghost Ninja Corps, and Rasu even used the Claw Shadow Corps to play tennis with him, which indeed proved that the Ghost Corps can do many things.

"It's getting late now. Let's all go back and have some rest. We'll be setting off tomorrow morning."Kuluda said.

Everyone also returned to their bedrooms.

However, after Sid entered his room, he suddenly found that there was an extra piece of paper and beads on his table.

He immediately picked them up. When I saw it, I was a little stunned for a while.

"This is a teleportation energy bead. Hold it with both hands and close your eyes, and you will be able to realize the ability to teleport. We all have it now, but you are the only one missing."Kurudaryu" is what is written on the note. After reading it, Sid looked at the beads in his hand intently and sighed:"You are indeed the owner of the system. This boss followed you for nothing.""

But at the same time, he immediately put down the note and began to understand the energy in the beads.

Soon, Sid had completely gained the ability to teleport, and Sid, who knew how powerful and important this ability was, suddenly revealed smile.

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