However, for now, the focus is still on preparing to face the navy in three days.

He may even take the initiative to attack, as he does not like to be passive.

Unless it is some strategy to lure the enemy deep into his territory.

But after listening to Kuruda's words, everyone was still very surprised, even unbelievable.

They already knew Kuruda's strength and vision, and those who could be invited on board as partners must be strong men like Sid.

Everyone was very surprised. Is this still the East China Sea, which is known as the weakest sea? Are there so many strong men hiding?

But at the same time, only Sid himself knew the answer, and he smiled slightly. It seemed that the captain, who was also a time traveler, was going to summon a new partner from other worlds.

I am really looking forward to it. What kind of ideas and strength do the villains from other worlds have?

"Although I am looking forward to Kuruda, who is your next partner? But it seems we won’t be traveling together, so see you next time."Luffy said directly with that familiar smile.

He was very glad that he could make a friend like Kuruda this time, but he also understood that the other party was also the captain of the pirate group, and their paths were destined not to be together. , any team should have its own actions

"Luffy, both us and Kuruda won't leave until tomorrow. Don't you think it's too early now? Zoro said a little speechlessly. He suddenly realized that such a captain he recognized seemed to have a bad mind.

"Ah, really? Haha, I actually forgot."Luffy touched his head and said with a smile again, making everyone feel helpless again. This is a completely stupid boy.

Soon, after chatting for a while, everyone separated, and Luffy and the three went to look for it. In the town tonight Inside, the little girl also went home.

As for Kuruda and the others, Sid immediately said that he wanted to move some of his belongings to the boat.

Allen was suddenly confused and quickly asked Sid how he knew they had a big boat. ?

But Sid said that he had witnessed Allen's battle at sea, and naturally he saw the Bole. After hearing this, Allen's suspicion suddenly disappeared, including the two sisters.

Soon, everyone. Just help Sid move all his belongings, which he bought here this morning, onto the Bole, as long as he can fly.

Then Sid goes back to his bedroom to decorate his room, and after entering the ship. , Kuruda told him the specific rooms of the three of them, and asked Sid to choose one on the bedroom floor.

But in fact, Sid's room had already been chosen, and he even slept in it last night. One night, but he couldn't tell Alan and Luciluke about this matter, so now Kuruda made up a white lie and immediately smiled:"To celebrate that we finally have a swordsman on the ship, Recruit new partners and hold a small welcome party on the ship today."

Lucy, Luke, and Allen were very happy when they heard that a banquet was going to be held.

Obviously, they liked banquets very much, mainly because they were servants of Kuruda back then. They liked banquets the most, because they could only get there. At that time, they were able to eat a lot when life was still hard, and Kuruda also took them to the banquet, so the three of them also liked the banquet very much.

So after hearing this, the three of them immediately went down to make arrangements for Allen. Needless to say, as the chefs on the ship, they naturally started to cook.

The two sisters began to arrange the deck to give it a bit of a banquet feel, or to hold a banquet on the deck. Da, also moved out some needed items, such as tables and the like, and then returned to his bedroom, but before returning to the bedroom cabin, he said

"I'm going to contact my new partner, using Den Den Mushi."

Although he said so, and although there was indeed a Den Den Mushi on the Bole, this guy was just exhausted in the morning and at noon, and wanted to go back and take a nap first. He really deserves to be the big villain, a little shameless.

But in fact, although Kuruda took a quick look, Sid also went back to his bedroom after arranging his room and lay on the bed.

But at this time, he was holding the battle instrument and connecting with Litora mentally.

Watching Litora flying in the blue sky and white clouds high in the sky, flying towards the headquarters of the navy.

At an altitude of nearly several thousand meters, in the world of pirates, there are very few creatures living here, even some birds cannot fly.

So no one would notice Litora flying so high.

Fortunately, Kuruda can also understand a little map, so now Litora is in the right direction.

Not long after, Litora Kuruda actually came to the top of the Navy Headquarters. At the same time, the other party would not know that there was a big bird here.

Kuruda knew that whether it was Alan or the two sisters, or the Ninja Corps that had already been revealed, as well as his and Sid’s strength.

In addition, all of them had already revealed their Conqueror’s Haki.

It was impossible for the Navy not to send high-level officials this time, especially Garp, who also belonged to the East China Sea. There were only a few high-level people in the Navy, including the two alternate admirals. They just had to focus on finding the people who were about to go to sea.

Sure enough, he soon passed this point and found it with the help of Litora’s vision. It turned out that a top-level Navy warship was just driving, standing on the deck, and lying on a chair.

Litora not only had good eyesight, but also good hearing. Soon, Kuruda heard the conversation between the two.

"Go faster and catch up with Lieutenant General Garp and General Aokiji."At this time, Taotu, who was on the deck, immediately ordered his naval soldiers to move faster.

"I said, Taotu, don't be so anxious, we have three days, and Vice Admiral Garp and his men have been on the road for a while. Besides, we have Den Den Mushi, so we can ask Vice Admiral Garp and his men to wait for us after they arrive in the East China Sea."Chatun, who seemed to be sleeping next to him, yawned and said

"Chatun, can you be a little more serious? Sister He said that the opponent we are going to face this time is not ordinary. The opponent has three admirals of our level, two admirals, and a very magical ninja unit."

"Lieutenant General Garp may not be able to deal with them. If we can get there in time, we can have more hope. Besides, those pirates still have our own hostages, which must be taken back immediately. If the time is exceeded, they will really Will kill people"

"Besides, our naval warship has not yet increased its speed." Taotu said with regret that she disliked Chatun, who didn't look good but was as strong as herself. Even in the pirate world, she was a great beauty.

After all, as a beautiful and powerful female swordsman, she knew that it was time for her to find a partner at her age. But this is a world that values looks and many other qualities. Although Taotu still recognized Chatun in terms of strength.

But whether it was appearance or character, it was better for him to stay where he was. This guy had pursued her more than 100 times, and she would not refuse him.

"Okay, okay, keep doing it, really, why do you say so much all of a sudden?"But when he heard Taotu say so much at once, Chadu suddenly felt that his head was about to get big.

But now he also knew very well that he had made Taotu unhappy, so he immediately gave up on confessing his love again. Thoughts.

But if his thoughts were known now, Taotu would probably be so angry that he would just draw his sword.

I told you about work, and you talked about love with me?

Hearing these words through Litola, I didn’t expect it to be the same as in the anime. , the relationship between these two people is really funny, even Kuruda laughed at it, so he immediately told Litola to follow them, since he wanted to talk to Garp and the others. If they were to join together, it would be best to keep track of the movements of these people.

Such an arduous task would naturally be handed over to Litola who would not be discovered by them, even if he wanted to wrong Litola, he could not do it in the past few days. He went to the sea to catch fish.

But at the same time, he also thought about the opponent's lineup.

It would be no problem for those naval soldiers to be dealt with by the ninja soldiers.

After all, when the cooldown time was over, a large wave of nearly 500 ninjas could be summoned. Soldiers, plus the current ones, don't worry about those naval soldiers at all.

The key point is the four strong men on the other side.

Taotu can completely let the two sisters deal with them. As far as he knows, most of Taotu can only deal with them. Deal single target damage,���They still don't know the Sixth Form of the Marines, so the two sisters who have the ability to fly very fast and master the power of the Twin Fruit will be able to deal with Peach Rabbit by then, and they can even suppress them all the time.

As for the tea dolphin, he should be similar to the three generals.

His physical skills are the sixth form of the navy, and he can use domineering.

And according to the information he has learned before, this guy is most likely a person with earth fruit ability, and can create earth walls or earth pigs.

He has strong combat and defense capabilities, and is very useful on land.

However, because there is sea everywhere here, his combat effectiveness has been weakened a lot.

Therefore, he became a candidate for a navy admiral, otherwise he would have been a general long ago.

To be honest, this guy should still be a little stronger than Peach Rabbit. The main reason is that in the sea, his Devil Fruit ability really can't be used.

But the Taotie is a ferocious beast of the earth after all, and the phantom beast species are much more powerful than the natural fruits, so Allen will still have no problem dealing with the tea dolphins when the time comes.

The strength of the candidate general must be comparable to that of the navy's candidate general. Moreover, Ellen and the two sisters also have overlord domineering and can use the advantage of entanglement.

At the same time, let these three people experience more battles. With their age and talent, it is estimated that promotion to general strength is not far away.

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