"Hiding it so deeply? It seems like it's really no small matter. If that's the case, then go and see for yourself."

After hearing the report from the Shadow Army, Di Rui suddenly became interested. Although he had just rejected the paladin, it did not hinder his thoughts at the moment.

Because even if he plans to die, he does not intend to join the Paladins. After all, the morals and sense of mission of this type of group are too high.

It would be very convenient to let them do things for themselves and clean up the moths in their territory, but when working with them, there are too many restrictions, and many methods are difficult to use.

With a thought, when Tyrell's thoughts fell, he appeared in the continent of Altom in less than half a quarter of an hour. However, at this moment, he restrained his own power and walked in the posture of a dragon. A continent he had never set foot on before.

The continent of Altom is one of the five continents in the world of Kallos. It is located at the northernmost point of the world. Its terrain is complex and the climate is changeable, from the permafrost ice fields in the north to the Forest of Spiritual Songs in the south, from the Chiyang Continent in the west. From the desert to the prosperous golden coastline in the east, the vast territory and rich natural resources have given birth to many powerful races and kingdoms and city-states.

However, this vibrant and rich continent is now experiencing a catastrophe that has never happened in thousands of years. A faint mist floats in the air, but under the sunlight, it reveals a faint scarlet color, revealing that An ominous atmosphere.

"What the hell!"

Dirrell, who had just stepped onto the ground with his feet, frowned when he saw the faint red mist almost everywhere. Although dragons can adapt to all kinds of extremely harsh emotional environments, with the status of the ancestral dragon, Dirrell But I still felt extremely uncomfortable.

Because the moment he set foot on this land, he felt malice coming from all directions. This malice was more serious than the will of the world suppressing him.

The will of the world just doesn't want him to move around, but the malice coming from all directions is like a primordial beast that hasn't eaten for hundreds of millions of years, trying to eat him up.

This is a kind of unconscious greed and desire, which is spread on everything that can be seen around him. It is precisely because of this that Tyrell feels extremely uncomfortable.

"If there is no mistake in the marking, it should be an independent free territory located in the northeast of the mainland, close to the center, adjacent to the Kingdom of Amiloa. It seems that this place has fallen."

At the foot of Tyrell is a low flat-topped mountain. Even so, this is already the highest viewing point in the surrounding area. You can have an unobstructed view of hundreds of miles around. However, because of the red mist, the visibility is much worse. .

But even so, Tyrell could see that not far from the low mountain, on the relatively flat impact plain, was a ruined city that no longer had any normal life breath.


Tyrell's eyes flashed, he took a step forward and appeared on the edge of the ruins of the city. Take a look at the miserable scene of this ruined city.

The city wall with a height of nearly twenty meters, coupled with the blessing of an alchemical matrix or a magic circle, is enough to easily resist the invasion of giants. Ordinary ferocious beasts are naturally not a problem and can be completely ignored.

This is also the basis for a city to stand on the wasteland. But now, this city wall is full of countless gaps, large and small.

It was a gap that was destroyed by absolute violence. Some chitinous carapace of unknown texture could be seen in the gap. These carapace reflected the color of metal under the weak light.

"A crushing massacre!"

On the dilapidated ruins, only scattered or splashing blood stains can be seen. Not to mention corpses, there are not even larger pieces of meat. Only some broken insects can be seen in some inconspicuous corners. Armor and minced meat.

Even though Tyrell had cleansed the city more than once, the scene in front of him still made him feel extremely uncomfortable. After all, no matter how cruel he was, a large number of residents would still survive in the cities he cleaned. It will be like now, even the slightly larger living creatures cannot be found.

Even without mastering exploratory spells such as time retrieval, Tyrell could still deduce the horrors that had happened here based on some remaining details, and he could also understand the despair experienced by the residents of this city at that time.

"Brainworm, lord, let me see what these things are!"

Tyrell walked into the city. As he gradually went deeper, the ruins of the dilapidated buildings gradually became a little different. It was not that the specifications of the buildings became taller and more luxurious, but the appearance of these buildings. On top, there is a layer of bacteria carpet that is similar to moss but exhibits biological characteristics.

The tiny flesh velvet squirmed slightly in the air, not knowing what it was absorbing. As Diriel approached, the swing speed of these flesh velvet became faster, and dark red particles visible to the naked eye spat out and scattered in the air. , gradually diluted and integrated with the red mist.

They are the culprits that make the sky and the earth become so strange. Under the shroud of red mist, the creeping speed of these flesh carpets accelerates, gradually engulfing the entire city.



Di Rui walked on the bright red meat carpet, and the solid feeling of the earth was no longer under his feet. It was replaced by the texture of flesh and blood that was tougher and softer than the carpet. Some weird sounds began to sound in the surrounding ruins and underground, but Di Rui You didn't care at all.

"That's it?"

Entering the core of the city, Tyrell saw a huge organism standing in the center of the city square at a glance. Just the exposed part protruding above the ground was more than thirty meters high, and its surface was Under the fleshy folds and bulges, a blood vessel-like network can be seen, with a faint blue liquid flowing inside.

Dozens and hundreds of thick tentacles extend from this huge biological structure, dancing in the air. But the most terrifying thing is that this already huge structure is just the tip of the iceberg, and there is an even bigger main body. , hidden underground.

As Tyrell approached, rays of light shone from the huge insect nest. These lights came from the holes in the mother's nest, as well as from the unknown tissue structure inlaid on the surface of the mother's nest, showing the texture of gemstones.

It was at this time that Tyrell felt like he was being looked at. Different from the malicious and targeted behavior without any subjective consciousness, Tyrell now felt as if he was being watched.

This was something he had not experienced for a long time after being promoted to Legend. This kind of unscrupulous, naked and greedy gaze looking at him was not just one or two.


A light mist exploded behind Dirrell, and the extremely compressed air turned into two air waves behind Dirrell, spreading to both sides, and the atmosphere let out a shrill wail - there was an invisible sharp blade heading towards him. Tyrell's neck was chopped off.


The trembling sound of swords clashing was heard, and with the sparks hitting the naked eye, the visible shock wave spread, but it did not affect Tyrell at all. He did not make any move, because a shadow soldier was already standing behind him. The sharp blade in his hand was unsheathed and he blocked the seemingly invisible blow.


A sharp neighing sound sounded, and an insect beast that looked like a mantis but had four blade arms appeared. It was as tall as a person, and the insect's body structure made it look like an insect running rampant on land. Killing machine.

Hidden Hunter!

This is the name given to the resisters of the Altom Continent. This type of Zerg is also one of the basic units produced by the Zerg with the largest number. It is second only to the Gold-Eating Beetle.

Compared to the gold-eating beetles that rampage across the battlefield like land chariots, the stealth hunter is even more frightening because it is an assassination unit among the Zerg. It has no special detection spells and its existence cannot be observed with the naked eye. .

If a large number of hidden hunters appear on the battlefield, it is very easy to cause panic among the battle lines and cause the front lines to collapse in a very short period of time.

However, shadow soldiers have never known what fear is. Creatures that master the power of shadow have always been the best assassins. Facing the Zerg monsters who are also good at sneaking, it cannot be said that they are equal to each other. They can only be bullied by small ones. .

Creatures that can be selected and transformed into shadow soldiers must have been at least gold level during their lifetime. Not just any kind of miscellaneous fish can be sent to the shadow kingdom under the world tree, allowing the archmage to waste his energy on it. Conduct transformation ceremonies.

The invisible Zerg assassination unit is indeed a nightmare for ordinary soldiers, but for the gold-level shadow soldiers, they are just mobs that can be killed casually.

When the shadow soldier who took the initiative to appear behind Dirrell and blocked his sword swung his second sword, the hidden hunter who dared to attack Direal had become minced meat scattered on the ground, and even organizations as big as a palm Can't find any.

However, as soon as one Zerg fell, more Zerg stood up. Gold-eating beetles, swift snakes, venom shooters, stealthy hunters, lava beasts... Zergs that made the resisters tremble emerged from the ruins of the city and underground. .

In the blink of an eye, there are hundreds or even thousands, and the number is even increasing rapidly. It seems that mainly because of need, the entire city will come to life and turn into a sea of ​​​​Zergs to drown everything. In fact, it is not far from that at this moment.

However, Tiril, who was still leisurely looking at the Zerg mother nest, saw a liquid as thick as black oil appearing at his feet, spreading rapidly. Wherever the black oil passed, the bright red carpet withered instantly, and the same thing happened. A shadow creature with a powerful aura walked out from the foot of Di Ruier, as if it were a passage connecting the shadow dimensions.

A war broke out in the blink of an eye. The shadow soldiers, who had no concept of death, waved their swords or claws to slaughter the Zerg that could easily bully the short-lived army.

In an instant, hundreds of Zerg fell, but more Zerg emerged from the ground. Huge lava beasts that could easily collapse city walls emerged one after another. They tilted the flames and roared. , causing ripples visible to the naked eye in the air.

"I see."

Since seeing the insect nest, Tyrell has not moved a step from beginning to end. All the details of this war that broke out with him as the center are under his control.

He could see the stealthy hunter who was the first to die under the sword of the shadow soldier. The minced meat it scattered was absorbed by the fungus carpet the moment it touched the ground, and the biomass transformed in it was transported to the insect in front of him. In the nest, it is used to re-create hatching insect eggs.

This process is incredibly fast. From recycling to hatching a live and jumping Zerg, it takes no more than half an hour. Perhaps the Zerg has the advantage of playing at home, but such recycling efficiency and production speed are not suitable for those on the mainland. It is an extremely severe challenge for almost all short-lived species forces.

To fight against such an opponent, unless you have an absolute military advantage at the beginning of the battle and sweep them away with thunderous force without leaving any remnants, otherwise you will be dragged down and the war will enter a war of attrition. Almost no force can outlast the Zerg.

Even if the territory operated by Di Ruier himself encounters the invasion of the Zerg, Di Ruier dare not say that he can do better than the local resistance forces on the Altrum continent.

The reason why he can now look down on the Zerg in this city is that the Zerg nest in this city cannot breed Zerg that can threaten him, and even if the shadow soldiers under his command are defeated and their shadow bodies are destroyed, it is not a big deal. The Zerg cannot get any biomass supplement in this process.

"It's not 100% recycled. There is also loss in the process of recycling and reproduction."

Di Ruier's eyes are like torches. His eyes can penetrate all obstacles. The overall structure of the mother nest in front of him emerges in his eyes, and he roughly sees the operation mode of the mother nest.

"Maybe not so invincible."

After just a moment, Di Ruier had several ideas to fight against the Zerg. The first choice was naturally the Undead, but the advantage of the Undead in numbers was a disadvantage when facing the Zerg, and the number of Undead with slightly higher ranks could be said to have dropped drastically.

But even so, the Undead was indeed the most suitable choice to fight against the Zerg, because no matter how efficient the Zerg was in utilizing and recycling energy, they could not squeeze anything out of the bones that had been eroded by negative energy for many years.

In addition to the Undead, there was another choice, the Golem Legion, but the Golem Legion was not as good as the Undead, because the cost of the Golem was too high and the cost performance was extremely low, and the Golem needed energy to drive it, and the Zerg could also profit from it.

Elemental creatures were also not very suitable. Slightly stronger elemental creatures would leave crystal cores after death, which could also allow the Zerg to fight to support themselves.

The best choice should be to build strong walls and clear the fields, and then gather a group of strong men to constantly harass and kill the Zerg, kill the intelligent Zerg, and destroy production hubs such as the Zerg Nest.

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