Bronze Dragon: Tyrant's Road to Conquest

Chapter 374 The Insect Tide Arrives

Under the dark night, everything is silent and quiet. The wisps of moonlight spilled from the gaps in the clouds, outlining the hazy and majestic outlines of the mountains. The towering peaks are even more steep and straight, like giant beasts crawling on the earth, sleeping quietly in the night, showing their ferociousness silently.

In the mountains and valleys, there are occasionally a few glimmers of light, and the eyes of monsters hunting or walking in the night, they interpret the natural law of natural selection and survival of the fittest in the darkness.

However, the strong and the weak, the hunter and the prey, are always relative. The predator at one moment may become the prey to be devoured the next moment.

Under the cover of the night, a sturdy night-shadow leopard quietly lurked among the acacia trees, its body close to the ground, almost integrated with everything around it.

This hunter, one of the best in the mountains, had eyes like black jade, staring closely at a herbivore that was also taking advantage of the night to eat by the stream.


The smooth and full muscles tightened instantly, and the Night Shadow Leopard shot out from its hiding place. The sudden burst of speed was like a black lightning, and the trees and ferns fell down.

However, small herbivores that can survive in dangerous mountain forests often have speeds that are not inferior to those of top predators, and agility that matches them.

The furry ball of gray and black hair was swimming around, and the Night Moon Leopard, which had already locked onto it, was chasing after it. Soon, the prey and the hunter were chasing into the deep jungle.


Suddenly, the Night Shadow Leopard stopped chasing. Its four claws carved four deep ravines in the humus forest formed by a large number of fallen leaves. Its cold eyes stared at the dark shadow in front of it, and it let out a cry from its throat. An intimidating growl.

The breath of the herbivorous beast it locked disappeared at that moment, as if it was swallowed by some extremely terrifying existence, digested instantly, leaving not even a trace of dregs, so that it could not feel anything.

In a jungle full of dangers, no matter how good a hunter is, he cannot predict what will happen in the next moment, but this situation is completely beyond the knowledge that the Night Shadow Leopard has formed since he was born.

This sturdy yet vigorous predator slowly retreated, but before it had time to withdraw even half of its body, two powerful tentacles suddenly stretched out from the shadows deep in the jungle, entangling each other. On the body of Night Shadow Leopard. The jungle beast roared and roared, gradually becoming weak and weak, and dragged it in.

The moonlight passed through the forest tops with lush branches and leaves, and mottled dark shadows intertwined with silvery white spots. The Night Shadow Leopard, whose life was gradually deprived of it, suddenly widened its eyes. The familiar mountain forest now became extremely strange. It had never seen it before. The terrifying flesh and blood creation of the past is squirming in it.

A giant egg-shaped flesh-and-blood building stands behind the shadow of the jungle. Its overall structure is honeycomb-shaped. In the holes, fat flesh worms crawl in the mucus. Dozens of tentacles extend from it, dancing in the air and entangling the night shadow. Leopard's is exactly two of them.

Around this building, a bright red blanket of flesh and blood expands silently, devouring everything it can touch, including but not limited to vegetation, snakes, insects, and beasts. This is a terrifying creation that plunders all things, and the Night Shadow Leopard Nature is among them.

In the jungle, the Night Shadow Leopard, which can definitely be called the top predator, had no room to struggle and resist after being entangled by the tentacles. As its life breath was completely cut off, its corpse fell from the air and was smashed. Arriving on the carpet of bacteria that surged like waves, the wriggling waves of flesh instantly enveloped it and decomposed it at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In less than a moment, this beast of the forest seemed to not exist. It completely disappeared without leaving any trace in the world. Only the carpet of bacteria extending from this ferocious flesh-and-blood building expanded again. lock up.

The night was quiet and the moonlight was like water. When the moon was in the sky, a giant egg had been quietly taking shape from the fungus carpet. With the sound of tearing flesh and blood, one head was similar to the shadow leopard, but it was slightly different. The evil beast walked out.

"How come we only have so little biomass? How long will it take for the female worm to hatch at this speed? It's too slow, it's really too slow!"

The insect beast that had just hatched had a look of dissatisfaction in its amber eyes. It had wisdom that was incompatible with its status as a beast.

"It's really useless!"

The insect beast let out a low roar and then rushed into the jungle. When the sun rose from the mountains and shed thousands of rays of light on the earth, the bright red carpet expanded more than ten times overnight. The huge insect eggs absorb nutrients transported from the bacteria carpet.

"Hatch a batch of gold-eating beetles first, collect enough biomass as soon as possible, and hatch out brain worms before the local indigenous creatures react. I want to be promoted to lord before that."

After a night of hunting and preying, the insect beast had grown in size, with three tentacles extending from its back. Looking at the insect nest that had undergone earth-shaking changes due to its hard work, the light of wisdom shone in its eyes. .

It knows its origins, and it also knows what it needs to face in the future. With the development speed of the insect swarm, it will not be long before the native creatures counterattack.

Only by surviving the encirclement and suppression of native intelligent species, and absorbing enough biomass to grow rapidly during the encirclement and suppression, can the insect nest be able to develop and grow, and the queen who rules everything will be born.

The dark red color, as if blood had solidified, spread rapidly among the mountains as time went by. Everything in its path was swallowed up, and even stones would be partially decomposed.

"Your Excellency Tyrell, there is an invasion of alien creatures that threatens the world on the continent of Altom!"

Tyrell, who had returned to the Sedellin Islands, had not lived in peace for three years when he met the legendary paladin Delunsu who hurriedly came from the Holy Martial Military Academy in Elmond Continent.

"Oh, what happened?"

Compared to the extremely anxious paladin, Tyrell seemed quite calm.

Invasions of alien creatures cannot be said to be commonplace for the aborigines of the world of Carlos, but they are also part of daily life.

"There is a very ferocious alien race that invaded the continent of Altom. It should have first appeared in the wild jungle in the northwest of the continent.

According to records, when discovered, these alien species had already engulfed more than an entire duchy's land, and the first person to make contact with them was the Black Rock Pine Principality.

In less than three days, the Principality of Heiyansong lost half of its land, and the Duke of Heiyansong was defeated in the battle, was inexplicably contaminated, and completely disappeared.

According to a divination investigation by an archmage, there is a high probability that this legendary archduke has fallen. To the extreme, he may have been assimilated by that foreign ethnic group and become a puppet. "

"It's interesting, but what next?"

Seeing the solemn and worried paladin in front of him reporting on the severe war situation from a foreign continent, a look of interest appeared on Tyrell's face.

Alien creatures are really not that rare in the world of Carlos. They are not as rare as dogs, but they are basically everywhere. Therefore, just a simple invasion of alien creatures is really hard to cheer people up.

“Even you may have a hard time imagining how rapidly this invasive alien species is growing and eating almost anything.

Whether it is plants, animals, corpses or metal ores, all resources that are slightly useful will be swallowed up by them.

From the day they were discovered to the destruction of the Black Rock Pine Kingdom, it took them less than five days, with less than half of the survivors in the country.

For those monsters, this was just the beginning. In twenty days, they destroyed the five principalities surrounding the Black Rock Pine Kingdom and the three independent territories. "

"The speed is really not slow."

Even after hearing that the situation was so serious, Tyrell's mood remained stable.

"The latest battle report was three months ago. According to the description from my colleagues in Altom Continent, this monster group calling itself the Anron Zerg has been at war with the overlord of the central region of the continent, the Kingdom of Ameloa."

"The Kingdom of Amiloa was not destroyed, right?"

"Not yet, but according to my colleague's prediction in the battle report, the Kingdom of Aminoa will not be able to survive for a year at most."

Telunsu answered truthfully.

Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, I could feel how critical the situation over there was from the letter asking for help sent from Altom's paladin organization.

If it is allowed to develop and is not curbed, the world of Kallos may sink and become the food for the development and growth of its ethnic group. No one will be spared.

"Your colleague is quite optimistic."

Upon hearing this judgment, Tyrell couldn't help laughing.

"You know about this?"

"Of course I know that I am the Bronze Dragon Lord who can influence the future direction of the world. If I don't even understand that such a world-class event is happening, then what kind of king am I?"

Tyrell has always known the importance of intelligence information. As long as he can master enough information, let alone using his small knowledge to turn defeat into victory, even changing his life is not impossible.

"In that case, then you..."

Paladin Telunsu was shocked. Since the dragon emperor still had his own news channels, he didn't need to waste words and just asked for help.

"It is inconvenient for me to interfere in the affairs of other continents. I did not receive any invitation."

Tyrell interrupted the paladin's words and his reaction was extremely dull.

A world-destroying disaster may sound scary, but a world-class disaster is really nothing, because strictly speaking, he presided over the construction of the Gate to Hell that connects to hell. Even if he is not careful, it will also trigger a world-class disaster. disaster.

"Does this require an invitation?!"

Paladin Telunsu was confused. He found that he couldn't keep up with the dragon's thinking at all.

As a paladin, every time he travels, he hears that evil creatures are raging in a certain place, or that there are weak people in urgent need of help.

Then he will set off, without anyone's invitation, let alone any material reward. Just a simple verbal thank you can make him feel doubly satisfied.

"What I say and do now not only represent myself, but also represent many people."

"However, the situation on the Altom continent is already very serious. Since you have your own news channels, you should also know how terrifying those monsters are.

Do you plan to wait until this invading alien group swells to the point where you can no longer fight it before intervening? By then, it will be too late, everything will be too late. "

Delensu was extremely anxious.

"Nothing is too late. Just go back and teach with peace of mind. I will pay attention to this matter. When the time is right, I will naturally come to solve it."

Di Ruier lay on the ground and yawned lazily.

"Don't forget the existence of the gods. The actions of those insects are too extreme. No god will tolerate their existence, even the evil gods are no exception."


He traveled thousands of miles and went to the deep sea just to see the ruler of the Dragon Kingdom, but he got such a perfunctory response, and he didn't even have a decent promise.

Not only that, he was a little moved by what he said. If the gods came, no matter how well those monsters developed, they could not escape the final predetermined ending.

"No buts, just wait. At the speed of the insects' swallowing, it is estimated that soon there will be gods who can't hold back and pour out their anger on their heads."

Di Ruier was as steady as a mountain, and the holy warrior Terunsu could only leave the Sun Palace with a face full of disappointment and regret.

But as soon as the holy warrior left, a large group of dark shadows extended from under Diriel until they covered the towering palace. Countless dark figures emerged from the dark and rippling pool water.

"How is the investigation going?"

Seemingly indifferent, Diriel asked the shadow soldiers who returned from the Altom continent.

"Based on long-term detection and observation, it can be determined that the vast majority of individuals in the hive do not have their own will, and only a very small number of individuals have wisdom comparable to or even superior to that of short-lived species. These Zerg, without exception, have special identities."

"Tell me in detail."

"The commander of the Zerg is called the Lord, and there are also individuals in the rear who are responsible for production and resource coordination, called brain worms.

If all the brain worms and Lords can be killed in the shortest time, and then the hive is destroyed, according to our inference, no matter how many soldiers of this race are left, they will fall into self-destruction."

"Are you sure this is feasible?"

It sounds particularly easy to execute beheading to destroy the alien invading race that is enough to endanger the world.

"Based on our long-term observation, these insects seem to have a higher command authority than the brain worm, but we have never seen it."

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