Blooming America

Chapter 974: Test the little mess


Catherine's every move made Jenny, who was staring at her, attentive. (Www.._《》》)

"It's really amazing. The strengthening power is very powerful. Although it can cause sequelae such as muscle strain, bone fracture, etc., for you, this is completely no problem..."

Then, Jenny looked at her left hand again-it was also covered by black artificial skin.

While Catherine was dealing with all kinds of trivial matters, Jenny did not stop studying either.

"What's the matter with your hand?"

Catherine, who came to "review", was very curious about Jenny's hand.

Jenny smiled bitterly.

"I thought I thought of a good way to transplant this kind of film to someone else, but obviously, there seems to be something wrong with my idea..."

"What? It seems quite successful?"

Because Jenny does not produce alternation protein in her body, it is probably impossible to have "auto-growth" or something like Catherine. Could it be this defect?

"Too successful, too successful to fail..."

Jenny's words made Catherine inexplicable.

At this time, Jenny also explained: "Because the human body's cells will be damaged during synthesis, most of them will be broken and necrotic. At this time, I thought of a method-to use repair protein to damage the cells. At the same time, repair it at the same time. If this is the case, then it will definitely be fine."

It is indeed a good way, Catherine's eyes lit up.

But why did you say that it was too successful?

"So, when I was experimenting. I kept injecting repair protein into the artery." Both replacement protein and repair protein can be injected directly, which is very safe, and the needle can almost heal when it is pulled out. .

"But an unexpected situation appeared, the replacement protein and the broken repair protein work together. It seems that these silicone materials are used as my skin, so... this thing is now truly integrated with my body. I can't take it off if I want to take it off..."

Unlike Catherine, for others, although this protein can be repaired, it also has an unfriendly side. And it doesn't rule out those who just burp directly in case something happens, or just like a big cat. After only a few experiments, it will never grow up...

"Is there a solution?"

Catherine asked worriedly. """ (www..)

"Of course, it will be fine to metabolize these latex skins when the new city is metabolized... Well. If it is an injection of replacement protein, it can also... But..." Jenny's mouth twitched: "But it will be very painful."

This thing cannot rely on repair proteins, but can only rely on replacement proteins that can obtain the dna mirror image and then repair it. According to Hayflick’s experiments, although this material can deceive the recognition of altered protein, it must be possible when it covers more than half of the body, which is the current situation. If Jenny continues to inject the replacement protein, these latex skin will be forcibly eliminated, and at that time, the pain will be transmitted to Jenny's body.

"If you want to get rid of these things. I need at least six, you can look at it this way. Your hand is continuously punctured by countless needles, and it takes six hours to stop. And the pain is still there. Will be magnified three times..."

It will indeed be a terrible thing...

"So, for the time being... Just put on gloves, and my own sense of touch was not affected at all. On the contrary, in these days, it helped me to get the whole experiment almost done, at least the theory and The principle or something, I think I should be able to make it clear... Well, so our next research can begin... We can have better experimental materials..."

"Wait, you haven't told me, why does this thing make me stronger?"

Catherine asked curiously.

"It should be the same as the tactile method." Jenny explained to Catherine.

"The signal sent by the cerebral cortex is not directly transmitted to your body, but passes through this layer of skin. I don't know the specific reason. It may also be that this layer of skin is stimulated by the signal, and then it The received signal is amplified. Then it becomes like this."

Jenny stretched out her hand, shook it, and continued to explain: "Your body’s sense organs are strengthened, and it’s normal. It’s because the signal is amplified. It’s not so much that the skin membrane has the power to strengthen the body. Rather, the membranes we got before were all incomplete, did not have the ability to strengthen strength, and there were not many electronic signals that could be amplified."

"In other words, the ability of this body's skin is actually to amplify electronic signals?"

Catherine suddenly realized.

"Yes, so in my opinion, the higher the sensitivity, the greater the enhancement that the body membrane can provide, because the signals transmitted from the brain to the muscles will also be amplified by the same factor. Of course, Maybe this is also targeted. Maybe I can find an ability that can't amplify the senses, but can increase power..."

Jenny's serious flashes with a look called fanaticism.

"If we can ensure that the human body is not injured, it would be a good thing to maximize our strength... But for now, it seems that our technology can only be used for emergency... and overdraft."


Catherine was strange.

Jenny explained: "Because in fact, this method of amplifying electronic signals is actually deceiving the brain. If a person is too tired and the muscles are sore, it does not mean that the other's muscles have lost their explosive power, but This is because the other person’s brain has issued restrictions on the body, because if this goes on, this person will hurt himself. But after wearing the reinforced film, it’s different."

Jenny stretched out her left index finger, and Catherine stared at the black finger.

And Jenny continued to say at this time: "But after this body membrane is worn, the human brain is indeed restricted, but this restriction has almost no effect on the body-because the power transmitted to the body is They have been strengthened many times, so at this time, although their brains limit their output, they are still able to use multiplication to hold the strength they can use on a horizontal line."

"If a normal person can use 10 power, and the strengthening multiple is 3 times, then the person's maximum output is 30. When this person is already tired, the brain limits his output to 5. But this person is still able to exert 15 powers, which is still far beyond ordinary people! Although at this time, the body's senses will be very uncomfortable, but it is okay to continue to act."

But afterwards, I am afraid that the muscles will not feel good anymore.

What kind of muscle strain, what kind of bone crack, and even ligament rupture are possible.

This is indeed a very dangerous overdraft behavior.

"The infinite flow of novice purple-equipped artifact..."

Catherine murmured calmly.

Indeed, the reincarnations who can survive the mess with this thing are the best, because these reincarnations from the infinite world, but there is a big egg **** who can fully repair people...

"What infinite flow?"

Jenny heard it.

"It's nothing, I'm only going to shoot TV series and anime, I suddenly thought of a plot..."

Speaking of...

Catherine looked down at her body.

In Slaughter City, one of the ancestors of Infinite Flow, it seems that those people are wearing black tights, right?

Although Catherine's body is a little different from that body.

"Speaking of which, when will you be able to synthesize that damaged repair protein?"

Catherine asked again.

"Mr. Hayflick has given up because he found another damaged repair protein, um, because the damaged place is different, so some repair proteins have different properties, like the one we use now. It is no longer capable of self-synthesis and needs to rely on driving cells to carry out material synthesis. But Mr. Hayflick thinks that this method has too many defects... Well, so he found Paramecium...

"Paramecium? What does he want to do?"

At this moment, Catherine's curiosity has been completely aroused.

"Of course, it is looking for alternatives. Repair proteins are somewhat different from altered proteins. Altered proteins can synthesize proteins, which is not much different from cells. In addition, altered proteins can also break the phospholipid bilayer into the cytoplasm and repair. Cell structure, this is already a very magical thing. But repair proteins can only rely on cell structure to drive the body to repair, so without cells, it must not work. In Hayflick’s view, single-celled organisms , It should be able to serve as a substitute..."

Can it be like this?

Catherine was very curious Then another damaged repair protein found by Mr. Hayflick was one that could not even be identified by cells? "

The repair protein can recognize the human body. If this repair system is also destroyed, maybe Paramecium can also be used?

Although it feels a bit strange and absurd, in Catherine's view, as long as the goal can be achieved, this is fine. The absurdity of the process is nothing, as long as you don't get a result that is contrary to your goal...

"Although the damage is more severe, relatively speaking, the degree of difficulty of synthesis has also plummeted. We may have a chance... well, Kate, now we should continue to experiment..."


My eyes look blurry...

The second update today, there are three more!

To bury your head in the code word... (To be continued...)

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