Blooming America

Chapter 1360: The death of Oguanhai


As a drunkard, Obama drove repeatedly and broke his leg in a car accident, but he forced his friends to cover up his drinking habit. In terms of work, he treated any work casually and often said nothing. Not doing it, was "fired" many times. In terms of personal life, the elder Obama was also very romantic and abandoned several wives. When he went to the United States, he abandoned his first wife; when he left Hawaii to study at Harvard University, he abandoned his second wife, Obama's biological mother. Ann Dunham; the third wife Ruth Baker went to Kenya with the old Obama, but was also abused by him.

But like the younger Obama, the old Obama is actually a talented and ambitious idealist. His ability to get rid of the restrictions of his background and leave Africa to study in one of the best schools in the world has already demonstrated his talent. After leaving the campus, the elder Obama tried to enter the political arena, but suffered a miserable failure.

But after that, things started to change.

The elder Obama studied for a PhD in economics at Harvard University, hoping to join the “new ruling class” in Kenya at that time-a large number of young people who have studied abroad and are full of ambitions to change the future of Kenya.

However, when the authority of Harvard University learned of the old Obama's prosperous situation, he cancelled his scholarship and forced him to return to Kenya before he finished his graduation thesis. As a result, the elder Obama never received a doctorate from Harvard University. In the next few years, the elder Obama drove a classic car around Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, insisting that people call him a "doctor."

In addition, the elder Obama also started to drink, constantly advertised how smarter he was than others, complained about the injustice of the real world, and caused many people who should have supported him or sponsored him to leave him.

At the end of 1964, the old Obama refused the planning work in zhèngfǔ on the grounds of "underpaid" and "ignorant" of colleagues. And the colleague who was called "ignorant" by the old Obama. He eventually became one of the leaders in Kenya's domestic political and business circles. A few months after the old Obama refused to work in zhèngfǔ, the recent zhèngfǔ in Dúlì in Kenya issued a document expounding the concept of zhèngfǔ economic development: to use the zìyóu market economy and foreign investment to drive the rapid development of the domestic economy.

A few years later, it was also in Kenya. Old Obama came into contact with an organization.

——Umbrella Company.

At this time, Catherine's philosophy changed drastically.

Umbrella soldiers can have very superior treatment in Kenya, as well as unimaginable privileges.

And all this is because the umbrella is a mercenary organization, and even more because the United States stands behind the umbrella.

Immediately afterwards, the elder Obama proposed a creative idea: He mixed a number of controversial and opposing economic principles.

Unfortunately. His ideas also contained "provocative remarks" towards the president, which made his relationship with a former patron "clouded". Because this patron happens to be the drafter of the zhèngfǔ document.

There is no place to stay here, but there is a place to keep him.

After realizing the special power that Americans enjoy in Kenya, old Obama suddenly discovered that if he could get the support of Americans, he might be able to develop even higher.

At this time, the Divalo School District began construction.

Of course, the elder Obama applied for a teacher post in economics.

Perhaps the old Obama was lucky, or the transoceanic cover letter moved a certain reviewer. All in all, the old Obama once again set foot on American soil.

Under the intertwined karma, Obama Jr. longed for the school district's environment. He also came here.

It's just that the old Obama is in the eleventh school district, and the younger Obama is in the second school district. There is almost no intersection between the two.

Then until June of last year, when the young Obama was about to graduate from Ark University, the young Obama took his mother for sightseeing in the school district.

And at this time, they met old Obama.

\\But in the end, old Obama's plan seemed to be a little miscalculated.

And at this time, after seeing the ex-wife, the two of them had a quarrel.

however. Little Obama, who had never met his biological father, couldn't let go of his father.

Finally, thanks to little Obama's persevering efforts, the two sides finally met last night.

Unfortunately, it happened at this time.

A car accident directly turned a family of three into the dust of history.

When Catherine heard the truth, she almost covered her eyes.

It turned out to be such a dramatic development...

"It's a story, but it's a pity that it ended up in a car accident."

Elsa complained sharply!

"Damn it, why is this!"

"Although I don't know what you are looking for this Obama, but the other person is indeed dead...Oh, yes, there are also live photos, do you want to see it?"

"Pass it to me..."

Just ask Elsa to transfer the photos over the Internet.

Catherine's brain is equivalent to connecting to a computer anytime, anywhere.

Soon, Elsa posted a picture of Obama.

Catherine covered her face.

Indeed, according to the memory in Catherine's brain, this young face is undoubtedly that...Obama.

Yes, the future of watching the sea and listening to the waves is no longer there.

"But how come there are not many wounds?"

Catherine found that the other party did not seem to have many scars.

"Because the cause of death was a large amount of blood loss caused by internal bleeding. Although a lot of blood was transfused, the other party died at 2:30 in the morning. I think the other party should be in Eureka's morgue now."

Calculating carefully, it is less than twelve hours between deaths.

Catherine was a little depressed. Why didn't she think of this Mr. Obama yesterday?

"Forget it, now that Obama's trajectory has changed, why must he be able to be the President of the United States again?"

Catherine comforted herself.

Indeed, if his life trajectory has changed, then why must the next thing happen again?

Why must Obama be able to become president again?

But... in Catherine's heart, there is always so much unwillingness.

Why does this happen?

"Miss Edson, those people have already been recruited."

At this moment, the voice coming from beside pulled Catherine back to reality.

"Oh... OK, who are these people?"

Catherine shook her head.

"They were originally mercenaries, but this time they accepted a mission, so they dared to act like this."

It can be denied that among mercenaries, mercenaries with no lower limit are by no means a minority. When such a problem arises, it can only be said that "the rich can make the ghosts go ahead."

"Where is the person behind the scenes?"

"I don't know, the other party is not very clear, but because they did receive one hundred thousand dollars as a deposit, they dare to act."

"Well, you don't need to worry about this."

It now appears that this is not Lyken's matter.

"Elsa, please contact Pu Guanshui for me now. I want him to check a few accounts that have remittances not long ago. Because it is not long, the source should be easy to check."

and many more……

Catherine seemed to notice something.

"Okay. Just report your account to me."

Elsa on the opposite side responded to Catherine.

"The keyword just now..."

"What are you talking about, Kate? What's the key word?" Elsa on the other end of the phone didn't seem to understand what Catherine was saying.

"Kate? Kate?" After discovering that Catherine was silent, Elsa asked a few strangely: "Kate, you asked me to check the accounts that had remittances before, you should report to me!"

"Yes, this is it!"

not long time!

"Now, how long is it from Obama's death?"

"Probably... six and a half hours."

Elsa was puzzled by Catherine's jumping thinking.

"Contact Jenny now, we still have time now, if we can, maybe we can use altered protein..."

Alternate proteins can pull seriously ill people back from the death line-except starvation.

This is because the replacement protein can re-adjust the cell to the best state. As long as there is energy, everything is not a problem.

So, what about Obama who died within eight hours?

"Save a dead person? Kate, what are you thinking?"

Elsa understood what Catherine meant, but Elsa did not understand why Catherine wanted to do this.

"Let’s do it now, and I think Jenny will also be interested in such an experiment."

As long as the cells in the body are not completely dead, even if the tissue has lost most of its, may it still be useful?

"Okay, okay, it's your own thing anyway. And I think Jenny should be interested in this stuff."

The deceased Su Sheng...well, maybe it was such a gimmick that moved Jenny.

"Okay, that's it, I will rush back immediately."

As Catherine said so, she was already rushing to the private airport—Liken, there was a private airport belonging to the Ark Group.

But at this time, Catherine was not idle either. She immediately notified Pu Guanshui, and then reported these bank accounts to the other party. Through these accounts, you might be able to find out who was behind the scenes.

As for now, Catherine's most important goal is another one.

Mr. Ooguanhai who is dead.


, Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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