Blooming America

Chapter 1359: Watch the sea and listen to the Tao

Catherine finally breathed a sigh of relief when seeing the pink skins, which seemed to be similar to the human body, but could not see what type of life they should belong to being incinerated. (.)


This is great for world peace.

Catherine burst into tears.

"Alright, now it's time to see who those guys are..."

Jenny didn't seem to see these aberrations in her eyes, but there seemed to be some caring people who valued this thing very much.

Who will it be?

"To be honest, there are many people who are making our calculations now."

Although it has arrived at Lyken, Catherine and Jenny still keep in touch.

For the connection between Jenny and Catherine, just transmit the signal directly to the body, and Catherine's body has always been in Eden.

And now the core body of Chapter 1359 Guanhai Tingtao is the projection of consciousness using neutrino communication technology.

"Um... Of course I know this..."

Catherine shook her head helplessly.

On this point, Catherine certainly knew it.

But what's the use of knowing yourself?

Unless Catherine turns into Professor X and then scans everyone's head with her thoughts, otherwise, the possibility of betrayal will always exist.

"But... these are not important anymore."

"Our vision should not be limited to a certain company or a certain enterprise now."

Catherine talked about her plan.

"Our greater goal should start from another level. For example... to guide the development of the United States."

"Our development in Lyken City can be gradually expanded and expanded. As long as we succeed, we can extend our model to the entire West Coast, the entire central region, and even the entire United States."

Jenny over there is noncommittal: "Although it sounds like a conspiracy theory, and I also believe that our Ark Group can do these things slowly... but are you sure you can succeed?"


Catherine frowned.

It is indeed difficult.

Even if this chapter 1359 is the United States, but. If the situation under your control is out of control, your own planning will not be that simple.

"I need an agent."

In fact, there is one of the easiest ways. That is to directly replace Mr. President through the cyber body.

But Catherine felt that doing so would always be dangerous. not to mention. Catherine does not have the time to control the cyber body as the President. (Net m full text novel update fastest)

And if you change to someone else, Catherine is not sure that the other person will not show up.

On the contrary, it is a real agent, which may be useful.

As long as an agent is safe, there is absolutely no problem in staying on the table for eight years.

In Catherine's view, she now knows who will become president in the future.

Uh... well, history has changed.

Mr. Ford was assassinated, and Reagan became president early. This is definitely a major change in history.

"Poor Mr. Ford..."

Catherine silently mourned President Ford for a second in her heart.

Then, she mourned for a second of President Carter, who had been sadly reminded of the unlikely appearance.

"In Reagan's view, Bush Sr. should be a good candidate. Moreover, within the Republican Party, their views tend to be consistent..."

Bush Sr. has always been supported by the Umbrella and the Ark Group. Catherine felt that if Bush was really the next one. It should be smooth sailing for self-development.

"But the Republican Party has been occupying the throne of the U.S. President for so long, can it really continue next time?"

By the way, does the Democratic Party have any kind of president?

...Zipper stop!

Oh, it's Clinton!

Catherine immediately thought of this president at noon in the empire in the original history.

Clinton's period. It is definitely the most glorious period in the United States.

The Soviet Union disappeared, China has not yet risen, and the empire in the noon period is rampant throughout the world. In this entire world, only the United States holds the most powerful force in the world.

This is the era of Clinton.

And as one of the US presidents with the highest IQ, Zipperton is very powerful in other aspects except that he can't control the zipper of his pants.

"Then, is Bush Jr...?"

If Clinton is one of the US presidents with the highest IQ, then Bush Jr. is definitely one of the US presidents with the lowest IQ.

But this one is from the Republican Party...



Oh, it’s Obama... Oh, it’s Ooguanhai.

A total of spy Olympics to watch the sea!

"By the way, if the time is right now, the other party should have just graduated from college, right?"

Catherine suddenly thought that in the original history, O'Hare graduated in the past two years.

Compared to others, this first black president in American history can certainly have a lot to do.

"So, we can now fully train our Mr. Barack Obama!"

This trick is totally feasible!

Go ahead!

Barack Hussein Obama II, this is absolutely a potential stock!

After graduating from Columbia University, he moved to Chicago in 1985 to work. He graduated from Harvard Law School in 1991 and was the first African American to serve as the editor-in-chief of the Harvard Law Review.

In 1996, Obama was elected to the Illinois state senator from Chicago and was re-elected for the next three years. In 2000, after failing to run for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, Obama focused his energy on the Senate in Illinois.

On February 10, 2007, Obama formally announced his participation in the 2008 US presidential election in Springfield, Illinois, and put forward a campaign platform focused on "ending the Iraq war and implementing a universal medical insurance system."

after that. The incarnation of Nyarlatotepu became the President of the United States, Okankai.


Catherine immediately connected to Elsa's phone-well, it's three o'clock in the morning.


Elsa's voice was a little confused.

"Sorry, I forgot the time."

Catherine immediately realized that she seemed to have done a stupid thing.

"If you are on a whim and want me to do something, let me remind you...think twice before you act. Kate."

As expected of someone who has lived with him for so long. Although Elsa didn't know Catherine's plan, there was no doubt that Elsa saw through Catherine at a glance.

"Uh... well. But I think this thing might be possible... well, forget it, do it for me tomorrow if you have time. Help me find an African American named Barack Hussein Obama This person should have graduated from Columbia University last year..."

"Well, okay... Is there anything else?"

"temporarily unavailable."


Elsa hung up the phone.

"Speaking of which, if the federal government can build an electronic information file, it will be convenient for me to check it."

Catherine's extended brain is able to connect to the Internet.

In other words, Catherine is now able to surf the Internet anytime, anywhere.

But the problem is that the federal government's personal information files are all on paper so far, and they have not been digitalized.

The most confidential information within the Ark Group. They are all paper, and even these materials themselves are stored in the gas chamber.

However, if it is just such mass information, it can be completely digitalized, right?

"But to speak. This may be a good breakthrough..."

Indeed, if this matter can be carried forward, it will become a unique great thing.

In particular, Catherine was able to take advantage of this time to launch her personal terminal together.

However, Catherine miscalculated.

When Elsa contacted Catherine the next day. Catherine was told-there is no such a Mr. Obama attending Columbia University.

……This unscientific!

"Are you sure!?"

Catherine in Lyken wanted to ask Elsa carefully if it was true.

It's a pity that the current prosthetic body is undergoing neutrino receiver transformation, so although Catherine has a core body, she cannot use other prosthetic bodies. Otherwise, Catherine must have returned to the school district now.

"Yes, Kate, unfortunately, Columbia University has never had such an Obama classmate."

Has history changed to the point where such a young and promising young man disappeared?

Yes, Obama should have been born in 1961. If, because of his own influence, the death of this Obama classmate, or simply let him not be born, it is possible...

Not only that, it may even change the position of the parents, which may cause another "Obama" to appear.

Because of the change in posture, another sperm and egg were combined, which gave birth to another Obama with a completely different personality and even appearance. This is all possible!

Because this is no longer the original Obama.

Of course, the trajectory of life is naturally different-not to mention a series of changes caused by Catherine.

If such a person no longer exists, Catherine's plan will change drastically.

"However, on the school district's side, we did find that among the graduate students of Ark University we were studying, there was a person who seemed to be the same person you were looking for."


Catherine was shocked Did Obama just come to Ark University from Columbia University? !

Yes, it must be so!

"Where is he?!"

Catherine couldn't wait to ask questions.

"It's a pity, Kate. He... is dead."


This unscientific!

"Yes, just last night, an unfortunate car accident sent him and his parents into heaven together..."


Five more do not explain!

Roar in the code word! (To be continued!!!

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