Blooming America

Chapter 1348: The purpose of the Soviets

The body, of course, is Catherine's body. (Net m full text novel update fastest) []

The core body is where Catherine's consciousness lies. It is the core of all controlled bodies. It has exactly the same physical qualities as the body, but it has biological extensions. From the perspective of individual combat effectiveness, it can definitely be called "ground The strongest".

As for the element body, it can generally be the general term for all controlled bodies, but when distinguishing from the cyber body, the element body refers to the ordinary body without any reinforcement.

The cyber body is well understood, it is a mechanical body with extraordinary power.

If the creature transforms the body, it is transformed into the body of various mimicry animals.

For Catherine now, the placement of the body and the preparation of the core are the most important.

Catherine looked at the construction site in the distance again.

There, it will become the installation site of Catherine's body.

The launch tower and the body will be placed on the foundation instead of inside the building.

Inside, there will be a dedicated control center - however, the body of Catherine placed in the vessel will not be put into the nutrient tank. In it, it will be a body.

Catherine's real body will be located inside the back wall of the control center.

The current model can completely hide Catherine's body.

Simply perfect

"There is no way to open this wall from the outside, you can only open it from the inside. In this way, you can get out quickly while ensuring safety."

The benefits are self-evident. Looking at the construction site in the distance, Catherine explained to Jenny like this.

Because it is a toughened carbon nanotube fiber material, there is probably only one material that can be opened now-graphene.

At that time, Catherine coated the outer layer with a layer of graphene, and it would be perfect.

Moreover, because it must be opened from the inside, except for Catherine herself. There is absolutely no way for others to open it, which guarantees Catherine's absolute safety.

The standard of the foundation is built in accordance with the protection of nuclear weapons, and the outer layer is made of toughened carbon nanotube fiber material. So even if the nuclear bomb plows the land, the impact on Catherine is absolutely minimal.

Having said that, I care about safety so much. Why use weapons that protect against nuclear weapons?

Speaking of it, nuclear war or something shouldn't really break out... probably.

"There is always a sense of being unreliable..."

Catherine murmured.

"Nuclear bombs can't be destroyed, how can it be unreliable? Besides, do the Soviets really put all nuclear bombs on our heads?"

"That's right..." Catherine shrugged: "Next, just wait for the foundation to be completed, and then build the building. (M

Catherine looked at the foundation of her "master office" from a distance.

With the use of toughened carbon nanotube fiber materials, it is almost maintenance-free, so there is no problem at all in the fully enclosed mode. As long as the energy and nutrient pipelines are kept as the only place connected to the outside world, Kate will stay for n years. There are no problems.

Similarly, because it is a fully enclosed model, when it is built, it is built on the first floor, and then sealed in the equipment. Just build another layer. After the foundation of this layer is completed, the construction below will be temporarily stopped, and then the construction will not continue until the extended brain system is installed.

Those workers who are busy on the construction site every day can never expect to be under them. There will be a launch tower and an extremely concealed body of Catherine...

"Well, it's time to prepare for tomorrow's party... By the way, Lisa, can you help me choose my clothes?"

"my pleasure."


At the same time, Hawaii.

"Wei Limanshaxiu? Well, good."

Taking the passport back, "Wei Limansha" smiled lightly at the customs inspection officer, and then set foot on the land of Hawaii.

"I hope Vladimir can cooperate..."

After arriving at the predetermined location, "Wei Limansha" took off the wig, and in an instant, a handsome man appeared.

"In any case, the Soviet conspiracy will not succeed... at least, I will save you... my wayward sister..."

As the brother of Shalinya, "Wei Limansha" has been trained in the Federal Republic of Germany since he was a child. However, when he was 10 years old, he entered East Germany and became a spy for Stasi.

After entering high school, "Wei Limansha" took advantage of this woman's identity and entered the United States to study.

"Wei Limansha" is the name he has been using since he was 10 years old, but before that, he didn't remember it anymore.

Stasi () is a transliteration of the German abbreviation t, the official name is the Ministry of National Security (t), and the full name is "Ministry of National Security of the German Democratic Republic".

Stasi was established on February 8, 1950, with the purpose of serving as the political police of the German Democratic Republic, responsible for collecting intelligence, monitoring, and counterintelligence.

After the Berlin Wall was overthrown on November 9, 1989, Stasi began to destroy a large number of archive materials. The materials torn up by artificial hands were filled with 16,000 sacks.

The reunified German government originally planned to restore all the torn materials, but it is estimated that it will take at least 400 years to complete. At present, this work is temporarily suspended due to the annual cost of 1 million euros.

Although Stasi was founded under the guidance of the Soviet intelligence agency KGB, it also inherited the experience and work attitude of the Gestapo during the Nazi period, and made the surveillance and monitoring work "scientific" to the extreme with meticulous and rigorous work style.

The imagination of various technologies and equipment is breathtaking. From buttons and water bottles, to wooden sticks, trash cans, and even pens, monitoring devices are pervasive.

The scope of the secret police monitoring is not only the political activities of "hostile forces", from men and women. When the trash is taken out several times a week, what kind of sausages I bought in the supermarket are recorded.

Of course, Stasi's work is not only dependent on technology, but also on people. The organization had about 13,000 full-time employees in 1959, 56,000 in 1974, and 91,000 before it was disbanded in 1989. This means that there is about one full-time Stasi for every 160 people in East Germany.

And as some double agent status Wei Limansha, of course, is also one of the good players.

Therefore. She got some information.

And this information is related to his wayward sister.

My sister met a man in the school district, afterwards. Gave birth to a son for that man

This incident almost made him half-dead at the time-in fact, since coming to Germany, he has severed all contact with his family. Since he came to the United States, there have been fewer contacts.

Then, when he heard that his sister had happened, he was still very angry.

And then, he learned a terrible fact-his sister's son seemed to have a special talent and was taken by the KGB.

They also coaxed Shalinya to go to the Soviet Union

Is this okay?

Perhaps he can't remember clearly the past, but he will never forget his only and lovely sister.

Wei Limansha soon found Yuri's father-that is, Vladimir.

Through Moroyev, his Soviet friend, Wei Limansha successfully contacted each other. of course. Wei Limansha did not reveal her identity.

Because of this matter, it is not the time to reveal your identity.

Wei Limansha has never been loyal to these two camps in the world.

All she did was just "work".

"Well, it's almost time to start."

The ship will supply supplies in Hawaii and then head to Vladivostok.

According to Wei Limansha's intelligence. The other party should have arrived in Hawaii the day before Christmas.

And this is an opportunity.

When the cruise ship docked, Wei Limansha's actions began quietly.

Vladimir's people will cause a commotion on the ship, and Wei Limansha will take this opportunity to rescue Shalinya.

After the cruise ship stopped smoothly, Wei Limansha got in.

"Damn it, it looks like that kid is really being looked after..."

After going in. Wei Limansha discovered that Yuri and Shalinya were arranged in two rooms respectively, and almost all the Soviet agents were watching Yuri Marin.

As for Shalinya, there is only one person.


As the explosion sounded, the riot began.

The screams and shouts were immediately uploaded on the cruise ship.

But at this time, Shalinya discovered that the group of Soviet agents was holding Yuri and was ready to escape at any time, and they even pulled out a handful of submachine guns.

How is this going?

Why is this child so important?

But this is not a question of thinking about this.

Wei Limansha immediately ended up guarding the Soviet agent Shalinya, and then smashed open the door.

"Saline" he rushed in immediately.

"Are you... brother?"

When Shalinya saw this man who was 70% similar to herself, she immediately recognized it. This is something she hasn't seen for many years... her brother

"Quickly, we are leaving here"

Sarah Wei Liman picked up Shalinya and was about to leave.


She didn't want to move.

"Vladimir is alive and well now"


With this sentence, Shalinya understood what happened.

I... I was fooled

"But Yuri is still on the boat and we are separated"

Shalinya was a little However, Wei Limansha smiled bitterly.

"There is no way to save your son now, because the Soviets are now concentrated there. This is Hawaii, not the United States."

Maybe there is a US military base here, but there is no doubt that this is a sea platform far away from land.

Moreover, the group of Soviets seemed to be determined to win.

But...why is this?


Three more complete ~ there are two more to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets.

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