Blooming America

Chapter 1347: Body placement and design

On TV, the news of Mrs Thatcher's visit to the United States is being broadcast. (.)

At this time, Catherine was looking at Jenny's report.

Perhaps history has changed, but after the Iron Lady came to power, she quickly integrated and changed everything with an iron fist.

The current Britain is barely regarded as "ZTE", reducing unrealistic welfare and improving the social environment. She has allowed Britain to pack light and stand at the forefront of the world again.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the issue Catherine is discussing now.

At this time, Catherine was dazzled by some information given by Jenny.

"Since it is for the core body and not the body, I think I can implement the two schemes together."

Jenny's conclusion made Catherine a little confused: "Implement Chapter 1347 ontology placement and design together?"

"Yes, through the skin and internal modes. Of course, for the core, only one is needed."

As Jenny said, she took out the prepared core.

This is a sphere with a diameter of 15 cm.

"The outer 5 cm is a protective layer. After entering the body, the inside will be combined with the body..."

"Hey, it's not my main body... but is this method really okay?"

Is it too H?

Catherine was numb all over.

I don't want to be weak, I want to attack!

Coach, I'm going to kill myself and get pregnant!

Catherine ran in tears.

"Well... if you need it, we can also change it. Didn't I say that. We implement the two plans together."

With that said, Catherine felt better.

If this thing is really in your own body, isn't you in that state of excitement all the time?

This is not a toy Play, this is a serious core body...

Be serious, be serious.

"It sounds amazing."

Lisa came here by accident.

There is no doubt that Lisa is here to give Catherine new clothes.

Since the work started on Chapter 1347, the body placement and design began to get busy. Lisa brought fewer and fewer clothes to Catherine, but if she had time, Lisa would still come in person.

"Um... Lisa. This is a good thing for you."

Jenny seemed to think that the next thing. It seems pretty good for Lisa.


Lisa became interested.

"Our skin can show the transformation between solid and liquid, and can be freely combined. Although it cannot simulate the properties of any material, in general, there is no problem. (M) Through access to Internet data , It can also increase the form..."

"In other words, by downloading data, you can make Kate wear any clothes."

Upon hearing these words, Catherine immediately turned her head to Lisa.

There is no doubt that after Lisa heard this sentence. It ignited immediately.

"As long as you enter the data, you can put on clothes... In that case, some clothes that we can't usually achieve... can also be made?"

In many animes, the protagonist has an infinitely gorgeous costume.

And these clothes, if placed in reality. That is definitely cheating.

The unscientific cloth hanging on the chest, the super-ultra-short skirt that will never go out, and the cloth strips that you can't seem to wear.

In addition, there are endless varieties of clothes that look gorgeous but cannot be tailored with the current technology. But these clothes are gorgeous again...

There is no doubt that clothing like this cannot be realized.

but. If it is the clothing that can be transformed between solid and liquid, which can be arbitrarily deformed and combined, as Jenny said, of course, any clothing can be realized.

"Of course, we only need to draw the shape of the clothes, and then we can let the computer do all the work, we just have to look at it by the side."

"Okay, okay, girls, I think we should discuss some serious issues, not clothes?"

Catherine knew that if the discussion continued, Lisa would definitely be unable to stop on this issue.

For Lisa, her achievements in clothing will be very exciting.

"Oh, oh, okay, now let’s talk about the specific progress of the experiment. I have now completed the specific process and am now adjusting the core body. After Dr. Hawking integrates the neutrino communication system, we can start. ."

Jenny took out a piece of paper.

"First, we must first dissolve the protective film on your body."

The layer of Catherine's body surface can allow Catherine to exert extraordinary power, while giving Catherine an infinitely strong bulletproof ability.


It seems that Jenny needs a "clean" Catherine...

Because she had done this during the installation, Catherine was familiar with it.

After that, Catherine's long and soft hair was very pitiful, and Catherine would cry goodbye again at this time.

I have to say that Catherine's hair is really fateful...

After that, it is fully disinfected.

"We must ensure that your external environment is free of any bacteria. Although this may not affect you, we must ensure that the equipment is also normal."

"External environment...?"

"Yes, including the intestinal flora."

Most of the human stool is not actually food-but intestinal bacteria. The human intestinal bacteria can even weigh up to 2 kilograms, and its number can even exceed the number of human cells dozens of times or even hundreds of times!


Catherine felt sweat dripping from her head.

"Forget it... I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell..."

Endure it!

After several hours of cleaning, Catherine was washed inside and out, and finally met Jenny's request, and then Catherine was escorted to the sterile ward.

"Next, we will install an isolation layer on your body surface. This isolation layer will ensure an absolutely sterile environment."

Unlike other people, Catherine's body surface will not have dead skin and other tissues. Alternate protein can ensure the "absolute cleanness" of Catherine's body surface.

So as Jenny said, after the isolation, Catherine's body surface has actually become an absolutely clean aseptic environment.

"Then, we will fill your breathing system with liquid. Turn to liquid breathing, and the pump will automatically update, so Kate, you don't need to worry at all."

Catherine nodded.

Last time. Catherine had also been exposed to such a liquid breathing system, so it was completely stress-free.

"After that, we will prepare the'clothes' for you. This clothing exists as the bottom layer to maintain your body's balance and protective functions. After that, it is the middle layer, which serves as a connection. The neural prosthesis is located on this layer, and the outermost layer is the biological interface layer. This layer will exist as the most superficial layer connected to the biological computer."

The outermost layer will be the layer that expands the brain.

A series of complex designs dazzled Catherine.

really. Some areas are really beyond the reach of ordinary people...

"Of course, the expanded brain part is the last part, and we will wait until the end to complete this part."

Catherine nodded.

Catherine can be said to be very impressed with the expanded brain.

When I used the extended brain last time, there was obviously no specific improvement. But for Catherine, he has an unparalleled and wonderful feeling.

The feeling of intubation behind her head gave Catherine a very peculiar feeling.

It's as if the whole world has been magnified.

Well, by the way, it's like a 386 computer has been replaced with a Pentium processor, which makes people feel a leap in speed.

"Besides. I have three protection modes now, Kate, you can choose one yourself."

"Three protection modes?"

Catherine was a little strange.

"The first is to place you in a large liquid culture chamber."

"The second is to hang you in a vacuum chamber."

"The third is to place your body in the external environment-didn't you say that it is made into a statue? I thought about it, and it seems feasible."

Jenny said three patterns in one breath.

"Forget the statue!"

Perhaps this idea is a bit unexpected, but since Elsa was said to be ashamed of Play and the tendency to show Play last time, Catherine has made up her mind-definitely not choose this mode.

Anyway, what kind of ethics, we still need it, okay...

"What's the matter with the second type? A vacuum?"

Catherine was a little strange.

"Yes, a vacuum, but the outer layer is the same as the spacesuit...This mode is very fast when detaching, that is to say, the speed of transfer is very fast."

"This... forget it."

It may be able to leave soon, but...what if there is a small, small breach in your "spacesuit"?

That would be cheating.

That's a vacuum environment...

"Well, that's the first one?"

Catherine nodded naturally.

Chairman S is still more interesting...

"Moreover, I have to put on a layer of human skin outside, I don't want to be so ugly."

After all, how ugly is a thing that doesn't fall into the dark. Catherine was quite confident about her appearance.

"Well, okay, this is okay, you can wear another piece of clothing outside."

Jenny wrote Catherine's request one by one in the notebook.

" In this case, it's basically the same."

Jenny put down the pen.

"As for the core body, is it done now?"

She knew it was early, but Catherine couldn't help but ask.

"Of course it can't be so fast, but you can increase the progress of some constructions at that time, and then we can put your body directly there."

"I will."

Catherine looked out at the construction site in the distance outside the window.

There, SS’s lair...cough cough, it’s the place where Catherine’s future ontology is placed...


After thinking about it carefully, I suddenly discovered that if we really want to write to the universe age, I am afraid that we still need a 500W word.

>_RS! ! !

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