~So, what happened to the leader Run?

Yes, yes, Bai Ji has been locked in the room since he went to court. ~Miss Consultant, do you know what happened to the leader?

Okay, okay, you all should shut up now. Facing the members' chatter, the brown-haired girl held her head and felt a headache.

Don't ask about things you shouldn't know, because I won't tell you if you ask. The brown-haired girl dismissed the knights. Okay, okay, let's go back to our homes to rest. Early tomorrow morning, our entire regiment will be dispatched to the front line.

Okay, let's go to the front line. I've long wanted to kill a few vampires to help.

A classmate of mine from my student days went to the front line, but I was sitting here in the imperial capital. It almost drove me crazy. Is he finally going to the front line??

Well, the war situation has become tense. His Majesty the Emperor has summoned all the new knights. Although according to the regulations of the Quran, knights established less than two years ago are not allowed to go to the frontal battlefield, but now the matter is so important that there is no need to worry about it.

You guys, please keep your thoughts to yourself. The front line is much more fragile than you think. The brown-haired girl said earnestly. ~crunch. At this moment, the door opened, and a panic-stricken Villette walked out.

Ira, inform the entire regiment and be ready to rush to the front line.

As you can see, I have informed you.

No, that's not what I meant. Villette raised her slightly dull eyes. What we want to go to is the front line. ~ In other words, the battlefield with the vampire's strongest ace main force.

This Ila hesitated. Is this your Majesty's decision?

No, it's not His Majesty's decision, it's my own decision. Although Villette's voice was low, it was firm. ~I have to go there and confirm something.


Villette didn't explain too much, and left wearing the armor and stomach.

Don't go, let her be alone. Ila grabbed the adjutant who wanted to follow, and shook her head. She was raised by her aunt and uncle. Her affection is no less than that of her parents. Let her be alone for a while.

The adjutant hesitated and nodded.

Hey~! Did something interesting happen? The dull atmosphere was broken by an energetic voice. A cute, cute girl with twin ponytails suddenly rushed over and crouched like a mollusk. Hesitantly rubbed his body back and forth.

Alice, stop making trouble. Ila said helplessly. I don't see that Captain Ruo is in a bad mood? Wrong? Why? The lovely Alice tilted her head. What's wrong with the leader? Forget it.

Adjutant, Miss Consultant, and Miss Alice, the leader is starting to lecture below. You two should go as well. A knight said. Okay, we get it.

When they arrived at the lobby on the first floor, Villette's lecture had just ended.

They want to invade our homeland and massacre our people. Can we agree? No!

Everyone, many of us may die in this battle in a foreign land, but for the sake of our family, our glory, and our empire, can we give in??~

~No! Most of the knights are young people with strong blood, full of passion, and look forward to death. After the lecture, Villette stepped off the stage.

Captain, Maimo City has been lost. Now the vampire army has broken through the portal of Gulan and rushed into the plain unimpeded. The battle situation is not optimistic. Yili spread out the map.

Well, what we are going to support is Ice Helm City. Villette put her fingertips on the corner of the map.

Captain of Ice Helm City, Ice Helm City is almost about to fall. Only some remnants of the Knights of the Holy Shield are left to resist. They will definitely not be saved.

But there is a reason why I have to go there. Villette stared closely at the icon of Ice Helm City on the map.

What reason?

The Blood Queen's bodyguards are over there. Villette said word by word. Then she herself must be there. You want to challenge the Vampire Queen? It's impossible.

Maybe. Villette looked at Ila without any emotion in her eyes. Don't forget, I have [Idea Sky Slash]. Even if I am a vampire queen, I will die if I get hit by it.

Villette Ila looked at Villette with a complicated expression. I know you want revenge, but don't let hatred cloud your judgment. I'm very awake now, and it's not just as simple as revenge. Villette stared at the atlas closely. I still need to confirm one thing. Confirm whether I made the big mistake I made in the beginning. If it is all my fault, I will make up for this mistake.

Fault? Ila couldn't understand what Villette said.

I will not force everyone to follow me. After all, it is a dangerous place and there is a narrow escape from death.

Captain, what are you talking about? From the moment we are knighted and enter the army, we are already soldiers who obey orders. If the empire is in trouble, why should we not go? The adjutant's words were heard. Many knights agreed.

At that time, the departure time is set at noon the day after tomorrow. Ira, you ask the logistics staff to speed up the preparation of food, grass and various necessities. The knights in charge of the battle will recharge their batteries in the past two days. After saying that, Villette turned and left, Returned to his room.

She recalled the silver-haired girl released in the rescue well of the Blood Spirit Capital three years ago. No, it shouldn't be her.

Noon the day after tomorrow.


Lit rode an armored high horse and walked at the front of the team. On both sides were the adjutant and Ila. The squadron was composed of knights of various arms. At the rear was the magician Alice and the archers.

According to this military formation, the knights left Cypriel City amidst the cheers of the people on both sides.

On this day, there were many knights going out for the expedition. For this reason, His Majesty the Emperor personally saw them off. Looking at Villette's figure riding on the high horse, a trace of emotion flashed in the Emperor's eyes, and then his head fell into a trance.

Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?

f They are all warriors of Gulan and they don't know about this battle. How many of them can come back?

Forget it, it's useless for me to think about this issue. If none of them survive, the day when Gulan will be destroyed is probably just around the corner.

The emperor sighed. He asked me to help take care of Villette in his last letter, but the child is too stubborn. No matter what, he has to go to the frontal battlefield with the Vampire Queen no matter what.

It depends on her fortune. If Emperor Cypriel bless us, we may be able to survive this disaster. In other words, this is the test Cypriel has given us.

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