Peace is always only temporary. The seeds of strife are always growing and growing, and they cannot be completely eradicated.

Frontline battle report, the vampire is starting to become restless. His Majesty the Emperor on the throne has some dark circles under his eyes. It seems that he has not had a peaceful sleep in recent days.

Not long after the three-year armistice agreement ended, they started a war against us without even going through the formal war preparation procedures.

You are all the rising stars of our Gulan Empire. I don't want to jeopardize the war situation. Due to the hasty response to the enemy and the undeclared war by the vampires, our territory has shrunk rapidly, and the original territory once again fell into the hands of the vampires. This time We fought very hard because of our passivity.

Originally, I didn't want to mobilize everyone. With the veteran knights at the front, I thought that this storm would be over. But no one thought that the vampire's appetite would be so big this time. They wanted more than just It’s just those one or two pieces of territory, but they want us to destroy the country.”

Your Majesty, as far as I know, the vampires suffered a major defeat in the civil war three years ago and their vitality was severely damaged. Logically speaking, it should be impossible for them to recover so quickly. A young knight leader raised his own question.

This is what I find strange. These vampire armies seem to appear out of thin air. In fact, after the war, I was no less wary of vampires than before. I have been sending secret guards to monitor their every move, but This series of their actions seemed to have been discussed in advance. The queen suddenly came to power, and the vampires who seemed to be in disarray had actually formed an iron fist and punched into our front door. Speaking of this, the emperor was a little agitated. The feeling of being helpless.

They seemed to have discussed it, and they deliberately displayed this scattered scene in front of us to make us believe that they still haven't established a king, and they still don't have a speaker who can take the lead in speaking. Then, when we take it most lightly, When the time comes, give us a fatal blow.”

Your Majesty, all the grand dukes and nobles of the blood clan have some royal blood. Logically speaking, they should be dissatisfied with each other. It should be impossible for the leader to be determined so quickly. Villette analyzed.

I thought so too, but no one thought that they actually saw a queen out of thin air, and the princes and nobles obeyed the queen's orders, obeyed her, and attacked wherever she was told.

The front line reported that an archduke's troops attacked Maimo City. However, this was just an attack in the east and in the west. Their real target was our gateway city. When we drew our troops away, six vampire archduke's Troops attacked the portal and it was captured by them in less than a day.

Vampires, they have never been so united as they are today. His Majesty the Emperor told the most serious truth.

Every country has its own problems and shortcomings, after all, its political system is different.

The flaw of the vampire clan is that it gives the nobles too much rights and autonomy, and their hearts are divided. When fighting, they also use their own conspiracies and tricks. This also gives the Gulan people many opportunities to take advantage of them.

But things were different now. The group of vampires who liked civil strife suddenly united, which gave the entire Gulan Empire a sense of powerlessness. It seems that they have a leader with iron-blooded skills. A knight said with shame.

Now, it's useless to talk more. Everyone, the vampire army has broken through our door, and it is said that the vampire queen has personally conquered it. All the available troops of the Gulan Empire have been used. As you know, less than As a last resort, I don’t want you young people in your prime to go to the battlefield.

It is our mission to share the worries of His Majesty the Emperor, and we are bound to fight this battle! The young man was full of blood, and swore without fear of the foreign enemies who invaded his family.

Very good, the future is formidable. The emperor showed a hint of relief, and then the sun fell on Villette. ~You all, please step aside, Captain Villette, you stay, I have something I want to tell you.

I obey. The knight leaders acted resolutely, and soon, only Villette and the emperor were left in the palace hall.

Villette, if I remember correctly, you used to belong to your aunt's knighthood, the Knights of the Holy Shield, right? ~Yes, I am grateful to His Majesty. I am now the leader of a knighthood. Villette stroked her chest.

Hey, you know, in fact, I didn't like you Sheng Lun very much before. At this moment, the emperor doesn't feel like an emperor anymore. Verit feels that he is more like an elderly uncle who knows her elders. .

You will always contradict my majesty. Even if you are correcting my mistakes, I will be extremely disgusted. After all, I am still the emperor after all. Maybe only at this time will I miss your loyalty. The emperor shook his head. He shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Your Majesty, what happened? Villette felt a little uneasy.

Your aunt and uncle, they are all good and well-deserved knights. The emperor stood up, walked down from the throne, and came to Villette. After hesitating for a moment, he handed a box to Villette. Special hand.

This is theirs, a relic-

What? Villette's eyes widened and she almost didn't catch the box.

Ha, haha, that guy, I was a kid with him. The emperor smiled bitterly. He has been fighting with people since he was a child, and he has never lost, never lost~

As he talked, the emperor seemed to have a sore nose. But this time. He lost.

But even if he loses, he will bring victory to the emperor, delaying precious turnaround time for the empire. Aunt, uncle. Villette lowered her head, and crystal drops of water dripped on the carpet of the palace.

I'm sorry, Villette, but I can't make their deaths public for the time being, otherwise the morale of the Knights of the Holy Shield, and even the entire Imperial Army, will be shaken. The emperor looked at Villette apologetically.

I understand, of course I understand. Villette changed her nose. If possible, you must tell me the name of my enemy.

I don't know anything else, but they should have been killed by the Vampire Queen herself. The emperor shook his head. I don't know the name of that vampire queen very well. I don't even know when she appeared or when she ascended the throne.

I clearly remember arresting all the vampire royal families in the imperial city. It's like she saw it out of thin air. After hearing this, Villette remembered something and tightened her hand holding the box - —

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