Sister, where are we going? Astrid, who was sitting next to Villette in the carriage, murmured timidly. Go back to the imperial capital of Gulan, Cypriel City, and go there to meet our emperor.

Me, do I want to go too? Hearing this, Astrid pursed her lips and held Villette's forearm tightly, her heart filled with anxiety.

Don't worry, His Majesty the Emperor is a very kind and reasonable person. Explain the whole story to him and he will not make things difficult for you. Villette reassured. But I'm afraid. Astrid shrank back, looking weak, pitiful and helpless. I heard that many Quran people regard us as life-and-death enemies. When I get to your imperial city, I will definitely be executed.

Don't be afraid, I'm here. Villette patted her back gently. I'm just taking you to report to His Majesty the Emperor. After that, you can leave and return to your hometown.


Of course, I will ensure your life is safe, I swear.

The war shouldn't have involved young children like you.~ Villette seemed to have thought of something, her face was complicated. I will protect you thoroughly, no matter what.

Well, I believe sister! Astrid showed a sincere smile, as dazzling and radiant as the sun.

Yes, stroking Astrid's silver hair, Villette couldn't put it down. For some reason, when she first saw this girl, Villette couldn't help but take care of Hajime as her own sister.

Wouldn’t it be weird to think of a foreigner as your sister?

Before that, let me change some clothes for you. Villette stood up. You can't keep wearing this prisoner's sackcloth.

Clothes? Astrid tilted her head and tugged at the messy linen she wore to cover her body. Astrid is already used to it, she doesn't need such a complicated thing.

Obey, you can't go to see His Majesty the Emperor wearing Ruo's clothes. Villette rubbed Astrid's head.

But there are no clothes suitable for you in the army. We are still in the Blood Spirit Empire, so we can't buy clothes. We have to wait for a while.

It's okay. Astrid replied energetically. She looked lively and cute, but her body was covered with scars and her clothes were in tatters. People couldn't help but feel pity for her.

My clothes are too big for you to wear. Are they my sister's clothes? It doesn't matter.

Is it okay? Why don't you give it a try? Villette opened her bag and took out a spare short lining. Astrid was silent as she watched the small fluctuations on Villette's armor.

Well, big in every sense of the word.

That's right, Sister Knight, I haven't asked you yet, what is your name? My name is Villette Shenglun.

Sheng Lun Na, can I call you Sister Sheng Lun from now on? It's okay with you.

Captain Villette, the captain of the 12th Division of the Vulture Knights has come to meet us. At this time, a knight opened the horse curtain. Well, okay, I understand.

After a while, after Astrid was settled, Willette got off the carriage.

Astrid was the only one left in the carriage. After confirming that Villette was gone, she gradually stopped smiling, looked at the clothes at hand with an expressionless face, and fell into silence.

~Captain, this is the camp of the fifteenth team of the Knights of the Holy Shield. The captain is the Medal Knight Villette. Oh, is that the little girl from the Shenglun family?

Not long after, there was a sound of conversation outside the door curtain. Astrid opened the door curtain, and her wine-red eyes narrowed into a long and narrow slit, like a poisonous snake that was ready to strike.

Just outside the carriage she was in, two knights in armor and stomach were talking. One looked ordinary and ordinary, while the other looked tall and had a slightly wretched face.

Yes, they killed the vampire king and captured a little girl who was suspected of being a vampire king. Little girl?


Inside the door curtain, Astrid was closely watching the two people outside the door curtain. The content of their chat and any subtle changes in their expressions did not escape her eyes.

She observed that when the knight with an ugly face heard the word little girl, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. Ordinary people who observe carefully may only be able to see his surprise, but Astrid can interpret something deeper.

Really, wouldn’t it be better to just kill all the vampires? What are you left with, right? Captain? Captain Little.

A trace of arc quietly lifted from the corner of Astrid's mouth.

^Click! Just as the two knights were about to go to Villette's camp, something fell out of the carriage behind them. The man with a wretched face was the first to react and looked back, and was suddenly startled. Then he quickly picked up the thing. ~Captain? What happened?

~Um, ​​you go first and tell Captain Villette that I will be there soon, and I will be here soon.This? Well, Captain, please hurry up. With that said, the knight left first.

Hehe, could it be said that the wretched-looking man gradually showed a strange smile, and then sneakily got into the carriage. ~ I'm sorry, Captain Villette, my captain has some trivial matters to deal with, so he asked me to come and see him first. is you.

It's okay. Villette and her adjutant were serving tea in the camp to receive guests. Just as they were chatting with Captain Vulture's adjutant, a sharp shout suddenly sounded in the camp.

“Woooooo, no.

Yes, stop quickly and save me!

This voice is... Villette stood up, frowned slightly, left the tent, and ran to the carriage. Captain? The unidentified adjutant followed, leading several knights.

Villette opened the carriage curtain, and her pupils suddenly tightened.

Inside, the delicate and frail silver-haired girl's eyes were filled with tears. She huddled against the car wall, her body shivering. She was naked and crying helplessly, while beside her was Captain Vulture, who was holding a piece of linen in one hand and was helpless. Villette recognized the piece of linen cloth that the silver-haired girl had previously worn, and it had now been torn into pieces.

Sister Shenglun, save me! Seeing Villette's figure, the silver-haired girl's eyes lit up as if she had seen a savior. Captain, what's going on? Villette's adjutant frowned slightly and took a step forward. “Excuse me, what are you doing?”

No, no, I, I, I saw this thing when I came in, and then... Captain Vulture argued in a panic, wanting to tell his grievances, but the more he panicked, the more unclear he became.

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