In Sezenriel City, the imperial capital of the Gulan Empire, in the magnificent hall, the black-haired emperor is sitting on the throne. As the supreme leader of the Gulan Empire, he decided on this victorious war and enjoyed it as if all his subjects were watching. own flattery and praise.

This year, the Quran Emperor Michael V, who has entered middle age, has finally achieved fame. It seems that he can foresee the scene in which the empire will be the only one in the future, and thousands of people will praise his name.

Your Majesty, with his foresight and foresight, took this opportunity to eliminate Gulan's enemies in one fell swoop and save all the people from disaster. His reputation will last forever! This is truly a wise move by Your Majesty!

From now on, the empire will have no rivals, and your rule will be praised by the world...

You're welcome. Even though McAway was over fifty years old, he didn't hate these flattery words and enjoyed the praise of himself from the ministers and nobles. However, at this moment, a discordant sound came.

Your Majesty, Grand Marshal Sheng Lun has been waiting outside the palace for a long time.

After hearing this, all the nobles immediately booed, and many nobles even turned pale, blowing their beards and staring.

Ah, is he back? McAway said with a smile. Your Excellency Nero, as the general marshal of this battle, has made great contributions to me. Please invite him in quickly.

My Majesty, Nile Shenglun, has fulfilled your Majesty's instructions. Fortunately, I have lived up to my command. Not long after, a blond man wearing armor walked into the hall and knelt down on one knee. Haha, no need to be polite, Your Excellency Nile, as a major contributor to this war, you led dozens of Knights of Saint Lun to attack the royal capital of vampires. I am very happy about this. Tell me, what reward do you want?

It is the duty of a minister to share your worries with you. Nile bowed his head.

I have always made clear rewards and punishments. If you have any requests, you don't have to keep them under wraps. Speak out boldly. *Your Majesty, I don't have any requests. I am just executing your orders.

Oh, then I heard that the vampire king was killed by a junior in your family. Is that true? Yes.

It is true that a hero comes from a young age. That girl, if I remember correctly, is called Villette, right? Thank you for your interest, Your Majesty.

Where is she now? Why not let her come to the temple?

Villette is currently on the front line of the war and is about to return. Your Majesty will be able to see her soon. Okay, then I will personally award her the medal of Knight of the Palace.

On behalf of Villette, I would like to thank Your Majesty for your kindness.

*Well, Sir Nile, there will be a banquet after this. You have to be there in time. The two of us haven't chatted and drank together for a long time since we were young. Before that, Your Majesty, I hope to settle the official matters first.

Oh? Is the war not over yet? McAway narrowed his eyes. But I remember my butler told me that the war is over and is ending now. Isn't that the case?

The war has come to an end, and there are still some endings that have not been dealt with.

No need to worry, Nile, your mission is over. Leave these complicated chores to the servants, and we can just drink. McAway smiled.

Your Majesty, I believe that we should establish provinces in the lost territory we have recovered.

~Well, regarding the establishment of provinces, I have already asked people to do it.

In addition, our army must come back. Although we took advantage of the chaos and occupied the imperial capital, most of the nobles in the Blood Spirit Empire are still eyeing us. Now that the army is tired, we should not let the army stay any longer.

Don't worry about this. In a few days, I will send people to negotiate with the vampires and force them to sign a peace treaty.

Your Majesty is wise, but before that, I think it would be better for us to bring back the army. Except for the army in the lost provinces, all the territories will be returned to the vampires.

As soon as this statement came out, the surrounding nobles immediately started talking.

Your Majesty, you started the war to recover the lost territory. Now that the lost territory has been recovered, and the former vassal countries have agreed to continue paying tribute to us, then we should withdraw the armies stationed in other areas. If we recover other provinces besides the lost territory, That means being dishonest and having no righteousness at all. Which vassal country will be willing to sincerely submit to us in the future?

Marshal Shenglun, this is above the palace! A minister immediately reminded Nile.

Nero didn't know anything about this, but looked seriously at the noble who woke him up. My lord, may I ask what I said is inappropriate?

When Your Majesty started the war, the reason for the declaration of war was to recover the two cities of Gorna and Molaro. Now that the two cities have returned to our territory, why not withdraw the army?

The minister was speechless. It is common for people to be unreasonable and unforgiving after a war is won. The so-called reason for declaring war is just a cover.

The Blood Spirit Empire was not built in a day, and the Gulan Empire could not completely defeat such a large empire in a few days. This trip was just a way to open a direct route to the royal capital in the vampire territory when the Blood Spirit Empire was in disarray. Just a mouthful.

However, the purpose of fighting is to gain territory. It is enough to have a reason for declaring war, so as not to cause the enemy to lose his name. After that, it is natural to attack at will and accept at will. As a result, this stubborn guy insisted on criticizing His Majesty on this matter, as if he wouldn't feel uncomfortable every time he met the Emperor without saying something to make him angry.

Your Majesty, isn’t that so?”

Ah haha, of course that's the case, but I haven't had time to issue the order to withdraw the troops yet. Nero's words embarrassed the emperor, admitting that he couldn't covet any other land besides losing it, so he went with it. It would be even worse if Nile continued to say what he said.

For a time, the emperor could not step down.

Nile ignored the crazy winks from other nobles and said seriously. Then please give the order to His Majesty the Emperor.

Ahem, Your Excellency Nile, this is above the court. It would be a bit unwise for you to always talk about the war in a place like this. A noble immediately stepped forward to relieve the siege. Everyone is immersed in the joy of victory. You'd better talk about these words another day.

Then, I await your orders. After saying this, Nero retreated from the imperial court.

Hi, Your Majesty, the way the Marshal talks is like that, you must never forget it.

Haha, after so many years, he is still the same, not changed at all. McCaw shook his head with a headache. In fact, he was hesitant to bring Shenglun into the war even before the war started.

If Sheng Lun is involved in the war, the outcome of the battle will be basically certain. As for the disadvantages, it has now become apparent.

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