"Little thief leave!"

Yan Liang rushed out of the camp gate and went straight to Zhao Yun, and when he rushed to the front, he slashed down.

This knife is like a thunderbolt.

Lightning fast.

Thunder, killing intent.

However, Zhao Yun has always overcome rigidity with softness.

The least afraid is not a power player.

The spear is like a snake, soft and rigid.

It's so fast, it's hard to tell the difference.

"Oh yes..."

Every knife of Yan Liang was blocked by Zhao Yun's exquisite marksmanship, either forced to retreat or dodged.

In short, Yan Liang fought with him several times, and there was a feeling of grievance.

It is not happy at all, and the heart is even more angry.

"You little thief, like a little snake, swimming around, has the audacity to fight me head-on!"

Yan Liang was already angry, and now he began to go berserk, constantly dancing the big knife and slashing non-stop.

One knife after another, he greeted Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun made the gun face calmly, without panicking at all.

The spear is like a spirit snake, soft but endless.

Bucket to ten.

Yan Liang was a little exhausted, and his anger turned into resentment, like a purdah woman.

"Lord, General Yan Liang is defeated, and he has to send another general!" Seeing that Yan Liang could not take Zhao Yun, the judge reminded Yuan Shao:

"Lord, just now they privately determined that this person is Zhao Zilong, the son of Changzi who fled into Plain City with Xu Chu to protect Cao Cao!"

Yuan Shao was shocked when he heard this, and he was afraid of 220's hurriedness and pressed his right hand to the long sword at his waist.

Changshan Zhao Zilong, last time, he dispatched more than a dozen generals and failed to leave Cao Cao, all of which were given by Chen Xuchu and Zhao Yun.

The courage of the two is far above Yan Liang and Wen Ugly.

No wonder Wen Ugly was captured.

No wonder Yan Liang couldn't beat him.

Since it is Zhao Yun who can carry several generals by one person, Yuan Shao does not talk about martial virtue and face, and pointed to Zhao Yun with murderous intent: "Zhang Jaw, Gao Yan, Lv Kuang, Lv Xiang, Ma Yan, Zhang Yan, Jiao Touch, Zhang Nan, all rushed up to me and chopped this Zhao Yun!" "

"I want Cao Cao to regret sending this person to insult me!"


Zhang Jaw, Gao Yan, Lü Kuang, Lü Xiang, Ma Yan, Zhang Yan, Jiao Touch, Zhang Nan and others sang their promises one after another, urging the horses to rush out of the camp gate.

Outflanking the left and right rear wings of Zhao Yun.


Zhao Yun saw that the Jizhou army rushed out several generals one after another, and did not entangle with Yan Liang.

The barrel of the gun suddenly increased its strength, and the gun flowered to force back Yan Liang's big knife, sat down to illuminate the jade lion psychic in the night, took Zhao Yun back, and then ran to the right wing.

"Where is Zhao Yun escaping!"

Rush head-on.

Zhao Yun took a shot, and with a reverse stab, Gao Yan was shot down and dismounted, although he was not dead, it was difficult to pursue Zhao Yun.

"Zhao Yun Xiaoer, where to escape!"

After Gao Yan, before running ten steps, Lu Kuang slashed at him.

Zhao Yun's body avoided slightly, and with a backhand, he stabbed Lu Kuang's left shoulder.

Lu Kuang screamed in pain and fell off his horse, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Zhao Yunxiu go!"

Lu Kuang fell off his horse, and several soldiers surrounded and killed.

Zhao Yun caught it with one shot, and another sharp shot with his backhand.

The generals of Jizhou were either killed or wounded, and they lost their pursuit.

Easily break out of the encirclement of the generals of Jizhou.

Yan Liang, Zhang Jaw and others were chasing from behind.

The Thousand Horse Elite Rider also followed Cheng's encirclement and chased towards Zhao Yun.

Seeing that the Jizhou army was getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, ten horses appeared in front of him, and Wen Qiu's figure.

Wen Qiu was tied to his spear, and the spear was violently inserted into the ground.

Wen Rou was tied hand and foot and half sat on the ground.

"The general goes first, I'll wait for the break!"

The ten horses shouted at the same time.

Zhao Yun was slightly moved when he heard this. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But he was still shouting: "Go, don't care about the ugliness!" "

"General, if the Jizhou army chases, I will kill Wen Ugly!" General, please leave first! "

Zhao Yun's heart was anxious, and the war horse quickly rushed to Wen Rou's side.

"And follow me, I have my own way to break the enemy!"

When the ten cavalry soldiers heard this, they had to give up Wen Qiu and follow Yueyun towards the plain.

Before he reached fifty steps, he saw Zhao Yun turn around and bend his bow, and an arrow was shot, and the accurate hit Chinese ugly back.

Wen Qiu screamed in pain.

"If the Jizhou army dares to pursue, it can kill Wen Qiu in two hundred steps!"

Seeing that Zhao Yunzhen had made a heavy hand, Yan Liang did not chase, and the war (agej) horse ran towards Wen Qiu's position.

Seeing this, the others hesitated slightly, but some people still chased after them.

There are thousands of horses, and they will also surround Zhao Yun to death.

Zhao Yun saw that there were still people chasing, so five arrows shot out in succession.

One arrow Chinese ugly left arm, and one arrow shot at Yan Liang's war horse.

An arrow shot at the three Jizhou elite cavalry soldiers who were chasing.

Five arrows in bursts, without intervals.

As if they arrived at the same time, Yan Liang and the others were suddenly a little afraid.

Those who continued to pursue also stopped.

At least Wen Qiu saved it

Two hundred steps later, Ye Qing rushed forward with ten horse heads without looking back.

The speed with the generals of the Jizhou army became farther and farther away.

Wen Rou was stabbed by Yan Liang and untied the rope, and immediately jumped on a war horse and said:

"Follow me, if you don't get rid of Zhao Yun today, I won't be surnamed Wen!"

"Brother, you were hit by two arrows and are injured!" Yan Liang hurriedly stopped Wen Qiu's war horse:

"If brother really wants to take revenge, brother, I will go for you, and go back to the camp to heal your injuries!"

After speaking, Yan Liang led everyone to continue the pursuit.

The distance was far away, and Zhao Yun's sharpening skills could not be brought into play.

That's why Yan Liang dared to continue chasing.

Soon he chased to a position only ten miles from the plain.


Suddenly among the yellow reeds, the reeds shook like the wind.

Then two hundred horses rushed out of it.

Black armor and black clothes, countless sophisticated weapons.

It was Cao Cao's tiger and leopard riding.

Yan Liang and the others were startled, and running in front were shot by the tiger and leopard riding with a crossbow.


It turned out that the person who ambushed here to meet Zhao Yun was Tai Shici.

Zhao Yun went to deliver good news to Yuan Shao for himself, and Tai Shici was a little worried after all.

Yes, I also prepared a method of response.


The crossbow was short and powerful, and countless Jizhou riders fell to their deaths.

Yan Liang Lema turned around: "Go back, withdraw!" "

Don't look at Tai Shici only has two hundred tigers and leopards riding, which is one-fifth of the Jizhou elite riding.

But Yan Liang didn't know how many Cao soldiers were still in this reed.

He did not dare to take risks, and retreated with all the horses.

Tai Shici also did not pursue, and took people to chase Zhao Yun.

"Zilong, you really can, directly angered Yuan Shao!" Tai Shici chased down, with a bright smile on his face, and he was in a particularly good mood.

Zhao Yun said: "Yuan Shao's belly is not large, before I defeated Yan Liang, he sent more than ten generals to surround me, fortunately I was prepared, otherwise, it would be difficult to kill the encirclement of the Jizhou army." "

"Zilong is too modest, with your skills, it is okay to rush into the camp of the Jizhou Army and rob Yuan Shao!" Tai Shici said with a smile:

"In Yuan Shao's army, there are many martial generals, but the strength is between the third-rate and second-rate, and there are really first-class masters, but there are not many!"

Người mua: sabmado

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