The people from Youzhou are not Cao Cao's generals!

The Jizhou elite riders were stunned all of a sudden.

What the hell is going on here.

Zhao Yun did not answer, making the gun's hand slightly more forceful, and attacked more frequently.

Fighting the ugly only has the power to parry.

Wen Qiu secretly complained.

Finally, I couldn't help but curse: "Give me up, kill me, kill this thief!" "

As soon as he finished speaking, a trace of essence flashed in Zhao Yun's eyes, and the gun in his hand changed.

The same angrily shouted: "Dismount! "

Fast and sharp, fast as the wind of a shot, virtual with real, real with virtual, like seven snake heads, ingested into the heart.

Wen Ugly couldn't be prevented, couldn't stop it, and was knocked off his horse in an instant.

When he remembered to get up, Zhao Yun's spear pointed at his neck!

"Move is die!"

This scene happened too quickly, and the Jizhou elite horsemen just wanted to rush up, but as a result, Wen Rou was defeated and fell off his horse and was captured alive.

The elite horsemen of Jizhou, who rushed halfway, did not dare to move.


Wen Qiu still wanted to say something, and the gun blade moved forward by half an inch.

Blood spilled from the neck.

Just scratched, failed to meridian.

The wound is inconspicuous.

"Tied!" Zhao Yun said unceremoniously.

The ten horses who followed, this was like waking up like a dream.

Good fellow, really good fellow, come up and take down a general in Jizhou.

"Don't come soon!"

Zhao Yun was slightly dissatisfied, when was this, still in a daze1

"Oooh, okay!"

The ten horses immediately rushed and tied Wen Rou with a horse rope.

"I didn't intend to arrest your general, but he... Push me too much. Zhao Yun rode to the Jizhou crowd:

"Lead the way ahead, I'm going to give Yuan Communiqué a message!" It won't hurt your general! "

When the riders heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief.

If you don't kill Wen Ugly, the Lord will die, and the guards will be punished, the light ones will be degraded and punished, and the heavy ones will be directly killed with a rod and cut off their heads!

This is military law, which can be strict or not, depending on the person who enforces it.

Wen Rou also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, although he was ashamed to be captured, but he could save his life, but he still made him shut up angrily and didn't say much.

After all, he is not stupid, no matter how much he says, it is self-inflicted, it is better to be an ostrich and bury himself.

Soon, Zhao Yun and the others arrived outside the gate of Yuan Shao's camp.

Wen Qiu's subordinate quickly shouted inside: "Hurry up and open the door, we have an urgent military situation and need to report to the lord~!" "

When the military general guarding the camp gate saw that Wen Qiu was tied, he secretly had doubts in his heart, and he only replied:

"I also ask General Wen to answer, so that I can report the general's words to the lord."

Wen Rou also knew that letting Zhao Yun in privately might threaten Yuan Shao's safety, so he said, "If you go in and report, just say that Wen Rou brought Pingyuan to come over." "

The military general guarding the camp gate immediately sent someone to find a trialist.

When the trial heard this, he immediately reported to Yuan Shaoyu.

Yuan Shao listened and was shocked.

"What's the matter, the plain sent an envoy over!"

"Wen Qiu was actually bound by the other party?"

The judge said: "Although it is incredible, it should be true, and the camp gate guard does not dare to make a mistake!" "

Yuan Shao said, "Summon all the generals in the camp and go to the camp gate together to take a look." "

"I want to see which person in Plains County dares to be so big, arrest me, and dare to come to the camp to be arrogant!"

Yuan Shao felt that the other party was provoking himself.

Annoyed no.

Soon, Yuan Shao and a group of generals went to the camp gate.

From a distance, he saw Zhao Yun in a white robe, white armor and silver spear, and a white horse straddling underneath.

The generals couldn't help but wonder, and Yuan Shao's eyes also lit up.

Take a closer look, a handsome Wen Ru martial general.

However, seeing the ugly Wen Ugly tied behind him, Yuan Shao's eyebrows darkened again, and his face turned black.

Yan Liang and Wen Rou are his two favorite generals, and Yuan Shao likes to boast about their skills the most, which is proud.

As a result, the little white face in front of him trampled his Yuan Shao's face and pride fiercely. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Who is Ru Nai, release my brother! Otherwise kill you with a sacrificial knife! "Yan Liang and Wen Rou have a deep love for brothers, the two have always been good, and last time Wen Rou also saved Yan Liang's life.

Sui Yanliang saw that Wen Qiu was tied up and scolded angrily.

He was about to shoot out and kill Zhao Yun.

However, he was held back by the generals on the left and right.

Yuan Shao had not yet spoken, and he could not relax.

Moreover, Zhao Yun's spear moved, pointing at Wen Qiu.

Yan Liang was stunned.

All the generals in Jizhou were shocked.

This plain martial general wouldn't be going to kill Wen Qiu in front of everyone in front of the camp!

"I heard that Ru has news to report to me, why is it difficult for the general of Jizhou!" Yuan Shao asked in a deep voice.

Those who can catch Wen Ugly, martial arts are certainly not bad.

As long as Yuan Shao is not unwilling, not proud and complacent, and does not play power to check and balance, his IQ is still extremely online.

Even sober.

Zhao Yun collected the gun and replied, "I came from the plain to bring good news to Duke Yuan!" "

Good news.

Yuan Shao and everyone were stunned.

This is actually here to spread the good news, how... With the ugly to the bar!

"'I don't know what the good news is, General, but I can say it!' The judge was questioned by Yuan Shao.

"Gongsun Du led the army to attack Qingzhou Jiaodong and other places without failure, and now he has died in battle, and the first rank will be sent to the plain in a few days!" Zhao Yun repeated Tai Shici's original words:

"Duke Yuan led the army to the plain for a long time, why not return early, let the soldiers go home and rest early, you can also consume less refined food and enjoy the sky!"


Quite quiet, as if a needle drop can be heard.

Gongsun Du died in battle?

How could it be so fast.

Isn't the Liaodong Army very elite and fighting invincible hands near Liaodong?

This is folded!

Also, that's good news.

Of course, if you understand it from another angle, it is indeed good news.

For ordinary soldiers, there is no need to go to war, they can avoid life and death.

Returning to Yecheng as soon as possible can save you from working so hard.

Occasionally, I can also go home to visit my relatives and enjoy human affection.

Still...... (Okay Zhao) That's good news.

"Shaft, An dares to deceive me!"

When Yuan Shao thought of something, his face suddenly changed drastically, and he was furious.

Pointing at Zhao Yun, he said:

"Kill, take this thief off and skin it for me, and hang it on the flagpole!"

Where did Zhao Yun come to report the good news, this is messing with the hearts of our military.

How could Gongsun Du die, how could the Liaodong army be defeated.

Tai Shici was afraid of my attack and deliberately made up a story.

I still want to deceive me!

As soon as Yuan Shao spoke, no one could stop Yan Liang anymore.

I saw Yan Liang urging the horse to rush forward, and the soldiers at the camp gate immediately lifted the giant deer and opened the camp gate.

Zhao Yun saw Yan Liang killing, and immediately ordered the ten horses: "Take Wen Qiu to go first!" Mo delayed, no one waited around and cut off Wen Qiu's arm! "

When Wen was scandalous, the chrysanthemum suddenly tightened.

He glared at the boss again, and secretly shouted that I wanted pills.

If you break your arm, it looks like waste.

Người mua: sabmado

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