Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 125: Starting from a high position, landing to kill instantly

Ginjo Kugo's expression was extremely gloomy.

He had envisioned countless possibilities and speculated on every outcome.

But I didn't expect this kind of development.

He had just hunted a Shinigami, absorbed his spiritual pressure, and was ready to enjoy a comfortable life after the war.

After returning to the warehouse, Haoze Tongzi also prepared the sukiyaki pot, and the two of them thought about the bright future together.

Then the roof was torn off.

White haori, black death armor, extremely terrifying and powerful spiritual pressure.

The captain among the Shinigami, the highest-end combat power in Soul Society!

After realizing that nothing could be done today, Ginjo Kūgo revealed an almost substantial murderous intent, and the temperature in the warehouse dropped sharply.

Yuze Tongzi was also standing beside him, spiritual pressure surging around her body, and her right hand had already clasped his pocket watch.

"You can try to struggle."

Su Feng calmly stared at the two people below, his pupils filled with indifference.

At the moment, Ginjo Kūgo has not yet become the first-generation Shinigami agent, nor has he had any contact with the Soul Society.

Originally, Ukitake Jushiro should be in charge of this mission investigation.

But because of the incident of Kuchiki Xianghe, Yamamoto Genryusai handed this important task into his hands.

Sufeng has no interest in letting this murderer who killed countless Shinigami become the first-generation Shinigami agent in Soul Society.

Control this guy and become one of Soul Society's helpers?

Although Soul Society lacks high-end combat power, it doesn't accept everything.

The mere fact that Ginjo Kugo attacked and killed the god and devoured his spiritual pressure to strengthen himself was enough to sentence him to death.

Perhaps in the eyes of a person like Ukitake Jushiro, who is white on the outside and dark on the inside, this kind of thing is nothing.


Kiriko Touzawa's one eye rested on Ginjo Kūgo, trying to ask for his opinion.

However, the only thing that responded to him was the same burst of materialized spiritual pressure, and the light flashed instantly.

Ginjo Kūgo pulled off his cross necklace, and all the spiritual pressure surged on it. As the form changed, a huge two-handed sword was held in his hand.

The exaggerated hilt even surpasses the handguard. The center of the tsuba is inlaid with a red gem that emits a strange light. The part of the sword body close to the handguard is hollowed out and decorated with golden brackets, giving people a strong sense of power as a whole.

On the other side, Yuze Tongzi no longer concealed it, and immediately activated the pocket watch in her hand, and blue-green light continued to move around.

"For fish that are unwilling to take the bait, give them a small lesson."

Suifeng fell from the sky, the wind roared around him, and instantly appeared above the two of them.

Ginjo Kūgo was shocked by its speed. While his pupils suddenly shrank, he instinctively waved the cross gallows in his hand and slashed upward.

Heavy power burst out from it, and there was an overwhelming tearing sound in the air.


In Ginjo Kūgo's unbelievable gaze, he slashed with powerful force and landed in the opponent's palm.

However, the cross gallows, which has always been invincible, failed to see through even a layer of flesh.

"With this little power, you dare to kill the gods of death wantonly and absorb their spiritual pressure?"

Sufeng maintained his original posture, looking directly at the other party with disdain.

"You are so bold..."

"Ginjo Kugo..."

Although it is not clear how the other party knew his name, and by what means he showed such terrifying expressiveness.

But Ginjo Kūgo knew one thing clearly. If he fell into the opponent's hands today, he would definitely be killed on the spot.

The constantly surging murderous aura is almost solidifying.

Just as the two were confronting each other, Tongzi Tongzi next to him changed his elegant style and showed a ferocious look on his face, his one eye filled with greed and arrogance.

"Arrogant guy, you will pay a heavy price for underestimating me!"

A large number of blue-green number symbols fell off the pocket watch in his hand, and fell in front of Sufeng with lightning speed, and the spiritual pressure was brewing crazily above the numbers.

"The Eighty One of the Binding Dao: Breaking the Sky."

Sufeng's eyes still stayed on Ginjo Kūgo, his lips and teeth opened slightly, and his spiritual pressure surged and exploded instantly.

A huge transparent barrier formed out of thin air, standing in front of the blue-green numbers.

Boom, boom, boom!

Continuous explosions sounded, but they failed to leave any trace on the empty barrier.

Yuze Tongzi's expression suddenly stiffened, and cold sweat continued to seep from her forehead, sliding down her ferocious face until her collar was still wet without even realizing it.

This is already his most powerful attack, but it cannot even break the opponent's casual defense.

Among the Shinigami he usually killed, there were no more than thirty bound or broken paths at most.

And when Su Feng started to bind Dao No. 81, he really felt flattered...

That’s weird!

After seeing the scene in front of her, Tongzi's heart rang with alarm, and even Ginjo Kugo couldn't take it into consideration. She turned around and prepared to activate her ability to escape from here.

A monster of this level is simply not something he can contend with.

"It's really a despicable performance."

Su Feng said calmly, "For a guy like him, living is a waste of souls."

The sky shattered and fell into countless fragments.

I saw Sufeng raising his left hand, pointing in the direction where Yuze Tongzi was escaping, and whispering:

"Breaking Path No. 63: Thunder Roar Cannon."

The bright golden light bloomed in an instant, turning into a blazing sun shining in all directions.

Boom! !

The violent thunder even suppressed the howling wind between the buildings, and a burst of thunder light tore through the atmosphere with an indomitable momentum, and fell straight to the back of Tongzi Tengze who was running away.

The terrifying high temperature spread instantly, and the aftermath shook. Abandoned warehouses in all directions collapsed. Dust and smoke filled the sky. In just a moment, the surroundings were full of chaos.

The air seemed to be burned, and there was a burning smell everywhere.

When the electric arc receded and the dust and smoke dissipated, only an indistinguishable piece of char remained at the impact point of the Thunder Roar Cannon.

With one blow, he was instantly killed.

Ginjo Kugo was so shocked by this exaggerated expressiveness, fear grew in his heart, and at the same time, the bone-chilling chill spread all the way up the big bones of his spine, straight to the sky.

At this moment, Sufeng's voice came again:

"You are right, Ginjo Kūgo?"

The extreme fear gave rise to an explosion of potential, and violent green spiritual pressure surged out from the cross gallows, shaking Su Feng's palm away.

"Go to hell, Death!"

Ginjo Kūgo roared, and the cross gallows in his hand suddenly lit up with bright green light, and all the spiritual pressure in his body poured into it.

As the giant sword fell, a crescent-shaped sword pressure several meters high streaked along the ground, countless gravels flew, and the shock wave spread like a wave.

Under the expectant gaze of Ginjo Kūgo, the sword pressure directly swallowed Sufeng completely!

There is another chapter tonight, but it will be a little later

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