Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 124 Air Force? Then pump water directly!

Not to mention the worries and thoughts at the Urahara store.

After Sufeng waited for another magical message, he resolutely printed his personal label on Kurosaki Maki and Ishida Zongxian.

It's not really anything worth caring about.

A little spiritual pressure symbol, unique to Sufeng's spiritual pressure breath.

The main composition method stems from the affinity of spirit sons higher than ordinary people.

When Su Feng comes to the world next time, as long as the distance between them is not too far away, they can easily perceive each other's traces.

Although these two are not very smart, but in terms of strength, they can indeed be regarded as the elite geniuses of the younger generation of Quincy.

Kurosaki Maki's talent is astonishing, and she is no less talented than her future daughter. She is extremely skilled in the manipulation of spirits, and she has already mastered the Holy Slave at a young age.

Techniques such as Five Frame Binding, Breaking Light Formation, and White Face Submission are all at your fingertips.

If it weren't for the hasty departure and lack of preparation in time, Balk's ashes would have been raised for him.

Sogenu Ishida is the designated successor of the Quincy Cross. Although his talent is not as good as Maki Kurosaki, it is still not a problem to deal with a Killian-level Daxon.

It can only be said that the future is not bright.

"So, what about the relevant information?"

Sufeng closed his eyes and looked at Naoto Ishikawa beside him.

This time he came to the world, but he was entrusted by Yamamoto Genryusai to investigate traces of humans with high spiritual power.

This kind of human with high spiritual power is different from the snacks Balk swallowed.

They have mastered their own spiritual power and turned it into spiritual pressure to move around various cities with high mobility.

According to intelligence records from the Thirteenth Division and the Technology Development Bureau, no fewer than ten Shinigami have died tragically at the hands of such humans.

They seem to be very aware of the way the God of Death moves and the procedures for doing things, and they can accurately detect hidden locations and attack in the dark.

Whenever a god of death is brutally murdered, when his colleagues arrive, there is only a corpse that has been sucked to death.

Literally what people do.

All the spiritual pressure was absorbed, and since the Shinigami itself was composed of spiritual particles, only the bones and flesh that could not be decomposed were left.

This form will not last long. After the spiritual pressure completely disappears, it will return to the entire world in a short period of time.

Of course, the souls of Death Gods with third-level spiritual power and above cannot be broken down by the world, and will fall into hell and become a part of it.

After various monitoring and investigations by the Technology Development Bureau and the resident Shinigami, the target was finally targeted at more than a plurality of high-spiritual human groups.

Naoto Ishikawa hurriedly sent the relevant information.

What surprised Sufeng was that the Death God group, which had always been inefficient in doing things, actually locked the opponent's identity in a short period of time.

This is simply a fantasy.

He briefly glanced at the information provided and found that the other party's whereabouts were strange, and he was aware of the existence of the Technology Development Bureau and the Death God group, and was extremely good at avoiding surveillance.

In this case, it is really a bit troublesome to find their specific traces.

"Captain Sufeng, what should we do now?" Naoto Ishikawa asked.

After pondering for a moment, Su Feng replied slowly: "Fishing!"

Under Naoto Ishikawa's incomprehensible gaze, Sufeng put on the standard skeletal shell, and the overall spiritual pressure was instantly suppressed to an extremely low state.

"It's really depressing."

After the prosthetic skeleton is worn, its appearance automatically matches Sufeng's appearance.

At this moment, his expression appeared a little distorted.

This kind of prosthetic skeleton is an assembly line product, and it is exclusively used by the thirteenth squadron stationed in the present world.

The God of Reaper who enters the skeleton will not be supplemented by spirit particles from the outside world, and the recovery of spiritual power will be reduced to the limit. The only advantage is that it is convenient to act in this world.

According to the information, most of the gods of death who were hunted down were walking around the world in the form of prosthetic skeletons due to mission reasons, and then were brutally murdered.

Su Feng imitated this method, trying to fish the opponent out of hiding.

In the next three days, he wandered around various remote areas in Naruki City, and with all his concentration, he found almost nothing.

Perfectly lived up to the title of the Air Force.

Turning from embarrassment into anger, Su Feng no longer spoiled this group of guys.

With his backhand, he tore up the body of righteousness, and the violent spiritual pressure covered the entire city as if the sky was falling.

Suddenly, the wind picked up, and the streets and alleys were full of strong winds. The sky suddenly dimmed, and thick clouds shrouded the zenith.

The sky was still clear one second before, and directly entered the dark world the next second.

Naoto Ishikawa was so frightened that he trembled and hugged his Zanpakutō with both hands. It seemed that only this way could bring some comfort to his weak soul.

Su Feng killed Yachukas in a flash before, which had already brought him an unimaginable shock.

But until now, Naoto Ishikawa really realized the power of the captain-level Death God.

Change the astronomical phenomenon frequently.

Standing beside him, let alone fighting, he didn't even have the courage to draw his sword.

Above the sky, thick clouds and mist rolled and piled up on top of each other, like surging waves. A terrifying sense of oppression enveloped the entire city, and a strong suffocation continued to spread.

The whistling sound of the wind scattered across the sky.

The wind rose throughout Naruki City, and a terrifying scene like the end of the world suddenly descended.

The breath of wind blends into the city and becomes the perception of the wind, sensing the abnormalities in it in the most comprehensive manner.

His idea is simple.

Since we are fishing for the Air Force, drain the entire fish pond.

"found it."

He was talking to himself in the wind, and the breath of wind seemed to be moving in his eyes, and it disappeared in a flash.

next moment.

He just disappeared and rushed towards the northern edge of Naruki City.

Large areas of abandoned warehouses came into view, and the howling wind sounded between the buildings.


The strong wind whipped up and instantly lifted the roof of a warehouse, revealing the scene inside.

In the center of the warehouse, two figures looked up at the sky in astonishment, not expecting this scene to happen at all.

One of the middle-aged men was tall, with short hair combed back to the middle of his neck. He wore a silver cross around his neck, and his brown pupils were full of surprise.

The other wears a black eyepatch over his right eye and has a bushy beard. His overall demeanor is elegant.

It's just that this elegant temperament disappeared under panic the moment Su Feng appeared.

The sudden change directly broke the plan of the two.

The spiritual pressure barrier covering the entire warehouse did not seem to have the effect of hiding the traces of the two of them.

When Su Feng saw the appearance of these two people, relevant memories suddenly appeared in Su Feng's mind, and he recognized their identities.

He stood high in the sky, with the wind howling beside him, looked down at the wind, and whispered with a smile:

"Fullman, Ginjo Kugo..."

I haven't been in the right state lately. Maybe book friends don't like this plot very much. I've been canceling my subscription. After thinking about it, I decided to speed up the pace. As for updates, it's probably the third update today. I'll work hard to restore it in the future. Fifth watch, my level is limited, I can only say that I try my best to write the plot that everyone likes, please forgive me

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