“Tip: The system is upgraded, and this upgrade consumes 1 million reputation points.”

“Tip: After upgrading, the Marketplace will be opened and the Draw Roulette will start the Raise Mode.”


“The system has been upgraded, more and more fun, please dig by yourself.”

After waiting for about ten minutes, the system was finally upgraded, and Qin Fen’s can’t wait to open the system page and start watching.

The first thing that changed was the addition of the mall column, but after Qin Fen’s clicked in, he found that there was nothing in the mall.

“Tip: Items in the Marketplace will be won by the host lottery, and the items that can be updated currently have ‘Enhanced Fruit’, will they be added?”


Thinking of the changes brought to him by the strengthening fruit, Qin Feng chose to add without hesitation. However, when Qin Fen’s price tag on the strengthening fruit was raised, he was completely desperate.

Booster Fruit: 800,000 Reputation Points.

“I’m dripping obediently, my remaining reputation is not enough to buy a fruit?” Qin Feng said with emotion.

Next, he turned on the lottery system. Sure enough, next to the draw wheel, there was an extra raise button. That is, when you draw a prize, you have the option to double your raise. One hundred thousand reputation is worth one bet.

After watching for a long time, Qin Fen, in the end, gritted his teeth and chose the lottery. As for the raise? Let’s wait until the prestige is more.

However, in the successive draws, Lady Luck did not favor Qin Fen.

“Bad luck stickers, stamina potions, memory bread… What is this all this thing? Qin Feng looked at the introduction of the item and said dissatisfied.

Bad luck sticker: After being pasted by bad luck sticker, it lasts for five minutes of bad luck, and you will not die if you don’t die.

Stamina potion: After use, replenish 5 points of stamina.

Memory bread: after use, memory increases, being able to recall something in the mind for a duration of 3 minutes.

It looks like the effect is quite good, but for Qin Fen, it is simply a chicken rib, and it is useless. After three draws, he had already consumed 300,000 reputation points, and looking at the remaining two hundred thousand reputation points, Qin Feng urgently needed something that could prompt his strength, whether it was skills or equipment.


Qin Fen’s eyes were intently staring at the turntable, looking at the hands that kept spinning on it, and strongly hoped to stop at skills or equipment. However, it backfired, and the pointer once again stuck on the inventory.

Seeing this, Qin Fen’s desire to continue the lottery was no longer available.

“Congratulations to the host for the explosion of popularity, and the selection of the ultimate special fruit ‘lucky fruit’.”

“Lucky Fruit: After eating, the lucky value increases greatly and lasts for ten minutes.”

“Tip: Whether the ‘lucky fruit’ of the best special fruit is detected and added to the product column.”


Qin Fen, who was still savoring the system prompt, added the lucky fruit to the mall. When he saw the lucky fruit worth 5 million prestige, he once again sighed that his popularity was really explosive this time, and his luck exploded!

Holding the lucky fruit, Qin Feng hesitated for a while, and decided to use it and try to see what effect it would have. After Qin Fen’s lucky fruit was eaten, he immediately spent the last 100,000 reputation points and conducted a lottery.

As a result, Qin Fenguo was really favored by the goddess of luck, and after a long time, he once again drew his skills.

“Congratulations to the host for winning the A. active skill ‘Impeccable Imitation’, and detecting that the host has equipped the skill, this skill will be converted into experience, automatically increasing experience points by 50%.”

“Congratulations to the host ‘Impeccable Imitation’ experience points that reach one hundred and will consume fifty thousand reputation points to upgrade.”

“After the upgrade, congratulations to the host for obtaining the S-level skill ‘Perfect Imitation Perfect’.”

This…… That’s amazing, isn’t it?

Qin Feng was already speechless in surprise, looking at the skill introduction, this was his first S-level skill. However, the lucky thing is not over, and more outrageous things continue to happen.


There was a sound of keys outside.

The sound lasted for more than ten seconds, and after the people outside saw that they couldn’t open the door, they began to kick the door.

“Who?” Qin Fen’s fire is big, if this door is kicked and broken, it is indispensable to lose money.

No one outside the door answered, but the sound of poking the keyhole continued, and Qin Feng got up and walked towards the door.

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