In the end, they still didn't see Kakashi's real appearance.

Although Yagyu could knock Kakashi's club in the middle of the night, Yagyu felt that he was not so bored to do this just to see what Kakashi looked like.

Sakura was a little unwilling to give up, and looked for opportunities to take off Kakashi's mask from time to time. She even dragged Yagyu and Sasuke to follow Kakashi for a day.

But they got nothing.

Kakashi would not take off his mask even when he was sleeping, and Yagyu had to admire Kakashi's awareness of guarding against his handsome face.

On this day, because the means shown by Yagyu and others were far beyond the average Genin,

Kakashi took two D-level tasks for them to help them transition, so he began to take C-level tasks for them.

D-level tasks are mostly trivial things in the village, such as cleaning up garbage, weeding, doing chores, looking for pets, etc., and there will be no combat. The reward for such tasks is between 500 and 10,000.

C-level tasks are mostly tasks that need to be completed outside the village. Most of these tasks are tasks such as protection, escorting items and documents, clearing wild animals and chasing thieves. There is a chance that this type of mission will involve a fight, and the reward for the mission is between 10,000 and 50,000 ryo.

The mission Kakashi gave them was to escort a document.

Deliver the Hokage's confidential documents to the daimyo's mansion, and the reward for the mission is 10,000 ryo!

At the entrance of the village, everyone from Team 7 gathered here, and Kakashi was giving them the final instructions before departure.

"There will be no danger in this mission. It is mainly to let you understand this type of mission and how to complete the delivery of items safely and quickly!"

"By the way, although this is the first time leaving the village, do you need me to remind you what you need to prepare?"

Sasuke and Yagyu were both quiet, so Sakura responded tactfully,"A set of clothes, some food pills, ninja tools and weapons, and a map!"

"Well, almost. But since we are delivering something, we don't have to bring extra things like clothes. In fact, as long as it is not a long-term garrison mission, clothes and daily necessities are mostly not needed."

"If you have that space, you might as well prepare some antidote pills to prevent yourself from being bitten by poisonous snakes or spiders and dying in the wild."

Thinking of poisonous snakes and spiders, Sakura shuddered in fear.

""Teacher Kakashi, if we are delayed by special circumstances, or our clothes are damaged, it would be useful to prepare some clothes, right?" Sakura questioned. Kakashi said calmly:"In theory, this is true, but generally speaking, you need to change clothes when you are in a battle, which causes serious damage to your clothes. But in this kind of battle, you can still protect your clothes. I can only say that you really like taking a bath."

Sakura blushed, feeling a little embarrassed and not knowing how to respond

"As for the special circumstances that delayed the trip, remember, we are on a mission, not on vacation! We can't stop for a few days just because we saw some beautiful scenery or met some interesting people.

We must not only deliver the documents as soon as possible, but also report back as soon as possible after the documents are delivered, and inform the Hokage that the mission is completed.

Because if we don't report back on time, the Hokage will have reason to suspect that something happened to us, and he will send other teams to look for us.

This is a waste of resources, don't you understand?"

"Got it."

Sakura nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

She didn't expect that a simple task of delivering something would have so many things to pay attention to.

It seems that being a ninja is not as easy as I thought~~

At the same time, Yagyu was also thoughtful.

Although it was just an ordinary C-level mission, it is undeniable that he learned a lot.

In his previous life, he saw that Naruto and his team could change their missions temporarily when they were doing missions, and even stayed for at least a month to ensure the construction of the bridge in the Land of Waves. At that time, he thought that the ninja's missions had a high degree of freedom.

Now it seems that this is not the case.

At that time, Kakashi must have used some method to pass on the information about their mission change, otherwise it would be incredible that a C-level mission to escort an old man delayed him, a senior ninja, for more than a month! There is no reason for Sarutobi Hiruzen to let Kakashi and his team waste time.

There was no conversation for half a day, and they were traveling at a high speed all the way.

Occasionally, Kakashi stopped to teach them how to identify the map and familiarize themselves with the terrain of the Land of Fire.

Where are the wild beasts, where are the poisonous beasts, where is the rugged terrain, where is the flat terrain, where is the path, and which path can be taken to reach the destination faster...

It was obvious that Kakashi wanted to train them as soon as possible.

At noon,

Team 7, after a non-stop journey, finally arrived at the Daimyo Mansion on time.

They did not enter the Daimyo Mansion, but handed the document to a guard and left.

"Kakashi-sensei, is it really safe for us to just hand over the documents to a security guard?" Sakura asked doubtfully.

"That gatekeeper was once a ninja of our Konoha, and is now one of the twelve guardian ninjas responsible for protecting the daimyo's safety."

"Don't think he's just a gatekeeper, his strength is not weaker than mine, he's a real jonin!"

Kakashi explained calmly.


Sakura was secretly shocked.

She didn't expect that a plain-looking security guard would be a jonin!

"Yes, and the document was originally given to him. The destination of our mission is the Daimyofu, but the recipient is not the Daimyofu."

""Oh, oh, oh."

Sakura and the other two did not look at the specific content of the mission, and Kakashi did not tell them either. He just said that the destination was the daimyo's mansion, and the mission was to deliver a document.

That's all.

After delivering the document, the three did not stay in the daimyo's city. They took a soldier's grain pill and immediately started their return journey. It was not until dusk that they finally got back to Konoha.

Then the four of them went to the Hokage Building to report the results of the mission to Sarutobi Hiruzen, and then received their rewards.

The total reward was 10,000 ryo, with Yagyu, Sakura and Sasuke each getting 2,000 ryo, and Kakashi getting 4,000 ryo.

As the captain of the team, even if he did nothing, or just did the same thing as everyone else...���, he is also the one who gets the most compensation.

Because generally speaking, the captain of a team needs to make more leadership and decision-making.

And his strength is generally the strongest in the team, so almost every team distributes the compensation in this way.

Although Kakashi is not the strongest in Team 7,...The rewards will be distributed in the same way as a normal team.

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