With the help of the shadow clones, the four members of Team 7 lay on the hill for half a day.

Kakashi wanted to say something several times, but in the end he said nothing.

Who stipulated that shadow clones cannot be used for D-level missions?

At noon, the river was cleaned up and the three people's backpacks were filled with garbage.

When the three people's shadow clones came ashore, the three people stretched at the same time.





The three of them didn't do anything, but they looked very tired.


"Shall we go eat something?"


"Teacher Kakashi, do you want me to bring you some food?"

"Um...I brought you lunch boxes."

Kakashi opened the bamboo basket he brought with him, and inside lay four lunch boxes.

"Ah? Eating bento again? Teacher Kakashi, that bento is not tasty at all, did you make it yourself?"

Kakashi blushed and dared not say a word.

"Forget it, since you prepared a lunch box, let's just eat it at noon."

"I have no opinion"

"" Hmm."

The three of them took one each, opened their bento boxes and ate without expression.

Kakashi's cooking skills weren't bad, but they weren't great either.

Sakura thought they should treat themselves well after completing their first mission as ninjas....Kakashi didn't expect them to finish cleaning the river so quickly, so he prepared lunch boxes for them in advance.

Kakashi also took a lunch box and turned around to eat.

Sakura noticed Kakashi's strange behavior and asked in confusion:"Teacher Kakashi, why do you turn your back to eat?"

"Ah, I don't like eating face to face with others." Kakashi said without turning his head


Sakura looked suspicious and whispered to Yagyu and the others.

"What do you think Kakashi's face looks like under the mask? Is it ugly, so he eats behind our backs so that we can't see it?"


Sasuke was not interested and continued to concentrate on eating.

Yagyu knew that Kakashi was a handsome guy, so he half-jokingly said:"It may be that Kakashi teacher thinks he is too handsome and is afraid of being handsome to us!"

Kakashi, who had his back to them, blushed and unconsciously sped up his eating speed

"How about we go and have a look?"

Some people, once they are curious about something, will be itching to know the answer anyway!

Sakura is obviously such a person.

Yagyu knew that if he didn't satisfy Sakura's curiosity, she might not be able to sleep well all day.

"Okay, let's sneak over there. Kakashi is hiding from us, so he definitely doesn't want us to see him, so we'd better go and watch secretly."


Sakura and Yagyu began to pretend nothing happened and concentrated on eating.

Suddenly, their necks seemed to be stretched more than ten meters and appeared in front of Kakashi.

But Kakashi reacted faster and put on the mask the moment Yagyu moved. While still chewing the rice in his mouth, he said with a satisfied look on his face:"I'm full!"


Eh? Sakura, Yagyu, what are you looking at me for?"......"


Sakura laughed and said,"It's nothing, I just wanted to see if you've eaten enough, Kakashi-sensei. If you haven't, I have more."

"Ah, thank you Sakura, I'm full."

Kakashi started to clean up the empty lunch box.

In an instant, he stuffed all the food in the lunch box into his mouth and put on the mask again.

Kakashi's hand speed was so fast that he could eat everything.......

Yagyu and Sakura admired

"What should I do? Kakashi-sensei seems to be alert."

"Let’s find another opportunity. How about we treat Kakashi to dinner tonight?"

"Good idea! Sasuke, do you have anything to do tonight?"

"I dont go"

"No! If you don't go, we two will invite Kakashi-sensei and he will definitely not come!"

"Boring, I advise you to care less about this kind of thing, if you have time, you might as well practice more and become stronger, so as not to hinder your future missions."

Faced with Sasuke's sarcasm, Sakura didn't take it to heart.

On the contrary, she continued to tempt Sasuke's curiosity as if nothing had happened.

"Don't you want to know what Kakashi looks like under his mask?"

"Big buck teeth?"

"Will I have a face full of pockmarks?"

"Or sausage-mouthed Kakashi!"


Seeing that Sasuke was a little interested, Yagyu also said:"You have to eat dinner tonight anyway, why not go together."

Sasuke glanced at Yagyu and saw that Yagyu was not really interested in what Kakashi looked like.

But it was just a matter of eating, and it didn't take much time.

So he agreed.


The three of them invited Kakashi to have dinner together, in the name of the team's first completed mission.

Kakashi did not refuse.

In the evening, the four of them came to the barbecue restaurant.

Sakura thought that the barbecue should be grilled and eaten all the time, and Kakashi would definitely not be able to wear the mask all the time.

But things don't always develop as people think.

Kakashi has been grilling meat for the three of them since they entered the barbecue restaurant.

The three of them couldn't stop eating, but Kakashi didn't eat a single bite!

"Teacher Kakashi, you should eat it too, don't keep roasting it for us"

"It doesn't matter, you guys eat first, I'll eat later."

Kakashi smiled with his eyes narrowed, his hands moving non-stop.

Yagyu had been observing Kakashi, he felt that Kakashi must have known their plan, and now he was deliberately not letting them see what he looked like under the mask.

Well, maybe there was a hint of bad taste, deliberately teasing them!

But he didn't know what Kakashi would do after feeding them, would he use the 'look, flying saucer' method?

Soon, the three Yagyu were full, and even their stomachs were a whole circle bigger.

Just like a seal with its belly turned upside down.


Sakura burped and said to Kakashi,"Teacher Kakashi, we are all full, it's your turn now."

At this time, Kakashi was still grilling meat and had already filled his bowl.


Kakashi smiled slightly, and suddenly seemed to see something, and asked in surprise:"Oh, Ino, Hinata, are you coming to eat barbecue too?"

Hearing the names of Ino and Hinata, the three of them subconsciously looked back.

Sasuke didn't know why he looked back, but when he saw Yagyu and Sakura looking back, he subconsciously looked back.

But when they looked over, they found that they were two ordinary strange girls, not Hinata and Ino at all!

"Kakashi-sensei, you got the wrong person......."

Sakura hadn't reacted yet, and when she turned around she saw Kakashi had already eaten all the meat in the bowl.

He was still chewing the remaining meat.

"I'm full, thank you for the treat!"


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