Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 857: Shocking world!


Does the Supreme Demon know this kid?


Nickname Teddy!

Although I don’t know what Teddy is, how can I feel that these two words are not human names at all, there is a kind of... there is an illusion like the name of Ling Chong! Refer to the surrounding giant palm, all repairs are dumbfounded!

"My Lord Ji Ji..."

Mo Ying looked stunned, raised his head and stared blankly at the huge demon face above. ΩΔΩnΩu

Ji Ji!

The Supreme Demon Ji Ji!

I don’t know how many strong survivors the name is in that mysterious earthquake!


But why Lord Supreme Demon will know this kid in front of you, and there will be a nickname like the name of Ling Chong, this moment Mo Ying is very confused!


In the pale blue mysterious light, Tian Yao was also dumbfounded. This little name, as she heard it, also seemed to be the name of a spiritual pet, and felt like the name of a canine spiritual pet.

In short, this little name is strange!

"The Supreme Demon knows this Chen Zheng!"

Hong Tian Mo Zi has recovered, and he took a deep breath at this moment. It is no longer a bad hunch, but now it feels very bad! Right!

This Chen Zheng used to allow Dao Beast to actively recognize the Lord at the Yunshan Mine, and also showed the Cangqing Avenue. With the Mahayana period of repair, he can hit the peak Jinxian with Daojun's combat strength by the flesh, such a person How could there be no big deal!


I still underestimated the origin of this guy!

The Supreme Demon Ji Ji!

This is the creature above the heaven and earth of the Thousand Worlds!

Those saints in the Thousand Worlds are not worth mentioning in front of the Supreme True Demon!

And now!

Such a terrifying supreme demon turned out to be kind to Chen Zheng!


My plan is completely over!

In the eyes of Hongtian Demon, different awns flashed in succession. In the eyes of the monks of the earth spirit domain, he was an apprentice of the Desire of the Six Desire Sects and the Demon of the Desire of the Six Desires. However, his identity was not so simple. It doesn't look like it at all. Lao Zhong is his master on the surface, but in fact it is just his slave!


In the face of the supreme true will, even if he has the biggest card, he can only surrender, and he dare not have any changes!

"Little name Teddy... I know the words Teddy, but you and I are not impressed."

At this time, Chen was looking at the face of the Supreme Demon, and then shook his head gently.

"Sovereign True Demon Master, you admit the wrong person, this child is certainly not the person you know! This child disrespects you, kill this child!"


The demon repair Hu Guang shouted!

He has a crazy face!


The supreme true will will glance over, this demon repair Hu Guang is directly destroyed, and the flesh body is instantly erased!


Cultivation trembling!



Mo Ying opened his mouth. At that moment, he also wanted to say whether he would admit the wrong person. At this moment, Hu Guang was directly erased by the real demon Master, and he was glad that he didn't say that word!

If I said that, I'm afraid it would be gone!

My Lord Ji Ji!

It is the supreme demon!

How can the Supreme Demon admit the wrong person!

Pointing around the giant palm of the sky, the Cultivators were silent, and the Cultivators all held their breaths, daring not to have any movements. After observing Chen Zhengs number of eyes, the real demon in the air murmured and said again: "My little name is Teddy, and my name is Ji Ji. The so-called Ji Ji is the Ji Jizhi, I don’t know if you... no impression?"

"Ji impression."

Chen Zheng smiled again.

"I'm not impressed... This is weird." The Supreme Demon frowned slightly, looked at Chen Zheng several times, and then asked again: "Then don't you remember a woman? Better than all women in the world, and the fighting strength is better than all women in the world?"

"No impression."

Chen Zheng shook his head directly.

"I don’t have an impression? Right! As long as someone who has seen my lord can’t forget my lord, unless my lord erases his memory, but although my lord is already there, he can’t erase your memory. , How could you forget my lord! No! Very wrong! Could it be that Ji Ji really admits the wrong person?"

The supreme true demon frowned, staring at Chen Zheng again.


Magic Shadow!

Hongtian Demon!

A group of monks and true servants!

This moment was shocking again!


I heard the information unintentionally revealed by the Supreme Devil!

My lord!

The Supreme Devil mentioned the word my lord just now!

That is to say, such terrifying creatures of the Supreme Demon also have masters!


What level must the master of the supreme demon!

This Nima!

It's too exaggerated!

Shocking world!

If this spreads!


The heavens and the earth shake!

"Master of the Supreme Demon..."

Tian Yao also noticed this, and his eyes were full of surprise! The Supreme Devil mentioned a woman whose appearance and combat power surpassed all women in the world. That woman should be my Lord in the mouth of the Supreme Demon!

But does that kind of woman really exist in this world?

For a time, Tian Yao was a little unbelieving. She had absolute confidence in her appearance. With Jiuwei Tianhu's physique, she didn't feel that there was a woman who was more than one level beyond her appearance!

"My lord... is sleeping... otherwise I will ask her to appear in this world... and it won't work. Once my lord appears in this world, it will cause terrible consequences!" Supreme Real Moruo After thinking for a moment, I shook my head: "I shouldn't be wrong. You may have made some mistakes in your practice. Forget something, you can only be you. I know there is a guy who pretends to be you. Imitating your appearance, my pair of era death pupils cannot recognize the wrong person, so it is even more impossible to wake her up to meet you!"

"What will happen?"

Chen Zheng listened to his heart and asked with a smile.

this moment!

Cultivators also raised their ears!

"If my Lord sees you... I'm afraid I won't be able to restrain myself from kissing you, and once I kiss you, the heavens and the whole world are likely to collapse directly! Although I don't have a good opinion of this era of Hongmeng, But if Hongmeng collapses directly, it will cause a lot of trouble, and some things will appear in advance, and those things will cause trouble to our Lord!"

Supreme Devil Whisper!


With a kiss, the heavens and the universe collapsed!


How can this be!

This is blowing!

Cultivators were extremely shocked!

Even if those words are spoken by the Supreme Devil in they think it is a fantasy, that is simply impossible!

"I... went back!" The supreme demon thought again and took a deep look at Chen Zheng: "I hope you will resume your cultivation as soon as possible, and once again take charge of the era of the era, Ji Ji will leave!"

One sentence!

The huge demon face of the supreme true demon disappears with a bang!

Refer to the giant palm around!

That terrifying terror has disappeared!

Zhongxiu breathed a sigh of relief, but just after a sigh of relief, his face changed drastically, his eyes moved one by one, and he stared at Chen Zheng! I had expected the Supreme Demon to kill Chen Zheng, but it seemed that the Supreme Demon had just come to walk through the scenes, and now the Will of the Supreme Demon has left. Who can stop this terrible in this inherited land? Guys!

"The world of heaven collapsed with a kiss, how come it sounds familiar..."

Chen Zheng looked up and whispered.

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