Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 856: The true will will come!


Before the giant palm!

Hongtian Demon!

Fairy repair Hu Guang!

Cao Tian!

Li Ke, the head of the fairy house!

A lot of golden fairy!

All back away!

Zhong Lu Mo, the Six Desire Demon Sect, is the first person recognized in the spirit world in recent hundreds of years! Even if the Seven Love Sects are known as the No. 1 power in the spirit world, the Seven Love Sect Master Yin Jiu can't beat Zhong Laomo. These Seven Love Sects are the first forces because the Seven Love Sects are backed by the Lei family on Gou Chen Guxing!

But just now!

With the power of Daojun, the old demon Zhong was directly killed by the boy!

Yuanshen has no chance to escape!

"Shit! Who are you in disguise? Are you from the three ancient stars, what do you want to do!"

Cao Tian, ​​the master of Sanjue Palace, changed his expression and shouted at Chen Zheng who was standing in the air!

"Are you here to destroy the major denominations of the spirit realm of the earth!"

Hongtian Devil took a deep breath and snarled!

"House... House Lord... Let's withdraw!"

The demon Hu Guang shivered and shouted to Li Ke, the demon of the fairy demon house.

"Withdraw? I have already got the real devil's breath, and the flesh has turned into a demon body, and I can't withdraw if I want to withdraw." Li Ke, the demon master, shook his head, then smiled lightly: "Now I can only kill this little brother , To get the true demon inheritance, I can wait to live, we have no way back."


Tian Yao has a pair of beautiful eyes, and at the moment, Chen Zheng in her eyes is already like a heavenly demon, a supreme powerhouse who only makes one glance and makes his little deer crash!

Master has always said that the biggest nemesis of Sky Fox's physique is the kind of supreme strongman who is extremely strong. When he sees that kind of person, he will be attracted by that kind of person, and then fall into it! So this is why I was interested in Chen Zheng at the first sight! In the final analysis, it is the character of Chen Zheng who has the supreme power!

This man!

I was really overbearing and decisive just now!




Chen Zheng smiled at Cao Tian, ​​the master of Sanjue Palace, his body turned into a torrent again, and ran towards Cao Tian!

"Da Luo Xian Fa!"

Cao Tian's face sank, he snarled, and used the immortal method. When Xianguang exploded, Cao Tian's immortal rhythm circulated, soaring up to the sky!

Cao Tian!

He chose to avoid it!

Dare not collide with Chen Zheng!

Dare not face up with Chen Zhenggang!


Chen Zheng is faster than him!

"The speed of my golden fairyland is already invincible. Unless you are in control of the Avenue of Time and Space or have the weapon of self-defense, then go for peace of mind."

Cao Tian heard Chen Zheng's voice!

"Da Luo Xian Fa streamer flying!"

Cao Tian roared and cast the immortal method again!


Streamer flying!

Cao Tian became ten thousand!

Thousands of streamers!




At the next moment!

"Do not!"

Cao Tianzhen screamed with a scream, and burst into burst, both flesh and spirits exploded, turning into nothingness in the blink of an eye! When Cao Tianzhen died, the thousands of streamers turned into nothingness, and the splendid vision in the sky disappeared!


Only one figure is suspended in the air!

That is Chen Zheng!

There are hundreds of monks and true demon servants advancing Jinxian who rely on the true devil's breath. Looking at Chen Zheng in the sky at this moment, there is only fear and despair in the eyes!


Another peak golden fairy with Daojun's combat power was killed!

How long is this!

Three more peak golden immortals of Daojun's combat power died!

Who will be the next one!

Is it true that no one can stop this brutal guy!



Chen Zheng's eyes fell on the face of the demon palace master!

"Whew!" The demon fairy lord gritted his teeth, and rushed towards Tian Yao: "Little brother, I'm sorry, in order to live, I can only use a woman to threaten you!"


Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


The demon palace master rushed to Tian Yao and grabbed Tian Yao's collar, but when his big hand touched the pale blue mysterious light that enveloped Tian Yao and Mrs. Lvzhu, he only saw Xuan Guangyi Flash, the demon palace master was bounced away!


"What is that pale blue mysterious light!"

"Directly bounced away the master of Daojun's combat power!"

Cultivation was shocked!

"Cangqing Avenue!"

Hong Tian Mo Zi thought a little, thought of the scene he saw at the Yunshan mine, gritted his teeth and snarled! As soon as he growled, his face suddenly changed, and he gritted his teeth and shouted at the demon master: "Senior Li Ke, be careful!"


Just made a sound!

A figure rushed from the sky like a torrent!

The demon fairy lord raised his head subconsciously and didn't see the torrential sound clearly. He heard a loud sound, and the demon fairy lord's flesh and Yuanshen exploded directly!


Fairy House Lord!

Exploded into nothingness!

The four golden pinnacles with the power of Daojun destroyed!


"Oh my God!"

"Heavenly help!"

"True Devil Helps!"

"Help! Lord Demon, help!"

The Cultivator screamed in horror and backed away. Someone fled on the spot, but only a few miles later, they suddenly discovered that this area was blocked by a force, and they could not escape now!


Cultivation among the people!

A magic shadow appeared!

This magic shadow is exactly that magic shadow!

"Master Magic Shadow!"

"Master Lord!"

"Master Mo Ying saves his life!"

Seeing this figure, the Cultivators and the True Demon Slaves looked at the Demon Shadow one by one as if they saw a savior!

However, Mo Ying didn't pay attention to the cultivation, but Chen Zheng, who was in front of the palm of the sky, looked at Chen Zheng for a few times, and said in a deep voice: "You are against the sky, you are eligible to get my Lord. Inheritance, but you are too reckless and ruined my Lord’s plan, so you are not allowed to stay! You are against the sky, but my Lord has come!"


Suddenly the magic shadow!

Piously shouted at the sky!

"It's hard to greet my Lord's Supreme Demon!"


This shout!

Majestic black air appeared!

A huge magic face appeared in the majestic black air!

The terrifying atmosphere shrouded the entire heritage!



Quasi Saint?




The breath from this huge demon face seems to be above the saint!

At a glance!

All sentient beings submit!



"Worship the devil!"

The princes at that huge face! At the moment, referring to the giant palms, only Chen Zheng and Tian Yao in the pale blue mysterious light stood. Tian Yao was glanced at by the pair of terrifying magic pupils of the huge demon face, and the nine tails appeared directly behind him, even if there was a pale blue. Xuanguang body protector, she was also seen by the magic pupil!

"My lord! This son swallowed the twelve magic medicines that you left in the inheritance of the True Demon Ridge in the closed land. This son ruined your plan. This son's flesh is extremely strange. There is no way to miss it. I can only wait for me. The Lord's will comes to obliterate this son!"

Mo Ying opened his mouth low, staring at Chen Zheng indifferently at this moment!

"Huh?" On the face of the huge demon, the terrifying magic pupil swept and fell on Chen Zheng's face, only to glance at it. The supreme true demon will frowned, and after a few silences, supreme True Demon Will suddenly asked in a very strange tone: "You... remember me? My nickname... Teddy!"


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