Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2518: Yanghuang Jinwu Black Sea Giant Demon

"The road signs of Yanghuang time and space have been found. I will take these two girls to see. You will take this thing for your understanding."

  Chen Zheng hit a few stars, and flew into the hearts of the red Zhaodian, Bai Wudi and several other elders in the hall. As soon as the voice fell, he and the two little girls around him stepped into the twisted air.


   This is where I found the home of the person who hurt the Lord of the Red Zhao Palace!

   This is too fast!

   A few elders were shocked. When Yuanshen accepted the starburst, the shock turned into a shock, and he was stunned, so excited that he could not speak a word!



   supreme way!


   This should be the way above the supreme realm!

   The supreme realm in Taixu is a half-step detachment!

   And there is a way of detachment in this star!

   "The Great Reincarnation..."

  Invincible took a deep breath, Shen Sheng read a few words!

   "Great reincarnation... How many epochs haven't heard these three words..."

   Lord Red Zhao shook his head gently and sighed. It seemed that in the first era, he had already heard the three words of the Great Reincarnation.

   And just when Chen Zheng disappeared with two girls in less than three breaths, many creatures in the 13th Taixu area discovered the changes on the top list. After a while, there were countless exclamations!

   "The first list, second list and fifth list are all gone!"

   "What kind of situation is this, did you leave Taixu, or did you enter a special world, and actually did not leave Taixu, as in the case of the Taoist monarch hidden by Yin Chixian!"

   "So the top two and top five are together!"






  Burn the sky and cook the sea!

   The eye-catching place!

   That is a big three-legged bird!

   Dragging the horror fire to boil a sea ahead!

"Jin Wu... I know that there is a Jin Wu Kingdom in Tai Shang Tian. The first era of Tai Shang Tian is also the earliest era of this era. The first emperor in the primordial wilderness was Jin Wu. The demon emperor Jun and the East Emperor Tai Yi It’s all Jinwu... but it seems that they are not very tyrannical. It is said that the Taoist ancestors were the ultimate in the first time of the flood.

   The creatures in the initial flood period did not even know the existence of the Taixu, and the Hongmeng Tribulator demarcated the initial floods as a forbidden area, prohibiting the creatures from entering and leaving at will.

  In front of him, this golden black felt a bit powerful. In this piece of black sea that was boiled by him, a few giant monsters just popped out. The feelings of those giant monsters were not weaker than those of the Chaos giants I had seen before. Sister Yan, what is the strength of this Jinwu? "

  On the cliff by the shore, Lan Ling looked at the scene of burning sky and boiling sea in front of her eyes, and her small face was reflected in red.

   "More than four gigabytes."

  Yan female responded.

"That is really a bit powerful, if this Jinwu enters Taixu, it should be able to make it to the top five on the It seems that its breath has begun to weaken, it is overdrawn and its origins have spawned it. Do you have violent fighting power... Hey? The behemoths burned in the Black Sea are not dead yet. Those guys jumped up, and those guys are going to kill this golden dog!"

   Lan Ling nodded, his face suddenly changed!


   In front of the boiling Black Sea!

   The dying behemoth!

   Suddenly skyrocketing!

   At this moment, we should kill Jinwu!


  Jinwu flutters his wings!

   But did not break free from the Black Sea!

   What kind of ancient ritual is this!

   Blood is dripping from now on!

   That drop of golden blood beads!

   is like the hottest sun in the world!

   will rush up to the bottom and smash the behemoth!



   Among the Black Sea!

   Suddenly a black giant tail rushed behind Jinwu!


   Sweep the black giant tail!

   hit Jinwu!

   Jinwu groaned!

   was swept away by this black giant tail!

   That drop of golden blood beads was swept into the sky!


   Golden blood beads explode!

   The scene of burning sky is reproduced!

   Although this moment is vast!

   did not hurt the giants in the Black Sea below!

and many more!

   The Jinwu seemed to be smashing towards the cliff!


  Lan Ling just noticed this, a hot fire swept past him, and Jin Wu fell on the mountain cliff! Lan Ling froze for a moment and quickly turned around, frowning at this look!


   has been reduced from the body of a giant bird to half-size!

   Breath seems to have fallen to hegemony!

   seems to have no power to turn over!

   But these are not the point!

   Jinwu was bombarded!

   It stands to reason that this cliff must be smashed!

   But the ground is unharmed!

   It just burned some flowers and plants!

   Even the ground is not broken!

   No trace at all!


   There must be baby on this cliff!

   And it must be extraordinary baby!

"The three of you don't know what kind of people you are, taking advantage of the Black Sea giant demon who hasn't been killed yet, not taking the opportunity to escape, what are you still doing! Hmm? What are you thinking, you don't know that you are standing in the Black Sea giant Did the demon guard above the Tianwai Mountain somehow? Do you not know how dangerous it is!"

Jin Wu, who was dying, saw a little girl staring at herself, and she shouted!

   "Tian Wai Shan... I have only heard of Tian Wai Shan, I have never heard of Tian Wai Shan."

  Lan Ling replied subconsciously.


   This time!

   In the Black Sea, the Golden Crow God Fire has been extinguished by the behemoths!

   turned his head and stared at it instantly!




   These black sea monsters also speak out!

   It's just terrible!

   The huge monster body burst out of the Black Sea!

   Soaring into the air and rushing towards this side!

   "I will send you away with the last source. When you go to Yanghuang Mountain, you will say that the golden elder has failed!"

  The ground of Jinwu gritted his teeth and spit out a rune. The rune was transformed into a golden shield, instantly covering the three Chen Zheng!


   Failed to send!

   "What! This is impossible! It is impossible for Heiyou Disaster to leave this rune!"

  Jin Wumu!




   And when those giant monsters thrashing from the Numerous cracks suddenly appeared on the giant monster body, and suddenly all of them disappeared in the air!

   Jinwu is completely dumbfounded!


what's the situation!

   Is that the one who came!

its not right!

   Although he is strong!

   But that one can't walk out at all!


   The few giant monsters rushing to the sky are completely wiped out!

this moment!

   The turbulent waves in the Black Sea suddenly solidified, and I saw a spooky monster flying out, staring here with fright, anger and anxiety!


   Chen Zhengmei's heart!

   You mang flash!

   Swept through the air of several giant monsters, and engulfed the void transparent fragments. The next moment, the ghost was turned into a stone egg, and a sound of surprise came from the stone egg!

   "Dad, these guys are more to make up for the fragments of the Yuanshen fragment era than those of the supernatural creatures in the Taixu! There is also a big guy hidden in the sea, and that guy is more tonic!"


   Jinwu is also good!

  Those monsters that appeared in the Black Sea!

   Instant petrification!

  :. :

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