Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2517: Gaiting trail

"Ah? There is a cooldown time? I thought it would be able to release the sword without limitation. It turned out that there was a cooldown time... but the problem is not big. Unless any guy has the power to override the Hongmeng, it should also be No one will jump out and provoke Uncle."

"Uncle, where are we going now? Are we going to Everlasting God Mountain? Or are we going to Elysium?" I think the uncle grabbed the Empress Yuxiao and Immortal Queen, stripped them, and observed some of their body structure. They They are all listed in Taixu Sanmei. Their body structure must be perfect. I am still young and have not grown up, so before I grow up, I should have the opportunity to grow according to their body structure."

"Huh? Isn't this the Anode Temple? The Anode Temple is also good. The Lord of the Red Temple in the Anode Temple is also one of the three beauty of the Taixu. I want to take a bath with the Lord of the Red Temple. Uncle should just say that it should not be a problem. "

   In a self-question and answer, three people appeared in the anode temple.


   As soon as the three appeared, the monk of the anode temple was shocked and asked subconsciously, but was interrupted by another sound!

   "Congratulations to Chen Zu!"

  In the shrine, a white figure emerged, and it was Bai Wuqi, the first person in the overlord list!

   "Chen Zu..."

   "Invincible elder, this is..."

   "Chen Zu Chen Zu could be..."

  Anode Temple monk was shocked, whispered in amazement, and suddenly thought of a little, shaking one by one involuntarily, and then all lowered his head!

   "White invincible... turned out to be an old man..."

  Lan Ling looked at White Invincible and muttered.

  If it is a weekday, the anode temple hears a little girl pointing like this, it will be angry and look at the little girl of education, but at this moment, it should not be heard.

   "Is Lord Zhaozhao going to the Broken Land?"

  Chen Zheng nodded lightly, then asked casually.

   "The Lord of the Red Hall...The Lord of the Red Hall did not go to the broken place. The Lord of the Red Hall claimed to be a stone, and it should be healing now."

  White invincible pondered slightly and replied.

   "Healing? Who hurt the Lord of the Red Zhao Palace? Who is so cruel to the Taixu Sanmei?"

  Lan Ling's face was cold.

   "This... that person has only been seen by Lord Hongzhaodian. When I was shocked, Lord Hongzhaodian had already professed himself as a stone, and I could not find out who that person was when I waited for cultivation."

  White invincible brows slightly locked.

"I don't know who...the Supreme Master is definitely the one who can hurt the Lord of the Red Zhao Palace. Does the uncle have any magic weapons that can be traced back to the past? Huh? Where does it take so much trouble, the uncle directly heals the Lord of the Red Zhao Palace? , Isn’t it enough to wake up the Lord of the Red Zhao Palace?"

  Lan Ling's eyebrows also flicked, then his eyes lit up.

   "You are smart."

  Chen Zheng smiled.

   "Hee hee! Thank you uncle for compliments. Besides the compliments, are there any other rewards?"

   Lan Ling smiled.


  Chen Zheng returned two words.


  Lan Ling can only say nothing with two small hands.

   After a moment.

  In the main hall of the anode temple.

   When a cyan light burst into the seal stone, the seal stone disappeared instantly, and the figure appeared in the eyes of everyone sitting and closing!

  Although eyes are closed!

   looks also unparalleled!

   temperament is also aloof!

   This is the Red Zhao Dian in Taixu Sanmei!

   "The beauty of Taixu is really well-deserved, if only you can take a bath with me!"

  Lan Ling only looked at it and couldn't help it!


  The elders of Bai Wudi and Anode Shrine heard it for a while, and they didn't know what to say for a moment. When they watched the opening of the eyes of the Lord of the Red Zhao Temple, they all saluted a little!

"The person who hurt me is holding the eight chakras of Gai Tian, ​​a creature that Hong Zhao has never seen before. Gai Tian was in the anode temple, and then mysteriously disappeared. Now the eight chariots of Gai Tian reappear. Gai Tian should be Stuck somewhere outside Taixu."

   Lord Hong Zhao did not look at the others, and at first glance, he looked at Chen Zheng.


Is    so direct?

  Isn't the old acquaintance supposed to say some polite words to describe the old?

and many more?

Who is Gaitin?

Is    a powerful fellow who used to be the king of the anode temple?

   Lan Ling muttered in his heart.

"let me see."

  Chen Zheng nodded gently.


  The master of the Red Zhao Palace raised his hand, and a light curtain appeared. The people in the hall immediately stared at the light curtain. I saw a flash of flashing light flashing, and Bai Invincion and so on all showed their dignified colors!


  In the glimpse of the floating light, the man who hurt the Lord of the Red Zhaodian was injured!

   is a faceless person!

   Faceless people!

   They instantly thought of a person!


   Someone has been to the palm domain!

   That is also a faceless person!

   The faceless man dragged a sarcophagus into the magic demon cave!

   A few days ago!

   Sealed magic cave shock changes!

   only knew that it was the fifth-ranked red bean!

   is a few days ago!

   The mysterious red bean dragged the sarcophagus out of Taixu!

   Could it be!

   The man who injured the temple master is the same family as the mysterious faceless demons!

   "This is the same family as Hongdou...Sister Hongdou?"

  Lan Ling also thought of the faceless demon that he saw in the depths of Fengmo Di Grottoes that day, so he couldn't help asking!

"I know Hongdou and know her origin. Although the person who hurt me is also faceless, it is not the clan of the red bean. The faceless person who hurt me should not be its true face, but just used a very special secret method. I can’t see its true meaning. But I can be sure that the person who hurt me is a creature I have never seen before. The creatures and races I have seen can be distinguished as long as they have seen them once."

  The Lord of the Red Zhaodian said softly.

   "Can you trace something out."

   Chen Zheng said something.



   Who is this talking to?

  The people in the temple showed doubts!

   "Uncle is asking for a magic weapon."

  Lan Ling instantly thought of a metallic sound.

   "Gaitian went to Yanghuang."

   It was at this time that Chen Zheng was looking at the main path of the Red Zhaodian.


  Where did the Yanghuang come from?

   There is no place in Taixu called Yanghuang!


   It seems that there is an immortal Taoism in the second largest domain called Yinhuangxianmen!

   That Yinxian immortal gate has a treasure Baoyang axe ranked on the gods list!

   "Yanghuang... Wasn't he slapped by that slap in the first era..."

Lord Hong Zhaodian whispered for a moment of first era... Did the uncle Gaitian looking for return to the era of the first era...If he could really return to the first era In the era of the era, it seems to be very good, just look at the uncle and me in the era of the first era..."

  Lan Ling thought for a moment, and his eyes lit up again!

"The first epoch has been broken. It is impossible to return to the first epoch. At most, I can see some passing time through the long river." Lord Hongzhao shook his head gently, glanced at Lan Ling and suddenly smiled: "So you girl is chaotic It’s no wonder that Tian Tian is reincarnated."

   "Huh? Sister Hongzhao knows me?"

   Lan Ling's face was full of joy immediately.

   "The emperor's chaotic goddess, the era of the first era, but no one knows, no one knows."

  Hong Zhao nodded.

   "Sister's words make Lan Ling a little bit shy. Lan Ling hasn't awakened in this life... Otherwise, sister and Lan Ling take a bath together, maybe Lan Ling will be awakened!"

  Lan Ling was a little embarrassed, but when he thought about it, he looked at Hong Zhao with a look on his face!

  :. :

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