Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2478: God Tree and Volume Tribulation

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"Shall we escape?"

"I finally saved myself by reason!"

"Huh? It seems that the **** tree world is blocked, we can't get out now, and people outside can't get in! This is this... what should we do!"

The remaining ten people looked at the Wanshou Shenshan and the towering giant trees, and their faces sank in a whisper, because they could not get out!

This **** tree space is blocked by a force!

Even supreme beings may not be able to enter!

at the same time!

Palm domain!

Extremely cold land!

Under the frozen soil!

There are huge complexes that cannot be perceived by the supernatural beings!

Here is the demeanor of the goddess!

At the moment the ball-like dark palace!

The elders come down to teach elders to gather together!

"I should have said everything. The second brother was just out of the border. He had hurriedly moved Wanshou Shenshan before reading the precautions I wrote. It happened that he met that guy again, so it was only the second brother who was out of luck.

Of course I dare not disrespect the master, but no matter how strong the master is, the body cannot come to the Hongmeng universe. If it is just a way of detachment, it should not be the opponent of that guy.

To be honest, that guy is really terrible. The last time I went to the Ultimate Realm to attend the eternal life banquet, in fact the owner of the eternal life banquet set the eternal life banquet for that guy.

The owner of the Eternal Life Banquet claimed to be Tai Shuang. Didn’t his elder brother go to the Broken Land recently? Didn’t he see a terrible woman named Tai You Qing Huang?

I can be sure that Taishuang or Qingyou are all Yuwai spirits, all detached realms, and they may force our master to be stronger at the peak. "

Talk about Ni Ni from all directions.

"Taiyou Green Emperor...Emperor Dragon Emperor Yang proactively knelt down under the woman and got a mysterious green fruit, so that she could be ranked seventh in the list. The woman... ...Although the combat strength is not strong, it can’t crush the existence of the top ten in the list, but the Emperor’s strongest sword can’t hurt the woman. Another point, the woman lives in the deepest part of the broken land, That is the core circle. And the Taihuang, Taixuan, Taiyin Lord, etc., can only barely gain a foothold in the outer three circles."

The God of God lowered his eyebrows and locked his eyebrows. He only came out of the broken land a few days ago. A few days ago, he saw a terrifying war in the outer three circles.


Strong as emperor!

Cast the ultimate sword!

That is already the extreme of Hongmeng!

But it failed to hurt the woman who suddenly appeared!

"So the Emperor Taiyouqing wants to take all the Emperor Taihuang, Taixuan, Supreme True Demon, Lord of Yin and so on... About his identity, in fact, just ask the master, the master should tell us, But the master is not responding slowly... so I only have one sentence, that is, don’t mess with that Chen Zu, he is not detached, and he only has the magic power of the three ring overlords, but he is absolutely within Hongmeng Invincible!"

The ten parties kept saying another sentence.

A group of elders were silent, revealing the color of contemplation. Today, the second elder fell on Wanshou Shenshan, and even the master's detachment came to the supernatural powers. They actually knew that Chen Zu was indeed not to provoke!


This breath can't be swallowed!

"Master...the big dark sky is above...If you hear the voice of the slave, please respond to the slave..."

The gods fell silent and taught silence for a while, then looked solemnly, looking at the ball and praying to the magical dome of the palace!

"That... I have a suggestion. We will temporarily move out of Taixu in the same vein, after all, our ancestral mountain gate is originally a magic weapon for flying, and it is easy to move out."

The ten parties kept thinking about the proposal.


The head teacher and the rest of the elders all stared over!

"Move out of Taixu!"

Silence briefly!

Focus on teaching!

It seems that he has already received a response from the master of his mouth, Dark Sky!


Longevity God Mountain.

The Palace of the Mother of God.

"Master Zun...Suddenly fell asleep, I and Brother Shen Ape did not know what the situation was. Brother Shen Ape knew that Chen Zu was coming to Taixu, and was originally looking for Chen Zu to help. This world..."

A woman whispered that this woman was no one else, it was the sister of the immortal palace lord of the immortal palace outside the territory. She had seen Chen Zheng outside the territory and had some misunderstandings. Of course, she was cautious at this moment and dared not have any disrespect. .

"The goddess said that the longevity **** tree is too involved, so the **** tree has been sealed. But today the goddess suddenly fell asleep, the longevity **** tree appeared, and it turned out a strange world to cover the longevity **** mountain boundary, what is involved in it? I don’t know, I am afraid that Chen Zu will wake up the godmother to know."

The **** ape whispered into human.

"The Longevity God Tree is indeed extremely involved, and the Longevity God Tree is involved in the era."

Tai Xiao whispered.


The era of calamity!

How can the Longevity God Tree involve the era of robbery!

All the people in the hall stared!

"No... isn't it... Epoch Mass Tribulation... Will the Longevity God Tree still attract Epoch Mass Tribulation?"

Lan Ling's small face panicked!

"The era of calamity..."

Yan Nu didn't panic, but she thought about it and didn't think of it. How can this longevity **** tree give life longevity to the soul, how can it be entangled with the amount of epoch?

"This... The old mother remembers that the goddess once mentioned that once the tree of longevity is born, endless vitality is given. Once these vitality are obtained by the souls between heaven and earth, it will cause the era to decay. Or Saying that when the era grows to the limit, it will begin to decay, and the longevity **** tree gives endless vitality to the life yuan, which will accelerate this decay of the era, leading to the early arrival of the era."

Tai Xiao pondered.

"This... how can this be a bit incomprehensible?"

Lan Ling blinked.

"The godmother mentioned a word called conservation of energy. She said that...the word was also heard. This word was heard from the Lord of Changsheng Avenue in the first era."

Tai Xiao whispered again, then paused and looked at Chen Zheng, then said: "Every era of energy conservation, era can be stable because the energy has reached a balance, the longevity **** tree is born, will endless vitality Shouyuan Between heaven and earth, this balance will be broken, which is to accelerate the decline of the era. When a zero boundary point is reached, the amount of era will come and destroy the era."

"Conservation of energy... so the power of the **** tree is equivalent to the power to grab the world... the world is era of calamity is coming... Do the eleven epochs that broke down in the past have all been broken like this?"

Lan Ling's small face was full of doubts, trying to understand.

"This... old age is unknown."

Tai Xiao shook his head gently and came towards Chen Zhengwang again.

"Balance is really important."

Chen Zheng smiled, did not say much, and put a blue light into the eyebrows of Mother Wanshou.



Mother Longevity disappeared!


Not gone!

Mother Longevity turned into a green light!

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